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Central R. R. & Banking Co. of Georgia Traffic Department Office of General Freight Agent. G. A. Whitehead, General Freight Agent. Savannah, Ga., Guyton Dec 6th 1888 My dear Brother Your letter reached me a ew days ago, & as it's reception was the cause of rather a pleasant episode, I reply at once & explain the matter. Ed did not know Gen'l Alexander, so I gave him your P.S. & told him to enclose the same to him, believing that it would help him to have a friend so high in Office, ( & by the bye I believe that is why you wrote as you did) so Ed enclosed your P.S. with a polite note from himself, & yesterday received the enclosed letter, which I am sure you will appreciate. There is so much whole heartedness about it; that it did [across top] excuse this hasty note, & be sure & let me know when Fred will come South. Ed sends love & says the hunting here is good, & if you come you will have a warm welcome. With love I remain your affection sister Annie Glenn Excuse the paper as I am out, & must use Ed's.