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Avon Park, Jan. 24th 1915.

My darling children,

The grapefruit tree at the corner of the garden has new growth two inches long and an orange near it is budded to blooming. I trimmed three trees last week - the first I've done this winter, though it should have been done in December. The grove should be fertilized within the next two weeks - which means that I must have the January rent from Mr. Cole. Has he returned from N.Y.? or has he committed suicide? I earned a dollar and a quarter yesterday - the first since the laundry money. One of the ladies who came to G.M.'s birthday party was a Mrs. Fairbanks from Fitchburg, Mass. she was loud in her praise of the cake I made. So the other day Mr. Fairbanks - a nice old gentleman 75 years old Dec. 12th, came over to say he had heard so much about Mother's birthday cake, that he wanted one for his birthday. That he would have had it before if he had known I baked cakes, and asked how much it would be. I told him I never baked a cake and sold it so I didn't know. But I figured the cost of materials to be 60 cents, my work and fuel to be the balance. He paid it cheerfully and is, I hope, enjoying the cake.

I was asked the other day if I would go to Sebring to take a case where the baby was two weeks old. I agreed and I was to be notified in a day or two. No notice has come, so probably the help they got temporarily stayed. 

the H.P. vaudeville performance? Am glad you enjoy Stella. With lots and lots of love, Mother.