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the most direct means of bringing their characters into public contempt. So they may think, and so they may act, but I must confess that I have not so barred my duty. to a missionary to the unknown I feel that I have a right to be dead to the political world. -- That I have no call from the example of our blessed Redeemer or his apostles to engage in political controversies, or to speak evil of dignities. I do not suppose that any rulers at the present day are worse than Nero, or more disposed to violence and cruelty then the senate of Rome as the Jewish Sanhedriens. Therefore if our Lord and his disciples could pass through the world without touching its political unknown why may not missionaries now do the same? And further, as ambassadors of Christ, can we point to any sentence in our commission which authorizes to leave us to leave the word, -- the spiritual concerns of the church to serve political tables? When the Jews could have taken our saviour by force to make him a king, he withdrew in silence. When Pilate made some enquiries respecting his kingdom, he replied "My kingdom is not of this world." Upon this Dr. Scott remarks, "His kingdom was not of this world; it had nothing to do with mens temporal interests and privileges: it left rulers & subjects in the same situation as it found them and it was therefore no object of jealousy to any