89 post-oak + large insulated masses of limestone & in the gullies seem to be stratified Deer very tame; pastures somewhat tough. During heavy rains the Cibolo, take the other rivers up here run rapidly & rise considerably, just now we can ford easily & camped on the Eastern bank.
9th. Started for the "Esequia hunting as we rode along. One of our party an American is superstitious & believes that he would have no luck in hunting if he had not a gold or silver coin in his pocket. Another of the party is a Scotchman, hunting on a Sunday he loudly protests against, but he could not resist yesterday although it was the Sabbath unclear a 'crack': he wounded the deer, but it got away.
10th. Continued our route towards the Sabinas and tributaries of the Guadalupe river; these take their name from the quantity of Cypress in them . Saw some nitd? cattle. In time the better parts of land will be settled up here by Stock raisers; particularly good for swine. In a small thicket near to ?en we put up, for