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Thursday 20 were all up very late this morning breakfasted at 9 oclock + went out in Gondolas which we had opened. My Aunt, Mrs Bathurst her two children + the Saquais? deplace in one + Miss Seyb?, Mary, Brother R + I in another. We first went to see the Doges Palace where we saw some beautiful pictures by Ancient artists the first rooms Sala del Maggior Consiglio was magnificent so very large. I think 154 feet long + 74 broad. The walls are decorated by some of the paintings above mentioned + the most remarkable are 1st Paradise, by Tintoretto; which is said to be the largest picture in the world on canvas 74 feet in length it is a map of confusion & I suppose this is in a measure caused by cleaning + time 2nd Paolo Veronese. The Pope Alexander 3, discovered by the Doge Ziani + the senate in the convent of La Carita where he had concealed