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that you would come to New York. Cant you do it? What a lovely time we should have. Do write me one of your wonderful letters - they are an event in life. Goodby: we love you: Lydia insert in pencil: (Gibson mp) Dear Dear Mary - You're almost with us this morning why dont you come down and really be here for awhile? We have a bit of a hangover from the wonderful wedding party of Doris and Dudley so we're not too bright but we're loving you a lot and wish you were here - Lucile insert in pencil: (Blum) (Swan) mp Mary Dear. Here we are and have been thinking and talking about you and saying "now by golly Mary ought to be here. it just aint complete without her" - your not here so I got the ink and we just had to put these love messages across to you. - we had a wonderful Jaggy night at Doris Stevens wedding and this is in morning - give Lemm my love Best to you and Margaret Jerry insert in pencil: (Blum) mp