Anne Hampden Nov. 1850 I write an appendix to Almeda's letter, though I know not what she has written to say that I think of taking the stage to Milo not until next Mond. or possibly Wednes. because it seems rather necessary for me to stay a day or two after the nurse goes at the end of this week Lucy is steadily progressing in health and strength ate a cup brimful of oysters for dinner to day will talk when we tell her not to, is really getting along finally; has taken no medicine for several days and sleeps well. Mrs Finnigan is just finishing the cleaning the carpets are changed P.P. Furber is down but did not stay here any. We had a great soup for dinner to day with some splendid dumplings which Almeda made after my recipe we intend boiling a 'big? quantity' of beef for mince pies this P.M. Lucy's dress is nearly done, I have been up to the city, bought Almeda a cap for .50 &