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a sweat house is prepared; she is taken into it by her mother or some female friend, and is scarafyed on her legs and arms with a sharp flint; after this operation is over, she is sweated for one or two hours (or until they conceive her system perfectly purifyed). she is then admitted into the family as purifyed for association. This practice prevails and is strictly adhered to by the females in all ages.

  It is from these early habits, that the system of theIndians are prepare to endure the fatigues, hardships, and indemencies to which they are always subject.
  If a female is pregnant when traveling, and her time of parturition comes out, she will at the call of nature stop at the first convenient stream  or pool of water, where [crossed out:  her child will be born]  she will be delivered; she will then wash her child in cold water, and wrap it in her blanket,  (or any old cloths she may have; she will then wash herself and in two hours, be prepared to proceed on her=   =journey