crossed the street, when Bauervisu? called unclear to him and said " where are you going" Opr could not hear more
Van Race was a Siebert's Saloon and wants to sell his house
Dean is anxious about a note coming due on his house at 428 N.Y. St.
Langworth John Gretcourt Watkins Dean and Hank Young had a long talk in Youngs Cigar Store in which Nickson name was mentioned and also Bauervsen?
In the evening they had a Meeting after which Barry Koegel Snover Panthay and others and Opr had a man named McNulty. There are three McNultys one an engineer and 2 who are firemen. This on Opr and those above mentioned had was the Engineer Opr thinks! They had all just been in Heeks? when Ton Barry came along and called them all out Barry said something to Koegle who there call unclear McNutly and Mears one side and Joegle accused McNulty of making application for work on the scab road. McNulty said it was a dirty lie and Koegle said "now look here where did you do. did you not ride over the scab road. and the answer was. no. only from here to Streator.
Koegle then said "have you a time table of the 2 at your house" The answer was "The only one I have is the old one before the strike "Did you not vote to have the strike off, Answer" "No not by a g- d-. Koegle said You lie The reply was "you ask Bob Nickson" Koegle said Nickson is as bad as you are, go talking to scabs. Now tell us are you going to work