.NQ.MTkw: Difference between revisions

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1.- Currently, users aren't using the fields expressly.  Transcription should be exclusively for that, and multiple transcriptions for a same page shouldn't be jumbled together but as consecutive, independent, timestamped edits instead. There should be an additional field, named Annotation, for everything outside of the verbatim transcription or translation.
1.- Currently, users aren't using the fields expressly.  Transcription should be exclusively for that, and multiple transcriptions for a same page shouldn't be jumbled together but as consecutive, independent, timestamped edits instead. There should be an additional field, named Annotation, for everything outside of the verbatim transcription or translation.
2.- There should be a way of linking the image of a single letter to its transcribed character.
2.- There should be a way of linking the image of a single letter to its transcribed character.
2.- There should be a way of linking the image of a complete word to its transcribed characters.  
3.- There should be a small set of rules for annotations.
3.- There should be a grid for each line on the page.  The grid should be modifiable on a page-by-page basis, to accomodate graphs and symbols.  The layout should be automatic, with small adjustments allowed from the user.
4.- There should be a grid for each line on the page.  The grid should be modifiable on a page-by-page basis, to accomodate graphs and symbols.  The layout should be automatic, with small adjustments allowed from the user.
4.- The grid should allow transcriptions to be next to each referred line.
5.- The grid should allow transcriptions to be next to each referred line.
5.- The font type should be Junicode/Adobe Caslon.
6.- The font type should be Junicode/Adobe Caslon.
6.- For MacBook Pro + Touch Bar users: I use a Medieval Latin Keyboard Layout and a BetterTouchTool preset in order to type Latin characters directly with ligatures. Feel free to contact me if interested.
7.- For MacBook Pro + Touch Bar users: I use a Medieval Latin Keyboard Layout and a BetterTouchTool preset in order to type Latin characters directly with ligatures. Feel free to contact me if interested.

Revision as of 20:33, 7 July 2019

To make a Key

Take the Iron that is found unlooked for make therof a key in the day and hour of Venus the moon increasing; and when this Key is made, put it at night wth the Sacrifice of a white Cock in a quadrangle way : Saying O yee Spiritts Naylon Acssalaz, Receive this Sacrifice that no Creature may resist against me or this key, and that where this key is put, or before what locks forever it be turned about, It may prevaile and fulfil my will. This sayd, write upon the Key this figure [Image: ~ with two lines attached to the bottom as if it were a "F" where the prongs are facing downward] with the bloud of the same cock: Let it be there 3 dayes and 3 nights. Then in the third day before the Cock crowe take it out, and when thou goest by any City Town or howse Gates or dores Turn him from the left parte and from the West to the East, as yf you would open a lock,

[___Divided in Three parts__] V In Speculo magno exemplorum • per I Til. Incantatio • Exemplum et guomodo quin Juvenis per prefermi IS quani im [Inserinpho] soferatas clausuras ex perfidra aperuit quas postea aperrye non potuist.

Note: Compare this to the "Key of Pluto" clms 849 folio 44v {abamefra@gmail.com}

v. In speculo magno exemplorum pa 4 Tit. Incantatio. Exemplum & quomodo quid Juvenis per prophaniss. quandam inscript[ionem] obseratas clausuras ex perfida aperuit quas postea aperre non potuit. [See p. 365 of the Magnum speculum exemplorum, example 4: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=wA5lAAAAcAAJ&lpg=PP20&ots=y3QGkSk50R&dq=speculo%20magno%20exemplorum&pg=PA365#v=onepage&q=juvenis&f=false]