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+[image: cross]
+[image: cross]
Solomons Vinculum  
Solomonis Vinculum  
Coniuro te א. p[er] Y. V. EL Y. et per ^[insertion mark] nomen Jaya [supralinear addition] In
Coniuro te א. p[er] Y. V. EL Y. et per ^[insertion mark] nomen Jaya [supralinear addition] In
nomine Ya [corrected over: Jaya], quod Adam nominavit et  
nomine Ya [corrected over: Jaya], quod Adam nominavit et  

Revision as of 10:03, 2 December 2018

+[image: cross] Solomonis Vinculum Coniuro te א. p[er] Y. V. EL Y. et per ^[insertion mark] nomen Jaya [supralinear addition] In nomine Ya [corrected over: Jaya], quod Adam nominavit et agnovit Dei omnipotentia<m>. Aduiro te in nomine in nomine ya, et in nomine Ya quod Abel nominavit et sacrificium eius erat acceptu[m] a Deo; et p[er] nomen El quod Enoch nominavit et obtinuit a Deo oleum misericordiae; et p[er] nomen Jah quod Enoch nominavit et cum Deo ambulavit; et p[er] nomen Duaphemion quod Moses nominavit et p[er]cussit terra[m] Egipti cum omni plaga praecepti divini, et p[er] nomen Agla (Atoh Gibor Le Olam Adonai) quod Aaron nominavit, et meruit sum[m]us Sacerdos D[omi]ni vocari; et p[er] nomen Joth quod Moses nominavit, et meruit audire vocem Dei in flam[m]a loquentis; p[er] nomen Hagios quod Moses nominavit, et Pascham celebravit; p[er] second name Jehovah p[er] quod Moses transivit et populus Dei p[er] mare rubrum; p[er] nomen Jaffa p[er] quod retrogradi Josuah fecit Solem 15. gradus; p[er] nomen Agios quod Samson nominavit et vicit Philisteos; p[er] O Theus p[er] quod muri Jericho ceciderunt. Adiuro te א, et p[er] virtutem Pantheon p[er] quod David vicit Gulias<;> p[er] nomen Pantocrator p[er] quod vicit David leonem et ursum; p[er] nomen [Hebrew letters:] YHVH, p[er] quod omnia legis sacrificia complebantur<;> et p[er] nomen Agamon p[er] quod Heliah raptus est in

[catchword:] (curru igneo)

Gabriela ...geperez1@live.com + [Image: Cross] Salomon bond I call upon you א. p [m] Y. V. and V. El ^ [insertion mark] name Jaya, [supralinear addition] On Name ya [corrected over: Jaya], Adam was named and He acknowledged the almighty <m>. Aduiro you Name name y </ u> and name ya </ u> that Abel's sacrifice was named and it had been accepted [m] from God; and p [m] is El </ u> named Enoch they got oil from God of mercy; and p [m] The name Jah </ u> and named Enoch God walked; and p [m] is Duaphemion </ u> which Moses named and p [m] damaged the [m] in Egypt with every stroke for the divine, and p [m] Name Egla </ u> (Atoh Gibor Le Olam did) that it has named Aaron, and earned I [m] us priest 500 [lord] if poplar; and p [m] is Ioth </ u> and Moses named, and they deserved to God's voice in flames [m] from the speaker; p [er] is Holy is </ u> which Moses named, and celebrated the Passover; p [m] second name Jehovah </ u> p [m] where Moses crossed, the People of p [m] Red Sea; p [er] is Jaffe </ u> p [er] is retrograde Josuah made the sun 15 degrees; p [er] is Immortal </ u> named and that Samson Phillsteos won; p [m] o Theus </ u> p [m] that the walls of Jericho fell. High א, and p [m] </ u> power Panthéon </ u> p [m] of which David won Gulias <> p [er] is Pantocrator </ u> p [m] have won David lions and bears; p [m] Name [Hebrew letters;] YHVH, p [m] </ u> all of the sacrifices that were filled <;> and p [m] </ u> Name Agamon </ u> p [m] </ U> is taken into Heliah

[Catchword:] (a fiery chariot)

