Remsen, March 25, 1878
My dear sister,
We have two letters from you now unanswered. I cannot tell just now what will be best about the Cofiant. Perhaps we had better wait a little and see what Lewis intends to do. You know you requested Wm Thomas to speak to him. We must decide soon what to publish in the next number about our dear mother's death - this time it will be only a short notice, supposing you write something and we do the same, and perhaps John will and Lewis can make something out of what we all write to publish - or can you suggest a better way?
We have the papers signed by
in margin in collecting? have you enough to meet your present call? Anna & Sarah thought best not to make any change as you suggest this time on the cover - We will let the Cofiant rest just now perhaps God will make our way clear in regard to it. How much of notice should there be in the next number about dear mother's death? We must try and not neglect it. Who would you have preface it? - We heard yesterday that Morris Roberts was in the store Saturday - we have not heard particulars - only he is much better than the first of last week. - Lewis and Jane were in meeting yesterday - We all send much love. Write again soon - to your sister Jennie