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me now, without powerful emotions - Here are many who know not the love of Christ, who are strangers to his saving grace - And I feel, underlined: much more than I did last year, how great is the responsibility resting upon those of us who hope in Christ, to live consistently with our profession, and to pray and labor for the impenitent ones in this family. You will, I know, remember this Institution when you bow before the precious mercy seat. I feel that Christians here may not underlined: only get good, but underlined: do good - And I do not, as yet, regret my decision to return hither, though I did expect most firmly to go crossed out: to the more among the benighted daughters of the Choctaw Nation, to teach them the rudiments of earthly knowledge, and also to point them to the Saviour of sinners - I underlined: almost envy you, my friend, for you have completed all these studies, and are ready to enlighten other minds - while I must remain here, and feel that I am constantly underlined: receiving more good than I can bestow upon others - But I love the Seminary. I love study and am happy here - except that conscience whispers, that "this is a selfish life I am leading here" that underlined: perhaps I could do more good elsewhere, and that here I seek chiefly underlined: my own interest and improvement -

 The Senior and Middle Classes are not divided, nor have we any Section teachers yet. - The Junior Sections were divided on Saturday last - Miss Jessup, underlined:  my particular favorite among the teachers, rooms with Miss Shattock in "107" - Miss Spofford rooms with Miss Chapin - Miss Peabody is at the  West somewhere - I wish you were near enough to pay a visit to your "Alma Mater". You might agree with me in thinking that the underlined: Juniors this year, underlined: as a  class, look more promising than those of last year - We have no Miss Wood, or Miss Francis here, nor any one to fill their vacant places - If 'tis not asking too much of you, I would like to hear from you soon, and to know if Mary is coming soon. May you be useful and happy, underlined:  "rejoicing alway" is the desire of your sincere friend, Eleanor A Partridge