M. Terreno <matteo.terreno@gmail.com>

Salomonis Vinculum

Coniuro te N[omine]. per Y[affa]. V. el Y. per ^[nel margine superiore] nomen Iaya et nomine Jaya quod Adam nominavit et agnovit Dei omnipotentia. Admirate in domine in nomine Yaffa et in nomine Yaffa quod Abel nominavit et sacrificium eius erat acceptu a Deo; et per nomen Elia quod Enoch nominavit et obtinuit a Deo oleum misericordiae; et per nomen Isaias quod Enoch nominavit et cum Deo ambulavit; et per nomen Duaphemion quod Moses nominavit et p[er]cussit terra Egipti cum omni plaga praecepti divini et per nomen Agla quod Aaron nominavit et meruit Summus Sacerdos Domini vocari et per nomen Ioth quod Moses nominavit et meruit audire vocem Dei in flamma loquentis profeta nomen Hagios quod Moses noinavit et Pascham celebravit profeta nomen Gehovas per quod Moses transivit el populus Dei per mare rubrum; per nomen Iaffa per quod retrogradi Iusuas fecit solem 15 gradus; per nomen Agios quod Samson nominavit et vicit Philisteos; per o [...] per quod muri Ierico Ceciderunt. Adiuro te N. et per virtutem Pantheon per quod David vicit Gulias per nomen Pantocrator per quod vicit David leonem et ursum; per nomen YHVH; per quod omnia legis sacrificia complementur et per nomen Agamon per quod Helias raptus est in curru igneo.

Anthony Lynch <anthonyhowardlynch@gmail.com>

Salomonis Vinculum

Coniuro te N. p[er] Y. V. el Y. per nomen Iaya et nomine Iaya quod Adam nominavit et agnovit Dei omnipotentia. Adjuro te in nomine in nomine Ya et in nomine Ya quod Abel nominavit et sacrificium eius erat acceptu a Deo; et p[er] nomen Elia quod Enoch nominavit et obtinuit a Deo oleum misericordiae; et p[er] nomen Isaias quod Enoch nominavit et cum Deo ambulavit; et p[er] nomen Duaphemion quod Moses nominavit et p[er]cussit terra Egipti cum omni plaga praecepti divini et p[er] nomen Agla quod Aaron nominavit et meruit Summus Sacerdos Domini vocari et p[er] nomen Ioth quod Moses nominavit et meruit audire vocem Dei in flamma loquentis p[er] nomen Hagios quod Moses nominavit et Pascham celebravit p[er] nomen Gehovas p[er] quod Moses transivit et populus Dei p[er] mare rubrum; p[er] nomen Iaffa p[er] quod retrogradi Iosuas fecit solem 15 gradus; p[er] nomen Agios quod Samson nominavit et vicit Philisteos; p[er] o Theos p[er] quod muri Ierico ceciderunt. Adiuro te N. et p[er] virtutem Pantheon p[er] quod David vicit Gulias p[er] nomen Pantocrator p[er] quod vicit David leonem et ursum; p[er] nomen YHVH; p[er] quod omnia legis sacrificia complementur et p[er] nomen Agamon p[er] quod Helias raptus est in curru igneo.

Seal of Solomon

I conjure you N. by Y. V. el Y. by the name Iaya and the name Iaya which Adam called and almighty God recognized. I adjure you in the name in the name Ya and in the name Ya which Abel named and his sacrifice was accepted by God; and by the name Elia which Enoch named and obtained from God the oil of mercy; and by the name Isaias which Enoch named and walked with God; and by the name Duaphemion which Moses named and struck the land of Egypt with all misfortunes of divine order and by the name Agla which Aaron named and became worthy to summon the most high priest of the Lord and by the name Ioth which Moses named and became worthy to hear the voice of God speaking in the fire by the name Hagios which Moses named and celebrated the Passover by the name Gehovas by which Moses with the people of God crossed the Red Sea; by the name Iaffa by which Iosuas made the sun reverse by 15 steps; by the name Agios which Samson named and conquered Philisteos; by o Theos through which the walls of Jericho fell. I adjure thee N. and through the virtue of Pantheon by which David conquered Goliath by the name Pantocrator by which David conquered the lion and the bear; by the name YHVH; by which all sacrifices of the law are fulfilled and by the name Agamon by which Helias is carried away in the fiery chariot.