December, 1894. Sun. 2. Still foggy cloudy and rainy Home all day Eve anti saloon at Opera house Mon. 3. a.m. mollases bbl. & privey &c p.m. to Geo Rich and around by 4th st. Bridge to Phipps farm help Geo husk and unload at Geos. then home for sup. and Tues. 4. start for Lawrence 12.44 a.m. Chicago 9.20 Eth: 80 Elm St Edith Will Johnson Bible institute Kindergarden L U.C. 6 pm Wed. 5. K.C. 11.30 am Bum stock do horse md. ket? Eve K.C.K. S.A. W & C 1.00 LW KC 9.20 Lawrence 10,42