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+ Salomons Vinculum. Coniuro k, N. [image: lower case p with line through tail] Y. eL Y. eL per n [image: small circle with x in center] nomine Jaya, quod Adam nominavit el agnovis Dei omnipotentia. [Advivy?] te in nomine in nomine ya, et in nomine ya quod Abel nominavis et sacrificium aius erat [accepht?] a Deo; et [lower case p with line through tail] nomen El quod Enoch nominavis et [obtineiss?] a Deo [olrum?] Myroncovoid; et [lower case p with line through tail] nomen Jaw quod [Enoob?] nommavit el cum Deo ambulavit; el [lower case p with line through tail] nomen Duaphemion quod [Mofes?] nominavit et peuffit [tovya - line over a] Egipti cum omni plaga [Praecili?] divini, et [lower case p with line through tail] nomei agla quod Aaron nominavit, [et?] [mesruis?] [oumus?] Sacrods [Dvri?] vocari; et [lower case p with line through tail] nomen [Fots] quod Moses nominavit, et meruit [anorirc?] vocere Dei in flamia loquentis; [lower case p with line through tail] nomen Hagios quod Moges nominavit, et [Pafchcrm?] [celebravs?] [lower case p with line through tail] nomen jehovah [lower case p with line through tail] quod Mojes tranfvois et populus Dei [lower case p with line through tail] mare rubrum; [lower case p with line through tail] nomen Jaffa [lower case p with line through tail] quod retrogradi Jofuah feist Solem 15. gradies; [lower case p with line through tail] nomen Agios quod Samfon nominavit et vicit Philisteos; [lower case p with line through tail] O Theos [lower case p with line through tail] quod muri Jerico [eciderunt?]. Adiuro te N., et [lower case p with line through tail] virtutem Pantheon [lower case p with line through tail] quod David vicit Gulias [lower case p with line through tail] nomen Pantocrator [lower case p with line through tail] quod vicis David leonem et urfum; [lower case p with line through tail] nomen [Hebrew letters:] IHVH [lower case p with line through tail] quod omnia Eegis sacrificia complebantur et [lower case p with line through tail] nomen Agamon [lower case p with line through tail] quod Heliah raptus est in

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