.MTAzOA.Njk1MDA: Difference between revisions

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and Weathersfield South, and the Whole Length to Run Six Large miles, the whole breadth from the Great River on the East to the boundary
and Weathersfield South, and the Whole Length to Run Six Large miles, the whole breadth from the Great River on the East to the boundary
Between Farmington and Weathersfield West, and on the East Side of the Said Great River to Six miles in Length from Pewterpoot Brooke Mouth, North, to the
Between Farmington and Weathersfield West, and on the East Side of the Said Great River to Six miles in Length from Pewterpoot Brooke Mouth, North, to the
Boundary between Midletown and Weathersfield: South. and the Whole Length to Run three Large miles in Breadth from the Said Greate River Wesst into
the Willderness Eastward to Have and to Hould all the aforsaid Treats of Land as they are bounded with all the meadowes

Revision as of 14:12, 29 September 2018

All Christian people to whom this present writing shall come: know yea that wheras so wilienge? sometime seacheem or Chieffe Governour of the Indians the the Natives and former Inhabitants of poquioag Noro Called Weathersfield. &: propriotor in Chief of all their part of the Country. and of all those Lands that are lying within the Bounds and Limmits of the Township of Weathersfield aforsaid, as his own Volluntary Aet? with the full Consent of all the then Native Inhabitants of the said Township crossed out Country and Lands, and for a good and Valluable Consideration or Sum of money. to lines? in Hand paid in Carr written over another word Pay to his full Sattisfaction. and Content by the English, Hath Given Grantes Sould made over and Confirmed unto the English aforesaid that whole Tract of Land. and all that Part of the Country unclear is within the Limmits of the Township of Weatherfield. that is to say six miles in Lenght By the Greate River Side. crossed out word/words or the west Side of the Said River, unclear Called Conneeticot river, from the Tree marked: NF: the Boundary Tree betwene crossed out Betwene Hartford and Weathersfield North: to the Tree: W M So marked the boundary Tree Betwen Weathersfield and Midltown South, the great River East: and the whole Lenght to run Six Large miles into the wilderness wesst, in Breadth where Weathersfield and Farmington Bounds - meet, and Six miles in length by the River Side on the East of the said Conneeticott River. from Peuterpott Brooke mouth North to the bounds betwen Weathersfield and Midletown South. the said Great River West the whole Length to run three Large miles into the wilderness East, the Which Lands as aforesaid hath Been quietly Possessed by the English Now for Severall years passt, but in as much as there is no written deed to be found under the Hand of the Said Sowheag, which may be an occasion of Trouble Hearaffter, for the prevention of which, knowing what our Predessessor Hath done and what he hath Received for the Same, and for the Consideration of twelve yeard of trading Cloath Given to us as a Grattuity By mr Sam Ct? written above Willis mr Henery Woolteutt mr James Richards Cap +? written above Sam Ct? written above Wells mr Sam Ct? written above Tallcott mr John Chesster mr James Treat in the name and behalfe and for the Use off all others the Resst of the Severall propriotors of the Said Land within the Limitts of the Township of Weathersfield afordesayd; We Turra muggus? Sepun na mow? Sqaw daughter to Souheag,: Spunno?: Nabowhee Weseunshiee Waphancke True Heires of and unclear To the aforsaid Souheag Have fully Confirmed and do by these presents fully and absolutely Confirme the aforsaid Grante made by our proffesor sowhey to the English as above said, and Have for our Selves for the Consideration aforementioned, Given Grantd Bargained Sould Aliened Ense ofted? Sobt over? and Confirmed and do by these presents fully. Clearly and absolutly Give Grant Bargains Sell Alien Ense ofte? Sebt over? and Confirms unto - the said mr Willis mr Woleutt mr Richards Cap +? above Wells mr Tallcott mr Chester mr Treate', in the Name and behalfe and for the use of all other of the resir of the? written above the Severall Propriotors of the Said Lands belonging to the Township of the Weathersfield that Now or that hearafter may be in the Tenure and unclear of the Severall Propriotors, that is to say all that parsill? of Land from the Tree: N : F : on the West Side of Conneeticott River, the Boundary betwen Weatherfield and Hartford: North: to run in Length full Six miles to the Tree marked: W: M: the boundary Tree betwen middletown and Weathersfield South, and the Whole Length to Run Six Large miles, the whole breadth from the Great River on the East to the boundary Between Farmington and Weathersfield West, and on the East Side of the Said Great River to Six miles in Length from Pewterpoot Brooke Mouth, North, to the Boundary between Midletown and Weathersfield: South. and the Whole Length to Run three Large miles in Breadth from the Said Greate River Wesst into the Willderness Eastward to Have and to Hould all the aforsaid Treats of Land as they are bounded with all the meadowes