I went to church twice, and went to see the Gov who was sick. Mrs. Gov. wasn't visible, neither had she been to Sabbath School as usual; but I could hear her reading to Willie. I hear it said on every hand that "she has endeared her self to the people here very much"- and think I shall like her much better than I thought I should from what Mrs. Haver said of her. I havent answered Mrs H's letter yet, but I must. I am waiting for that slip of yours before writing to Roderick C. Wrote a long letter to Mother by last Mail and one to Perry. While I was writing to Perry, Lyman was in town, but I did not know it until afterward. On Monday evening I spent some two hours with Mr. Ludlow- author of the "Hachesh Eater" ( a book that I have read about a great deal)* and Mr. Beerstadt, a Boston Artist, with a Norwegian or Danish name. This was at the house of Surveyor Genl Pierce, I found his wife a rather pleasant woman very plain- a good deal of fun in her. and from there, I beauxed home an elderly lady of English descent. I knew she was of
- Hasheesh Eater, by Fitz Hugh Ludlow