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For us and Our Heirs Severally and separately Bargain Sell give and grant; unto the Said Philip French, Matthew Ling, Stephen De Lancey, John unclear and Caleb Cooper their and Every of their Heirs and unclear , All that Tract or Parcel of Land unclear Lying and being within the Said Counties of Orange and Ulster. Commonly Called or Known by the Name of Magockamack & Magascoot beginning at a Certain place Called by the Christians Old unclear Land and from thence a Northwest and by NorthLine to a Certain River or Kell Commonly Known by the Christians and Indians by the name unclear Fish Hill and So over the said Hill unclear Mountains and So Southerly unclear until it Comes to the great unclear from thence Easterly to the unclear the purchased unclear Company and unclear of unclear the place from whence it First unclear , together with all Creeks, Rivers Rivoletts unclear , waters Courses, Ponds, Meadows, unclear Swamps, Woods, underwoods, Islands, unclear, Hunting, and all unclear Emoluments, and Franchises, thereunto belonging, To have and hold the said Lands with all and Every the Premises Aforementioned to be bargained and, Sold unto them the Said Philip French, Matthew Ling, Stephen De Lancey, John Corbet and Caleb Cooper their and Every of their Heirs and apignes Forever In Witness Whereof we the Said Copocknou Samawan Kakentecus, Coockham, Askewantuck, Hecomacapock, Guntawamuck, Tendernuridge, Abraham, Mameleekquam, Packkiskham Sheshappecus have hereunto put our hands and Seals the Eleventh day of June in the Second Year of

Of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lady Anne by the Grace of God Over England Scotland, France and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith In Annoq Dom 1703

Sealed and Delivered In the Presence of us for the unclear above. Francis Hains Lucas Thursteade Samuel Ketting X his Mark Copockson t his Mark LS Samawan his Mark LS Theskentems |:| his mark LS Cookham 7 his mark LS Ashewantuck S his Mark LS Necomacapock + his Mark LS Guntawairruek J his Mark LS Tendernuridge ] his Mark LS Mametackquin n his Mark LS Packkestrham \ his Mark LS

New York June the 15th 1703 Memorandum that on the day above Said personally Came before me Rip Van Dam Esquire One of her Majesty's Council for this Province Lucas. Kerstede and Samuel Hetting two of the WItnesses to the within Instrument and Made Oath upon the holy Evangelism of Almighty God that they Saw Capockron, Samawan, Thaekentecus, Coockham, Asshewantuck, Necomacapock, Gwintawansuck, Tendemunge, Mameraquin, Paekkiskkam, Sign Seal and deliver the written Instrument as their voluntary Act and Deed and that the before named persons are and always have been reputed the true Proprietors of the Said Tract of Land within Mentioned Rip Van Dam

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