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Arg.5. From the concurring judgement of many [learned?] [&?] judicious men. p.26 to 29.
Arg.5. From the concurring judgement of many [learned?] [&?] judicious men. p.26 to 29.
Arg 6.6 [or?] owne experience has confirmed [ye] truth of what wee affirm. 29.
Arg 6.6 [or?] owne experience has confirmed [ye] truth of what wee affirm. 29.
The [friend?] [can?] which and [biz?]. If one bewitched is struck down at [ye?] foote or calf of the leg of another, so often of recovered again by a touch from ye fame Passion, whether this is not an infallible proof that ye party suspected, & complained of is in league with the Deveil! And. This may be ground of suspicion & examination, but not of conviction. p. 30.
The Judgement of [was? our?] Barnard & Doctor Coffee produced.
p. 31, 32. Several things offered again the infallible, guilty of this proof. 1 - It is possible & probably of ye Performs in peculiar may be [observed? offered?] like Lying  Arin G. V. 33, 3[number scratched out]
2. Falling down [with?] ye calf of ye leg proceede her from a natural but an Arbitrary [cough? calf?] p. 35.

Revision as of 02:29, 30 June 2017

The contents

The first case considered whether satan may not possibly appear in the shape of an innocent and pious, as well as of a nocent and wicked person, to afflict such as suffer by Diabolical [molestations?]. The Affirmative [proved?] by six arguments. Arg 1. From [crossed out word] Several Scriptures. p.1. to 11. Arg.2. Because it is possible for the devill in the shape of an inocent-person to do other mischiefs. proved by many instances. p.11 to 15. Arg.3. Because if Satan may not Represent an inocent person as afflicting others, it must be Either [because?] hee wants will, or Power to do thus, or because the holy God will never Permit him to do it . None of [wch?] may be affirmed. p.15. to 22. Arg.4. It is certayn both from Scripture [2 crossed out words] History that magicians by their inchantments, & [hellishe?] conjurations, may cause a false [Representation?] of persons & things. p. 22 to 26. Arg.5. From the concurring judgement of many [learned?] [&?] judicious men. p.26 to 29. Arg 6.6 [or?] owne experience has confirmed [ye] truth of what wee affirm. 29.

The [friend?] [can?] which and [biz?]. If one bewitched is struck down at [ye?] foote or calf of the leg of another, so often of recovered again by a touch from ye fame Passion, whether this is not an infallible proof that ye party suspected, & complained of is in league with the Deveil! And. This may be ground of suspicion & examination, but not of conviction. p. 30.

The Judgement of [was? our?] Barnard & Doctor Coffee produced. p. 31, 32. Several things offered again the infallible, guilty of this proof. 1 - It is possible & probably of ye Performs in peculiar may be [observed? offered?] like Lying Arin G. V. 33, 3[number scratched out] 2. Falling down [with?] ye calf of ye leg proceede her from a natural but an Arbitrary [cough? calf?] p. 35.