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If I am no longer respected, what word scratched out I am doing will not make our people the less respected, either by themselves or others; and so I shall go on & so you may tell our people. Turtle Fields said no more to him.
When George Gist had settled his alphabet to his mind, he made several copies of it, & words scratched out sent for some of his neighbors and gave them the copies & taught them how to use the alphabet; so that shortly it got about and several persons found that they could words scratched out form words & note them down, word scratched out & read them off again; but they did it very slowly, as if counting or spelling, than as if they were words scratched out reading. Among words scratched out those who were taught by Guest, he particuarly devoted himself to a little daughter of his own. Gist came one day to the house of George Lowry. Lowry remarked to Gist, we hear yu are getting on with your writings? ___ "Yes" replied Gist. "I a getting on very well; for when I have heard any thing, I can write it down, and lay it by, and take it up again at some future day, & there find all that ai have heard exactly as I heard it." George