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1794 WD 11 mo. 2 1 in margin: Redjacket speaks

Brothers, We request that all the Nations present will attend to what we are about to deliver, as we are now convened on one of the Days of the great Spirit, then addressing Col: Pickering. 
Brother, You now represent the President of the United States, and when you spake to us, we considered it as the voice of the 15 fires, we are therefore addressing the 15 fires, you desire we would take the matter deliberately into consideration, and consult each other well, that where the Chain was rusty it might be brightned, we took general Washington by the hand, and desired this Council fire that all the lines in dispute might be settled, we told you before of the two rusty places on the Chain, which was also pointed out by the Sachems; instead of complying with our request, where we told you the Chain was rusty, you offer'd to relinquish the Land on lake Erie east of the triangle piece sold by the United States to Pennsylvania and to retain the 4 mile mile path between Niagara & Buffalo Creek, by which you expect to brighten the Chain, we thought you had a sharp file to take off the rust; but we believe the file must be dull, or else you let it slip out of your hands; with respect to the 4 mile Path, we are in want of it on account of the fisheries, altho' we are but Children, we are sharp sighted; we see that you want that strip of Land for a road, that when you should have vessels on the lake you might have it for harbour, &c  but we wish in this respect the Treaty of fort Stanwex might be broken, you White people have increased very fast on this Island, which was given to us Indians by the great Spirit, we are now become a small people and you are depriving us of our Lands, continually, you are a very hard hearted people, seeking your own