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remember with much pleasure that with you made me before you left. We often speak of you Father and Louisa were also much pleased with you. I cannot but remember with pleasure the happy hours that we have passed together at school which never will be forgotten by me until the heart shall cease to throb, and this body shall lie mouldering 'neath the cold clay. Can the contemplation of those loved hours fail to inspire the mind with sentiments of delight and admiration? Do you remember certain boquets that was presented to two young gents as they was passing out of Hall and also a Letter note from Gentis?? I presume they are not entirely erased from your memory. It is very sickly at Whitesboro this winter, quite a number have been called from time to eternity, The school is nearly broken up from 140 scholars 30 only are left they have returned home on account of the sickness. Martha Soules? was married 9 weeks ago, to a widower in Utica. His name is H.H. Smith. She was teaching school at the time Hatty is well is not attending school, and does not expect to this summer. She spends her time nearly the same as myself She sends much love. Frank is spending the winter with her sister in Buffalo. She is teaching unclear children A fine teacher she will make I imagine, do not you? How many times has she tormented us, when we had a little privacy & would not tell her. It must seem strange to you and to be • over • and French as you was at • but if you was studying it, now you would not have me to "bother" you as I used to. • you ever get any • • as pickles? and lettuce cut in vinegar? or even • as good as those • stark sent you for your • I think those cannot be equaled by any in New York State