Tues. Sept, 28 "1897 fair. hard frost. a.m. Mr. Standen here wanting to buy pears. picked the Duchess pears. 2 bus. Went down & got visitation cards from Cadmus. p.m. picked the pears in S.W. corner of yard Standen bought 1 bus. 60 Eve. to W. River Road C.E. to take card for house to house canvas. & cold. Wed. 29 fair. warm days cold nights a.m. finished picking the pears in S.W. corner. p.m. took Mothers tricycle to repair shop. got load of pumpkins & squashes from hill lot. after school took up kids & picked beans. eve. Chapel practising for Life of Luther show. Thurs 20 fair hot. night little less cold a.m. began digging Rural N.Y. Potatoes p.m. same. kids came up after school with lumber wagon. nearly finished eve. practise for entertainment. Fri October 1st some cloudy very dry. dust dust. had no rain to speak of for a month. scarce of water for house. a.m. fixed a bin in cellar and put in the Rural N. Y. potatoes. p.m. picked tomatoes in garden; took down 2 bus. pears and 1 1/2 bus. of tomatoes. sold to Potter. $1.40 eve. practise for entertainment. Sat. 2nd a.m. all picking up potatoes for George p.m. kids same as in a.m. Eli to Opera House. working on flower com I went to a funeral (Crabtree)