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Gram[m]er[?] per bighnes[?] fer
Gram[m] in[?] per bighnes[?] see
Montaigue f. 468.
Montaigue f. 468.

Revision as of 20:34, 5 July 2017

Artes [several text blocks in two columns, most with separate title]

[first column, left hand side] Astrologia [image: an elaborate 4, like the symbol for Jupiter/Tin followed by Cu and a bracket containing the following five:] [image: symbol for Saturn/Lead which looks like a cross between a "t" and a "h"] Judaeu[s?] [image: circle with arrow pointing to the right] Chaldaeu[s?] [image: symbol for Venus, a circle with a cross at the bottom] Saracenu[s?] [image: symbol for Mercury, a circle with a cross at the bottom and two horns at the top] Christianu[s?] [image: a crescent moon] Antichristianu[s?]

Artes mutuantur inbice Dialecticus a Grammatico partes orationis. Rhetor a Dialectico argumentationis locos Poeta a Musico mensuras Geometer ab Arithmetico pro= portiones

Literaru[m?] Inventores. Moses Hebreas Atticas et Phoenices Nicostratus Latinas Abraha[m] Chaldaicas Isis Egyptias Galfila Geticas Rhadamantus Assmas Cadmus phoenicias

Quaestiones Gram[m]atical[e?]s Agrip. de vanitat. 6.[Vlt.?]

Errores ex Gram[m]atica [inferphe...s?] C.

Naturae Subiecta phisica Cometantia[?] Mathematica Supantia[?] Metaphisica .1 [possibly just a slash] Res det...timae in Geometria Ag. de ca. sci. fol. 3.

[second column, right hand side] Sapores

[image: symbol for Mercury, a circle with a cross at the bottom and two horns at the top] Acidu[s?] [image: a crescent moon] amaru[m?] [image: symbol for Venus, a circle with a cross at the bottom] salsu[m?] [image: symbol for Saturn/Lead which looks like a cross between a "t" and a "h"] acerbu[m?]. [image: circle with arrow pointing to the right] acrem [image: circle with a dot in the center, the Sun] dulcem [image: an elaborate 4, the symbol for Jupiter/Tin] austerum

Impugnarunt Nycholaus Copernicus Ptolomaeu[s] Theoph. Paracelsus Galenu[s] et Aristoteles. Petrus Ramus Aristoteles Thechelles m asia sectam Mathematicam.

Inbeue...st Literas Phoenices Po:esin heroica[s] Homerus Dialectice[s] Zeno Eleates. Rhetorice[s] Corax Siracusus Apiaria Aristeus. Sementem Tripholencus[?] Leges Licurgus Solon. Literaru[s] structuras, numeros, mensuras et momenta pala= medes.

Gram[m] in[?] per bighnes[?] see Montaigue f. 468.

Paynters and grauers, in[?] onli ned[?] say in[?] theyr inscriptions fecit but faciebat . as though they were not perfect.

290 in[?] circumference of a circle is 60 in[?] Diameter.

Divisio[n] of Numbers Cassi...[?] fol. 902 vol 2