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It was a very well written letter & very conclusive I thought - How is Anna now. Does she continue better. has she the sub-acute even now? It seems to have left me. How is Mary & please send me her address. I want to write to her - We have a Dr. Smith a lady, living in part of this house. she is very nice & pleasant, urges me very much to Study medicine. Please tell me how Eddie and Mate are and the boys, and something about John Eddie. You do not mention any of their name in your letter, and I feel as if they were all part of my belongings now! Bobbie Libbie & the baby are I hope well - Please give my regards & love to each and all. I hope to hear that Sarah is progressing. My warmest love to you three. I thank Sarah very much for urging you to write home! - I am going to write to Uncle J L very soon. So look out my beloved cousins!!! Yours affectionately LW - How are Jane, Maggie & Clare. my regards to them.