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foureten Armed men, from chclmsford pretending to scout & lookout for the enimy (but as I was informed) was moved amog them & concluded that they would goe to the
foureten Armed men, from chelmsford pretending to scout & lookout for the enimy (but as I was informed) was moved amog them & concluded that they would goe to the
wigwams of the wamesit indians, their neighbours & kill them all: in pursuance wherof they came to the wigwams & called the poore indians to com out of doors which most
wigwams of the wamesit indians, their neighbours & kill them all: in pursuance wherof they came to the wigwams & called the poore indians to com out of doors which most
of them readily did, both men women & children not in the least suspecting the english would hurt them. But two of the english beeing loaden with pistol shot beeing not farr  
of them readily did, both men women & children not in the least suspecting the english would hurt them. But two of the english beeing loaden with pistol shot beeing not farr  

Latest revision as of 01:33, 9 April 2022

46 foureten Armed men, from chelmsford pretending to scout & lookout for the enimy (but as I was informed) was moved amog them & concluded that they would goe to the wigwams of the wamesit indians, their neighbours & kill them all: in pursuance wherof they came to the wigwams & called the poore indians to com out of doors which most of them readily did, both men women & children not in the least suspecting the english would hurt them. But two of the english beeing loaden with pistol shot beeing not farr of fired upon them & woonded five women & children & slew outright a lad of about 12 years old which childs mother was also one of the woonded she was a widdow her name Sarah a woman of good report for Religion shee was daughter to a Sagamor named SagamoR John who was great friend to the English who lived & died at the same plase: her two husbands (both deceased) were principall Sagamores the one named John Tohatooner & the other oonamog. both pious men & Rulers of the praying indians out at marlborow & that after at Neshoba her last husband died befor the warr the first husband long before words crossed out this youth slaine was only sonn to the first husband: his grand father old Tahattaware was a sachem & a pious man; God was pleased to restrane the other 12 English men, that they did not fire their guns upon the poore indians that which was done was too much & was an action very much decryed by all wise & prudent men; especially by the majistry & ministry: as soone as intelligence came to Authority warrants were sent forth to apprehend the murderers their names were Lorgin & Robins they were seased & comitted to prison, and afterward tryed for their lives but were cleared by the Juriy: to the great greaf & troubled generally of magistracy & ministry & otherwise & Godly men. The Jury pretended want of cleare evidence, but som feared it was rather a myst of temptation & prejudice against these poore indians that darkened their way. This cruel murder & fright ocasioned most of those poore ch[ris]tian Indians to fly away from their wigwams not long after, but caried littel or nothing with them but for feare, Rather exposes themselves & familys to the hardships & sufferings of hunger & cold, than to word crossed out bee under the harsh dealing of cruel men But as soone as the council were informed that these Indians were fled they sent orders to Leiftenant Lieutenant- - Henchman to send after them & endeavr to perswade them to Returne, but their fears, so prevaled that they refused to Returne but sent backe a letter directed