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(Created page with "Ans. The crystaline clean so called from its [unclear] The [unclear] had [unclear] heavens Air. Starry heavens. and the habitation of God & his angels. qu. In the fourth day...")
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and the habitation of God & his angels.
and the habitation of God & his angels.
qu. In the fourth days work what does Milton add to the Scriptural account? 338, 389, 368
qu. In the fourth days work what does Milton add to the Scriptural account? 338, 389, 368
"Allusion to the [unclear] ? 374.
" Where was the sun & what season was it?
Ans The sun was in Aries & it was SPring.
qu. Fifth day? 387 Sixth day 449.
" What is noticeable in the manner in which the different animals are brought into existence?
Ans. Places & altitudes switch to their [unclear] dispositions.
qu. In relating the account of mans creation what [unclear] does the angel give? 546.
Book Eighth
qu. Effect of the angels discussion on Adam?
" How does he thank the angel?
" Had Eve been present?
" Reason given for her withdrawal now? 40.
" Had Milton another reason?
Ans He makes Adam speak of Eve as would not be proper in her presence.
qu. What difficulty presented to Adam? 14.
" Does the angel blame Adam for his inquisitions? 66.
" What does he say is of little consequence? 70.
" Has Milton authority for for saying there are difficulties to angels?
Ans. "Which things the angels desire to look into."
qu? What reason does he give for those things being concealed from men & angels? 74.
" Which does the angel predict concerning the speculations of men in future ages? 80
" What [unclear] of the Creator is the view of the universe calculated to give us?100
Ans. Some philosophers attribute our first notions of religion to this [unclear] .
qu How does he attempt to [unclear] that the simplest notion  incredible? 108.
" Explain line134?
" Erroneous notion advanced as to the mean? 145.
" What questions does the angel not presume to answer? 159-68
" Was Adam satisfied? 179. qu. His proposal? 204
" What season does Raphael give for desiring to hear Adams story? 234
"Heavenly vision [unclear] upon what?
" Some of Adams first thoughts
" What arguments does Adam give for desiring a [unclear] 783
"Passages showing Adams regard for her?
" " " influence over her? 341.
" " " comparison between them?

Latest revision as of 02:39, 30 November 2020

Ans. The crystaline clean so called from its [unclear] The [unclear] had [unclear] heavens Air. Starry heavens. and the habitation of God & his angels. qu. In the fourth days work what does Milton add to the Scriptural account? 338, 389, 368 "Allusion to the [unclear] ? 374. " Where was the sun & what season was it? Ans The sun was in Aries & it was SPring. qu. Fifth day? 387 Sixth day 449. " What is noticeable in the manner in which the different animals are brought into existence? Ans. Places & altitudes switch to their [unclear] dispositions. qu. In relating the account of mans creation what [unclear] does the angel give? 546. Book Eighth qu. Effect of the angels discussion on Adam? " How does he thank the angel? " Had Eve been present? " Reason given for her withdrawal now? 40. " Had Milton another reason? Ans He makes Adam speak of Eve as would not be proper in her presence. qu. What difficulty presented to Adam? 14. " Does the angel blame Adam for his inquisitions? 66. " What does he say is of little consequence? 70. " Has Milton authority for for saying there are difficulties to angels? Ans. "Which things the angels desire to look into." qu? What reason does he give for those things being concealed from men & angels? 74. " Which does the angel predict concerning the speculations of men in future ages? 80 " What [unclear] of the Creator is the view of the universe calculated to give us?100 Ans. Some philosophers attribute our first notions of religion to this [unclear] . qu How does he attempt to [unclear] that the simplest notion incredible? 108. " Explain line134? " Erroneous notion advanced as to the mean? 145. " What questions does the angel not presume to answer? 159-68 " Was Adam satisfied? 179. qu. His proposal? 204 " What season does Raphael give for desiring to hear Adams story? 234 "Heavenly vision [unclear] upon what? " Some of Adams first thoughts " What arguments does Adam give for desiring a [unclear] 783 "Passages showing Adams regard for her? " " " influence over her? 341. " " " comparison between them?