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[ copied from The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, by Henry Cornelius Agrippa from "Oratio ad deum" to "vocati" two pages later]
[ copied from The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, by Henry Cornelius Agrippa from "Oratio ad deum" to "vocati" two pages later]
<!-- See p. 119 of Elementa Magica Petrus d'Abano, found in Agrippa: https://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/vd16/content/pageview/2189855 -->
Oratio ad Deum quae dici debet  
Oratio ad Deum quae dici debet  
in quatuor mundi partibus in circulo.
in quatuor mundi partibus in circulo.

Revision as of 17:12, 2 January 2019

[ copied from The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, by Henry Cornelius Agrippa from "Oratio ad deum" to "vocati" two pages later] Oratio ad Deum quae dici debet in quatuor mundi partibus in circulo. Almorulo [*Amorule], Tancha, Latisten, Rabus, Tancha Latisten, Escha, Aladia, Alpha et Omega, leiste, oriston, Adonas, Clementissime pater mi celestis, miserere mei licet peccatoris et clarifica in me hodierno die, licet Indigno tuo filio Potentiæ tuæ brachium contra hos spiritus perticinacissimus, ut ego te volente, factus tuorum operum Contemplator divinorum, possim omni sapientia illustrari, et semper glorificare nomen tuum et adorare. Supplicitur exoro te et invoco ut tuo Iudicio hi spiritus quos invoco, convicti et constricti veniant vocati, et dent vera responsa de quibus eos interrogavero: debeter et deferant nobis ea quæ per me vel nos præcipientur eis, non nocentes alicui creaturæ, non ledentes non frementes, nec me sociosque meos vel aliam ullam creaturam terrentes: sed petitionibus meis in omnibus quæ præci[pi]am sint obedientes.

Tunc stans in medio Circuli teneat manum prope pentaculum, et dicat Per Pentaculum Salomonis advocati dent mihi responsum verum.

Beralanensis, Baldachiensis, Paumachiæ et Apologiæ sedes. per Reges potestatesque magnanimos ac princepos præpotentes Genio liachidæ Ministri Tartareæ Sedis primas hic princeps Apologiæ sedis nona cohorte, Ego vos invoco, et invocando vos coniuro, atque supernæ maiestatis virtute munitus potenter Invoco: et per eum qui dixit et factum est et cui obediunt omnes creaturæ et per hec nomen ineffabile, Tetragramaton [Hebrew letters: yod-he-vau-he] Iehovah, in quo est plasmatum omne sæculum; quo audito Elementa [cor]ruunt Aer concutitur, mare retrogredetur, Ignis extinguiter Terra tremit, omnesque exercitus cælestium terrestiam et infernorum tremunt, turbantur, et corruunt: quatenus quostem (?)


Gabriela..... geperez1@live.com Prayer to God that we should In four quarters of a circle. Almorulo [* Amorule], tanche, Latisten, Rabur, tanche Latisten, Escher, alada, alpha and omega; leiste, oriston, adonis,, most merciful, the father of the my heavenly mercy are allowed to sin and in me this day, you can Indigno the son of the mighty God & aelig; You & aelig; the arm Spirits perticinacissimus as I wanted, became your Look thou the work of Divine things, I may be able to every one wisdom is illustrated, and always honor the name your worship. I pray you will witness execution When the trial has to follow your spirit, which I call by the latter, have been convicted and bound called to come and give true answers of which he wrote a question to you: ye shall proclaim, and give honor to their As far summing aelig; by me or us pr & aelig; engulf to them, not that wrong to any one, not had injured it is created ;, & aelig do not neigh in, my comrades will not take me, or any other any creature terrifying, but requests In summing up all my aelig; pr & aelig; ci [pi] am being obedient.

Then let him stand in the middle of the Circle to take hold of out his hand towards the Pentacle, and say: During the pentacle of Solomon summoned to give me answer.

Beralanensis, Baldachiensis, Paumachi & aelig; and Apologi & aelig; seats. By rule powers cheers and the prince of the pr & aelig; the mighty men 's spirit liachid & aelig; Minister Tartare and aelig; Here, the first high Apologia & aelig; seat o'clock band, I call on you and praying for you I call upon, and the supernè & aelig; His Majesty has the power I call upon the power and when God said, and it was and he to whom it is created, all are obedient to & aelig; And by this name beyond words, tetragramaton [Hebrew letters: yod-he-he-van], Lord, where is Every frame is S & aelig Sseculum; Upon hearing Elements [heart] rush The air is shaken, the Sea retrogredetur fire quench The earth trembled, and all the army of the c & aelig; Who serve unto terrestiam the earth quake, shake and fall: the extent quostem (?)

                                                                                       quickly </ u>