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Prince of Condies dreame. See Popellemer.
Prince of Condies dreame. See Popellemer.

Io Commeni Emp[eror] of greece that his Sonne Alexius, Sate upon a Lyon houlding hjim by ye ears } The only title, anothe the rule of ye  Empire.
Io Commeni Emp[eror] of greece that his Sonne Alexius, Sate upon a Lyon houlding him by ye ears } The only title, another the rule of ye  Empire.

Antigonus that hee Sowed grounde wth goulde and Mithradates caried it in to the Pontus. App. Alex. } hee invaded and Spoyled his contry.
Antigonus that hee Sowed grounde wth goulde and Mithradates caried it in to the Pontus. App. Alex. } hee invaded and Spoyled his contry.

Revision as of 03:57, 17 July 2017

[nb: transcription in progress. ] Dreames.

Julius Caesar that her committed incest wth his mother } Conquered ye Earthe / senetoria

Astiages that his daughter Mondaues urine / ouerflowed all Asia / that a vine sprunge out of her wombe whose / branches ouershadowed Asia justice [Bracket] Her sonne Cyrus had / the soueraynty of ye / Region

Cyrus that Darius Histaspes sonne had two / winges grew out of his shoulders, of wch on shadowed / Asia the other Europe Heredot. [Bracket] The like

Alicibiades that his sweethart couered him / wth her garment whiles hee slept. Val. max } She did so when hee was Slayne.

Prince of Condies dreame. See Popellemer.

Io Commeni Emp[eror] of greece that his Sonne Alexius, Sate upon a Lyon houlding him by ye ears } The only title, another the rule of ye Empire.

Antigonus that hee Sowed grounde wth goulde and Mithradates caried it in to the Pontus. App. Alex. } hee invaded and Spoyled his contry.

Philip that hee sealed Olimpias belly wth a ringe wherein was graved a Lyon. Q. Curt } Alexander begettinge.

Severus that a goodly horse adorned wth the Empeeriall Ensigns threw Pertinax downe and offred himselfe to him. Herodian } Pertinax Slayne hee Succeeded.

Policrates da: that hee beinge aloft in the ayre was washed by ♃ [Jupiter] and annoynted by ☉. [The Sun] Herod } Hanged. Washed wth rayne. Fatt drawne out by the Sunne.

Alexander that Clitus Sate in a mourninge amongst Parmenios Sonnes who were all deceased. Plutarch. } Hee threw Clitus next night at Supper.

Antonius Marcus that his right hande was stroken wth a thunderboulte. Plu -- ) Overthrowne in Battell at Modena.

Calphurnia that the Pinacle wch by the Senates decree was set upon her husbands howse -- fell downe. Id. } Slayne the next day in ye Senat howse.

Cynna that Cæsar beine dead bad him to supper and refusing drew him by force. } Slayne by mustakinge Cæsars frineds.

Darius that Alexanders army was stroken wth lightninge. } Alexander overcame him.