together & the time & has I would like to see you Can Lem spare you for a time & you can ?? the little girl for a time & I wonder if Older couldnt or wouldnt come if we could forgather somewhere in the mountains. I would belidlnit? to pass on " - or rather "off" I am writing this on the train, so it may be you can read it. Any how it will seem a long letter when you get it fifand? out.
Give my love to Lem & Older & Katherin? Smith, & Mefenk & ? & any one else that you think would care for my love __ but dont give it all __ for I am always the same? as you know you with my dreams? & my loves & hates & fus? & trouble & many many of these are connected with the thought of you Clarence
in pencil at bottom: graft trials graft case 1919