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Last Wednesday night Cynthia had a letter from you in which I believe you said something about me - I hardly know what it was buth there was some hope expressed that I would come to a sense of my duty before long - Well, it is too bad that - Friday. P.M. -Just as I got so for with my letter Wednesday eve, who should come in but C. and Mr. B. returned from their ride and I had to stop and visit - so you must imagine all I would have written had they taken a longer ride, but it was cold and the fireside was the pleasantest place that evening. The meetings about which you inquire are very faithfully attended- by two- Isabel and I were there the last time but did not stay till the close - we found

along the side and top: came here this afternoon. She will help Mary tomorrow- now she is fixing C's traveling skirt= she sends much love to Anna and Sarah. Lewis and Jane were glad to get your letter. Jane has been quite poorly this week with diarhea- she is getting better - Jane Hughes has also been sick - vomiting Sunday and Monday- I called there Tuesday - she was a little better and the next day I heard she was at Lewis' taking care of our sister Jane. Father and mother and the rest of us are well. Mr. P. went to church meeting to Penynymydd today. He went horseback. He has not yet returned- unless he came since supper when I came up stairs to finish this. We are having a thunder shower but it does not rain so hard as it did a little while ago. Much love from and to one & all.