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2) back to Maxine. She can spend a lot of time on the cot getting tanned or taking walks around the village as I hope she likes to walk. Thanks for the Booker T Washington stacceps?. It is satisfying to see how the Gov't is accepting the integrations so maybe the Jimmie Byrnes will give in gracefully after all. Am sorry the visit with the M&L's was postponed, as I want very much to learn about their trip. No, they did not send me a postal. I'm glad you are taking Norine with you on your trip to see Frank. If you could manage it on Mother's Day I think he would be pleased. How is your finger? Did it swell badly? I know it hurt. The last sting I got was on that picnic we went with Doc. Zeh. A hornet stung me on one buttock and Doc and Max enjoyed it more than I did. I'm glad that Max has the mill job again, only hope the objectionable lady demonstrator isn't there also. Cora and Mr Hobbins were here yesterday morning, picking g.f. for his return. He forgot his hat, but as he plans to be back in a month, I suppose it will not matter. He plans to buy a swell home here -- and I suspect, wants Cora to share it with him, It will be fine for her-