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All the time of his [?] here, the cause of this his special love to James, was because hee had been a fellow soldier with him in the mauhake warr(?) about ten years past. James aquainted his comrade Job with his purpose to escape home, [?] by company, with him! Job [?] his purpose & [?] continued with him for his — escape. But said hee I am not yet in a [?] fit to goe, for I cannot carry my children with mee, and I have not yet considered of a way to bring them(?) of, [?] said hee, I am willing to venture, a little longer and goe down with this [?…] and to meet with this narragansilts(?), & if I live I may get more intelligence, but[crossed out] and so hee (?) if(?) God spare my life I [?] to come away about three weeks hense, But James earnestly persuaded him to goe with him ^ now for said hee after I am gone, I feare […] suspect it to bee spyes & [?] kill you, but Job was resolved to stay & be with me a little longer, [?] to his childrens [?], & to continue away for [?] escape of some [?…] were among this enimy, that longed for deliverance, so James came away & got safe home, as is above declared(?), but Job staid behind & returned not until the middle(?) of february
All the time of his beeing there, the cause of this his special love to James, was because hee had been a fellow soldier with him in the manhake warr about ten years past. James aquainted his comrade Job with his purpose to escape home, desiring his company, with him! Job concealed his purpose & secretly contrived with him for his — escape. But said hee I am not yet in a posture fit to goe, for I cannot carry my children with mee, and I have not yet considered of a way to bring them of, moreover said hee, I am willing to venture, a little longer in order to his childrens Release, & to contrive a way for the escape of some other ch[ris]tian indians that were among the enimy, that longed for deliverance, so James came away & got safe home, as is above declared, but Job staid behind & returned not until the ninth of february, and then about 10 oclocke in the night came to Major Gookins house at cambridge conducted thither by on Joseph Miller that lived neare the falls of Charles River, hee brought tydings that before he came from the eminy at menenshee, a party of the indians about 400 were marched forth to Attack & burne Lancaster, & on the morrow  it was february the 10th they would Attempt it, this time exactly suted with James, his information, before hinted, which was not then credited as it should have been, and consequently not so good means

Revision as of 15:23, 13 April 2022

53 All the time of his beeing there, the cause of this his special love to James, was because hee had been a fellow soldier with him in the manhake warr about ten years past. James aquainted his comrade Job with his purpose to escape home, desiring his company, with him! Job concealed his purpose & secretly contrived with him for his — escape. But said hee I am not yet in a posture fit to goe, for I cannot carry my children with mee, and I have not yet considered of a way to bring them of, moreover said hee, I am willing to venture, a little longer in order to his childrens Release, & to contrive a way for the escape of some other ch[ris]tian indians that were among the enimy, that longed for deliverance, so James came away & got safe home, as is above declared, but Job staid behind & returned not until the ninth of february, and then about 10 oclocke in the night came to Major Gookins house at cambridge conducted thither by on Joseph Miller that lived neare the falls of Charles River, hee brought tydings that before he came from the eminy at menenshee, a party of the indians about 400 were marched forth to Attack & burne Lancaster, & on the morrow it was february the 10th they would Attempt it, this time exactly suted with James, his information, before hinted, which was not then credited as it should have been, and consequently not so good means