Monday June 13. 1898 Rain. S.N. Day here early. Said surveyor was to meet him here. but did not come on acot of rain. Began work on drain (sewer) for his street, at river. Said he would have to tear down pasture fence & we must get cows out of the way. Also if we want the grass on South strip must cut it now. a.m. to Geo. grind scythes. etc. p.m. to wood lot. fix fence. down at East end. by Hensons. Crelly puts horse in wood lot tomorrow. Tues. 14 a.m. Geo. mowed grass South strip. Mary Wis came from Wellington " and Nelson and & I went to 11:22 train and met Harl and Rena. p.m. A and A & France and Jo here. tremendous rain. I cocked up the grass just in time. Kids went in shower bathing. Eve. sat in porch. sang. Wed. 15 Work in garden. hauled in jag of grass. Standen borrowed wagon. Eve. Eli went to Uncle Eliabs to see about buying a Geneva bicycle. I got letter from Deming Investment Co. about a position at Oklahoma City. Had a letter Monday from Irving about it. He recommended me to them.