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Picture caption 1: Dakota (Sioux.) Squaw's dress. (Haupt del.) Worn by Medecine Walk.

Picture caption 2: Dakota (Sioux) Squaw. Legsin and Moccasin. worn by "Medecin Walk" (a Cheyenne Sioux) Haupt

In attire the single garment of a squaw resembles a letter T forming a skirt and sleeves. The sleeves of what might be termed the [unclear] are usually ornamented. In this illustration the ornament is Elk teeth. The common Elk or Wapiti "Cervus Canadensis" has on the upper jaw a canine teeth which in this animal is only a rudiment. These teeth are [unclear] usually polished and are prized by these indians especially the Dakota as articles of adornment, a hole is drilled in the root and they are sewed to the dress. It is no uncommon thing for a squaw to have a hundred or more of these teeth upon her dress. and at one time they were valued at a dollar each. The only openings in the squaw dress are the head opening, the sleeves and the bottom of the skirt. and when on the person it is gathered in at the waste by a belt they are never removed. and when the muther nurses her papoose it is accomplished by [unclear] the breast to the arm hole where the child is easily accommodated with food. In cold weather leg is protected by a light moccasin which has a leggin like appendage that that reaches about to the knee and is then gartered. with a thong of leather. At other times the leggin is a detached article made of buck skin. when it is at home or in its absence of cotton cloths, or other material.