Hugh wants her to go back and some thinks she will go & I pity her if she will. Dydomus Thomas is here in the Village taking likenesses I understand at half price I think that is rather too bad for him to come after Robert has engaged a room in the same building some thinks that he has improved much while he was gone at Waterloo but for my part what I have seen are about the same but I have not called but a very few times
Wednesday noon
I went up to see the Richardson last night they are all quite smart Sarah is getting better I slept with her and she rested quite good Lewis and Margaret went to Utica with the Cenhadwr I guess they will have a cold ride. John Thomas from New York preached here last Sunday he was at Bethel in the morning in the Village in the afternoon and in Steuben in the evening the church was quite full and we had a very solemn sermon. the text was the Summer is past and the harvest is ended and we are not Saved they had a lecture (Baxter and Thomas) monday evening on Tea Coffee and tobacco I do not know how they succeeded for I was not there John L Jones wife Thomas plastin's sister has a smart little boy about two week old Ann is quite smart Edward Davis buried his little boy last week Edward teaches school by Bethel and preaches where he has calls Our church has had a nice donation given them by Hugh Jones Sixty of fifty dollars the money is to be applied to shingle the church that side next to your house and the interest is to go to repair the fence around the burying ground. Well dear Jane I must draw to a close for my chest is most full & if you cannot have time to answer this letter acknowledge it the letter that you send home and I write again in few weeks excuse mistakes
Joy and bliss now all your labors May your hours flow sweetly on unclear report of your endeavors From your year will soon be gone?
Good bye dear Jane be a good girl Mary