EDWARD RUSSELL. WILDER S. METCALF. RUSSELL & METCALF, SUCCESSORS TO EDWARD RUSSELL, DEALERS IN FARM MORTGAGES AND WESTERN SECURITIES, SAFE AND PROMPT. Send for Circulars. Lawrence, Kans., March 16 1892 Dear folks. Wi told me that next month he would give me a ten dollar bill besides my board. Wi has to travel around a good deal. He says they intend to inspect every piece of property that they have anything to do with at least once a year. Last week he was in Greenwood lo? three or four days, and he went there again last night to be gone the rest of the week probably. Besides Monday night he went to Topeka on business of the "Lake View Shooting and Fishing Ass." of which he is Secretary. The ass. has just been organized and has leased a lake 5 miles west of here and will stock it with trout and are going to have it for their own amusement and keep everybody else out. The lake is an old river bed of the Kansas river. R and M own about 75 farms I think and then rent them for what they can get. They are all rented except a few perhaps which are worked on shares. Most of them dont any more than pay taxes and expenses if they do that. If they had a man to look after them and tend to them I should think they could