.Nw.NjQ5: Difference between revisions

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[eight text blocks in two columns, each with separate title]

[column 1]
[first column, left hand side]
[image: an elaborate 4, like the symbol for Jupiter/Tin followed by Cu and a bracket containing the following five:]
[image: symbol for Saturn/Lead which looks like a cross between a "t" and a "h"]  Judaeu[s]
[image: circle with arrow pointing to the right] Chaldaeu[s]
[image: symbol for Venus, a circle with a cross at the bottom] Saracenu[s]
[image: symbol for Mercury, a circle with a cross at the bottom and two horns at the top] Christianu[s]
[image: a crescent moon] Antichristianu[s]

[image: an elaborate 4, like the symbol for Jupiter/Tin] ♃ followed by Cu and a bracket containing the following five:]

[image: symbol for Saturn/Lead which looks like a cross between a "t" and a "h"]  ♄ Judaeu:
[second column, right hand side]
[image: circle with arrow pointing to the right, perhaps Mars]  ♂ Chaldaeu:
[image: symbol for Venus, a circle with a cross at the bottom] ♀ Saracenu:
[image: symbol for Mercury, a circle with a cross at the bottom and two horns at the top] ☿ Christian:
[image: a crescent moon]  ☾ Antichristianu:
    Artes mutiantur imbice:
Dialecticus a Graumatico partes
Rhetor a Dialectico argumentationis
Poeta a Musico mensuras
Gometer ab Arethmetico pro=
    Literaru: Imbentores.
Moses Hebreas Atticas et
Nicostratus Latinas
Abraha: Chaldaicas
Isis Egyptias
Gabfila Geticas
Rhadamantus Assinas
Cadmus phoenicias
    Quaestiones Grammaticabus Agrip.
de vanitat 6.ult.
Errores Ex Grammatica inserophiris. C.
Subiecta Phisica
Constantia Mathematica
Superamtia Petaphisica
Resdetectiviae in Geometria
Ag. de Va. Sci fol.3..
[column 2]

[image: symbol for Mercury, a circle with a cross at the bottom and two horns at the top] Acidu:
[image: symbol for Mercury, a circle with a cross at the bottom and two horns at the top]  Acidu
[image: a crescent moon] amaru:
[image: a crescent moon] amaru
[image: symbol for Venus, a circle with a cross at the bottom] ♀ Salsu:
[image: symbol for Venus, a circle with a cross at the bottom] salsu
[image: symbol for Saturn/Lead which looks like a cross between a "t" and a "h"] acerbu
[image: symbol for Saturn/Lead which looks like a cross between a "t" and a "h"] acerbu.
[image: circle with arrow pointing to the right] acrem
[image: circle with arrow pointing to the right] acrem
[image: circle with a dot in the center, the Sun] dulcem
[image: circle with a dot in the center, the Sun] dulcem
[image: an elaborate 4, the symbol for Jupiter/Tin] austerum
[image: an elaborate 4, the symbol for Jupiter/Tin] austerum
Nycholaus Compernicus Ptolomaeu:
Theoph. Paracelsus Galenu: et
Petrus ramus Aristotle:
Thechelles masia sectam
Literas Phoenices
Poësin heroica: Homerus
Dialectice: Zeno Elates.
Rhetorice: Corax Siracusus
Apiaria Aristius.
Sementem Trissolemus
Leges Licurgus Solen.
Literau: Structuras, numeros
mensuras et momenta pala=
Grammer peevishnes See
Montaigue f. 468.
Paynters and gravers, would not
say in theyr inscriptions fecit
but fasiebat. as though they
were not perfect.
190 in Circumference of a circle
is 60 in Diameter.

Dinisi: of Numbers Cassiod
fol 502 vol 2

Revision as of 18:47, 5 July 2017

Artes [eight text blocks in two columns, each with separate title]

[first column, left hand side] Astrologia [image: an elaborate 4, like the symbol for Jupiter/Tin followed by Cu and a bracket containing the following five:] [image: symbol for Saturn/Lead which looks like a cross between a "t" and a "h"] Judaeu[s] [image: circle with arrow pointing to the right] Chaldaeu[s] [image: symbol for Venus, a circle with a cross at the bottom] Saracenu[s] [image: symbol for Mercury, a circle with a cross at the bottom and two horns at the top] Christianu[s] [image: a crescent moon] Antichristianu[s]


[second column, right hand side] Sapores

[image: symbol for Mercury, a circle with a cross at the bottom and two horns at the top] Acidu [image: a crescent moon] amaru [image: symbol for Venus, a circle with a cross at the bottom] salsu [image: symbol for Saturn/Lead which looks like a cross between a "t" and a "h"] acerbu. [image: circle with arrow pointing to the right] acrem [image: circle with a dot in the center, the Sun] dulcem [image: an elaborate 4, the symbol for Jupiter/Tin] austerum
