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[Document folded into three sections]

[Section 1] [Stamps: Headquarters Dep't Dakota Rec'd. Dept of Dakota Rec'd Jan 1883]

Dodge. R.I. Col. 11 Infy personal to Genl. S Breck

Recommends, for the good of the Service that Private [?Peter Merino?] Co "A" 11 Infty who shot a civilian Employee at Fort Sully, while on duty as sentinel, be not tried by Genl. Court Martial Gives reasons.

[in red ink added to end of this column but connected with end of 2d column] Gen Terry says hold until the charges come when he will look into the matter.

[Section 2 starts here] A G.O.D.D To J.A. June 3 1883 2d Endorsement

Headqrs. Dept of Dakota, Judge Advocate's Office,

Fort Snelling [?] Jany 4 1883 Respectfully returned to the Adjutant General of the Dept. The department commander has directed that no further action be taken in this case. Jno. R. Myrick Acting Judge Advocate.

[in red ink:] L.S. 8/83

[Section 3 starts here] 3 ENDORSEMENT Headquarters Department of Dakota. Fort Snelling, Minn. Jan 5, 1883 Respectfully returned to Col R. I. Dodge 11th Infty Fort Sully D.T. By order of Brig.- Gen'l Terry. R. P. Hughes

[line drawn indicating this belongs after D.T.] Captain 3d Infyt A. D. C.

  • Gen Terry says hold until the changes come when he will look into this matter