that any of these rules trouble me at all for as I before said I am an exception to all of them, which seems a little singular for in the school are twenty or more men older and more honorable than I.
Why do you object to Euclid? not because it is too easy? that is the only fault I find with it, but am much interested int it. Am in little danger of studying too hard, for I scarcely have to study at all to lead all my classmates. our next lesson in Euclid is prop x/11 10, 11, 12, book first. I am now in the second book, having the first (which contains fifty six propositions,) already in my head. Our french teacher is said to be a good one, and do not know any better than to like her much; in the french class are about a dozzen of whom I am the only boy, and green at that. the religious preveledges of the place are realy good and I enjoy them much, but think the soil a good one for the unclear of hypocrisy, and guess it produces some, unclear anxiously waiting for that long letter filled with unclear unclear from mother, and begin to feel the need of it unclear Have heard nothing from Anne or Isaac since I left unclear if letters come from them or any body else please send them. Please ask Samuel to say to Wm Persons that I am waiting for an answer to my last letter. I wrote in such a way that I do not think he will write again, but since the temperance news has become so interesting I want him to. Were I in Samuels place I would not e too hasty in infusing to pay W B & Son a commission but should have much less haste in paying it to them. That my health is much improved you may infer from the fact that my hand is much steadier than it has been I have some, but less, backache, am on the whole quite glad that I left the employment of W Brown & Son please give my regards to them and my love to Walter, want to hear how the little fellow