to my expenses. I desire to be prudent and propose so far as I know how and any suggestions from you with regard to what is so, I shall be very glad of any time. Your cogitations which you think up at sundry times, I shall be very glad to see on paper. Tell us all about your journey too, won't you? I do earnestly desire you not to forget to hand my brush and combs to Samuel the next time you see him. Ann writes that they are at your store waiting for transportation hither.
There are three or fours cases of small pox in Milo or rather varioloid. Aron Tolman & wife and some B?dales. The former perambulated round through the Village divers times, at town meeting etc. after he had broken ? with it - so every body at the Village has been exposed. If people are not more careful, they will suffer when it come wet?winter? weather. Charles went to the Foundry last Tuesday, hauled wood for one Mr. Eaton, I believe. I have not time to write all I'd like to today, either - and none to Eliab. Tell him to write to me - and you do so too will you You'll come home third week in May will you? Good bye Affectionate sis Lucy.
written sideways from the right margin Charles bought some 7 rolls of paper, and a little piece- said it was 14 cts a roll. I don't know whether he will want more or not.
Will send book & poetry next time Samuel goes - suppose he has gone now but he did not know it when I saw him, so I said nothing about sending by him - March 21st.
Some say the hue and cry about Small Pox is only a bad case of the Itch! I know nothing about it, there are so many reports going. Tell Eliab his shirts are done, ready to send by first opportunity. You have not written how your bosoms fitted. What warm weather it is! Seems as if there were no spirit left in me. Col. Lee mov'd back to Milo last week.
We should wait & send this in the bundle if I knew Samuel should go to Greenfield via Bangor next time. Write soon would you -- good bye Sister Lucy.
Mr. J.M. Metcalf Bangor