.MTAy.MjU0ODM: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "I do not feel particular about Dr Strong's being there. the fact is I have but little faith in medicines for any case. Change of air and water and scenes will do more fo...")
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I do not feel particular about  
I do not feel particular about Dr Strong's being there. the fact is I have but little faith in medicines for any case. Change of air and water and scenes will do more for me. I am learning the guitar and am going to Syracuse to spend a few weeks on the organ when I think I shall be in "the Fashion". I should be willing to commence at Saratoga with a small class for I expect the benefit to my health will more than make up the difference. At least I feel so now.  
Dr Strong's being there. the fact  
  My dress from Wilcox & Elstree's is being made though not yet cut. They refused to make any reparation. I do believe I never was so angry about anything in my life.  
is I have but little faith in medicines  
  I hope you will come and make me a visit as soon as soon you can. I look forward with much pleasure to the time which shall bring you
for any case. Change of air and water  
and scenes will do more for me. I am  
learning the guitar and am going to  
Syracuse to spend a few weeks on the  
organ when I think Ia shall be in "the  
Fashion". I should be willing to com-
mence at Saratoga with a small class  
for I expect the benefit ti my health  
will more than make up the difference.  
At least I feel so now.  
My dress from Wilcox & Elstree's is  
being made though not yet cut.  
They refused to make any reparation. I  
do believe I never was so angry  
about anything in my life.
I hope you will come and make  
me a visit as soon as soon you can.  
I look forward with much pleasure  
to the time which shall bring you

Revision as of 14:18, 13 January 2021

I do not feel particular about Dr Strong's being there. the fact is I have but little faith in medicines for any case. Change of air and water and scenes will do more for me. I am learning the guitar and am going to Syracuse to spend a few weeks on the organ when I think I shall be in "the Fashion". I should be willing to commence at Saratoga with a small class for I expect the benefit to my health will more than make up the difference. At least I feel so now.

  My dress from Wilcox & Elstree's is being made though not yet cut. They refused to make any reparation. I do believe I never was so angry about anything in my life. 
  I hope you will come and make me a visit as soon as soon you can. I look forward with much pleasure to the time which shall bring you