86 but the "the" crossed out council sent for 2 or 3 of the persons & warned them at their peril to desist from such a wicked action & so their project was frustrated. There was a
paper written by the eny. Inds. & stuck up in a cleft of one of the bridge posts at Medfd. which being found "found" crossed out by an Eng. trooper belonging to Cap. Gibbs*,
who brot it to his Cap. the contents whereof were: "Know "by" crossed outby this paper that the Inds. that thou hast provoked to wrath & anger will was this 21 years if you will; thare are many Inds. yet, we come 300 at this time. You must consider the Inds. lost nothing but their life you must lo"o" crossed out se your fair houses & cattle". This paper ws brot to the gen. court wherein may be seen the pride & insolence or these barbarians at this time, but the great god & our only savour hath for his name sake rebuked ther rage, & broken them in pieces like a potters vessel. To god be all the glory: About this time thre befell another great trouble & exercise to the chr. Inds. of Nashabah who sojourn in Concord by order. The matter was this the council had by several orders empowered a commite. who with the consent of the selectmen of Concord settled those Inds. at that town under the govt. & tuition of Mr. John Hoare; the number of those Inds. were about 58 of all sorts, whereof were not above 12 able men the rest were women & childn., these Inds. lived very soberly & quietly & industriously & were all unarmed "whither" crossedout neither could any of
- His Chr. name Benjamin