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To Speak with Spirits 10 Call their names Orimoth, Belmoth Lymocke] and Say thus. I conjure you by the names of the Angels + Sator and Azamor that yee intend to me in this Aore, and send unto me a Spirit called Sagrigit that does fulfill my comanding and desire and that can also understand my words for one or [2] [y]uares; or as long as I will.

[Left Image: Double lined circle (appears drawn with compass?) with inner diamond connecting at the cardinal points/directions. Cardinals marked with crosses or plus signs. In the center of the circle, above single line connecting East & West: "ΙΗS" (with accent mark above "H"), and below the line, "Datthayi." Note: the following words appear outside of diamond: 1) NW segment: "Emanuel" within the rings, and "Sabaoth" beneath it. 2) NE segment: "Ad["u"?]onay Pan[li]" within rings, and [Lem rng] beneath it, 3) SW segment: "Ulon" within outer rings, and R[i]nthae["c"?]th beneath it, and 4) SE segment: M[efsi]as + Sot[er/illegible] in outer ring only.] [Right Image (compare Reginald Scot Discoverie of Witchcraft Book XV Chapter VII): Square segmented into six sections. Circle at center. Half-moons at top and bottom. Top half-moon: Othos [yon]; Bottom half-moon: Ely Eloy; Left segment of circle: La; Right segment of circle: [a/or] l Segments of square: Left: Aries Leo Top left: M[g]ln (above) M ["n"?] (below) Top right: Maln (above) M (below) Right: Alpha et omega (lower case Greek letter) Bottom right: a cross sits above a square with another cross within it (does this symbol have a name?)] ____________________________________________________ [Cha]racter [image] Hsophe[u/a]l [bullet point] Character [image] Robe[a/n]s Character Baron [image:Chi-Ro] Char[od—Character?] [image] Androma[k-illegible/leu]s Character [image] Blethe. Character [image: ] Egypia Character [image: ] Malacus [image: E A (cross clockwise: o/e/g/l?) O (upside down "pi" symbol) V; Q L] [image:] [image:] Haphago