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6 no man comes into this world a perfect ideal. Who is the man that possesses the matchless symmetry of the Apollo Belvidere! Deficiencies mark the fairest features. The chin is too short the forehead is too retreating, the limbs are awkward. The body is too round or too spindling or something else is defective. How this great variety of form and feature is inherited - not perhaps altogether from the immediate parents but from some part of the genealogical line.

 So it is of the Soul. It is a false theory that the soul come into the world - "a round soul - unmarred; a white soul, unstained; that if it could be shielded from the intrusion of false teaching & temptation, and undiverted in its tendencies every one alike might go a while robed angel, up to God unchallenged." Neither the Bible nor science ratifies this view. The theological teaching is "that in Adam all die". Its counterpart