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In lib. primo Theologiae Mysticae cap. 55.
<!-- A transcription from Theologia mystica Henrik Herp.-->
<!-- Blanche Pautet, MA student (blanche.pautet@gmail.com) it actually is from "CAPUT 55" ,cf. https://books.google.fr/books?id=NLhiAAAAcAAJ&pg=PT28&lpg=PT28&dq=mystica+theologia+henrik+herp&source=bl&ots=tjdCN__N7_&sig=qEXTqcjUFgvUwhMDDdmSZbcBeiI&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi7gcO-xJrXAhVEOhoKHbexAoEQ6AEIQjAE#v=onepage&q=LV&f=false  -->
<!-- Emended July 10, 2017 by Adrián I. Rodríguez, BA in Classical Literature, banini_ra@hotmai.com -->
In lib. primo Theologia Mystica cap. 55.
De virtutibus acquirendis  
De virtutibus acquirendis  
Nulli interclusa est virtus; omnibus patet;  
Nulli interclusa est virtus; omnibus patet;  
omnes admittet; omnes invitat. Non colleges d[nium?]
omnes admittit; omnes invitat. Non colliget dominum
non censum; Homine niedo contenta est. Sed ut  
non censum; Homine nudo contenta est. Sed ut <!-- see Seneca, de Beneficiis, III, 18.2 -->
[...dicet?] Cassianus in Collaetionibus Patrum, quidam  
dicit Cassianus in Collationibus Patrum, quidam  
sic quaerunt a passionibus temporari ut nequae[u?]
sic quaerunt a passionibus temperari ut nequaquam
[...velint?] dolores sustinere Martyrios; Sine quibus  
velit dolores sustinere Martyrios; Sine quibus <!-- this is a partial misquotation of Cass. -->
Desideria Spiritus possideri nequeunt. Absque carnis  
Desideria Spiritus possideri nequeunt. Absque carnis  
castigatione obtinere desederant ca[stri?]moniam.  
castigatione obtinere desiderant castimoniam.  
Sine labore vigiliarum adquirere puritatem.  
Sine labore vigiliarum acquirere puritatem.  
Cum requie carnis Spiritualibus exuberare  
Cum requie carnis Spiritualibus exuberare  
virtusibus; [absque?] Convitij ullius exaperatione
virtutibus; absque convitii ullius exasperatione
gratiam possedere Patientiae. Humilitatem
gratiam possidere patientiae; humilitatem
Christi Sine mundani honoris exercere iactura;  
Christi Sine mundani honoris exercere iactura;  
Religionis Simplicitatem cum Ambitione saeculi  
Religionis Simplicitatem cum Ambitione saeculi  
servare: Christo cum hominum laude et favore  
servare, Christo cum hominum laude et favore  
servire: pastremo; sic volunt consequi bona futura  
servire; postremo, sic volunt consequi bona futura  
ut non dimi[ttent?] praesentia. Quibus respondet Aug  
ut non ammittat praesentia. Quibus respondet Aug <!-- Aug. Sermones de Scripturis, LXII, XI, 16 -->
Via nostrae Christus est; Christum att[cuae?] pati venit  
Via nostrae Christus est; Christum attende. pati venit
sic et glorificare; contemni, sed et exaltari. Opus  
sic et glorificari; contemni, sed et exaltari. Opus  
te terret; mercedem expecta. Quare vis [illigible]
te terret; mercedem expecta. Quare vis pervenire
delicatus ad carne rem ad quam nemo p[ro?]ducit insi [labor?]
delicatus ad eam rem ad quam nemo perducit nisi labor?  
Nihil mirum si miseri homines non [adipiscimtur?]  
Nihil mirum si miseri homines non adipiscuntur <!-- Aug. de libero arbitrio I, XIV -->
quod volunt 1. Vitam beatum: 2d enim cui comes est  
quod volunt [id?] vitam beatam: id enim cui comes est  
et sine quo [nemo?] ea dignus est 5. recte vivere non valione
et sine quo nemo ea dignus est sed recte vivere non volunt.
Haec aeterna lex incommutabili stabilitate firm[avir?]
Haec aeterna lex incommutabili stabilitate firmavit
ut in voluntate mentum sit, in bonitate autem  
ut in voluntate meritum sit, in bonitate autem  
et malicia praemium adq supplicium. Sic autem somo
et malicia praemium atque supplicium. Sic autem homo
ab humanis in divina dirigitur, cum summae voluntati  
ab humanis in divina dirigitur, cum humanae voluntati  
Thoma voluntas praeponitur.
Divina voluntas praeponitur.
The acquisition of the virtues
To no one, it is a virtue, his breath; all clear;
she receives all; All comers. It will be the master
, also taxes; A naked sufficient. But as <! - see Seneca, Benefits, 3, 18.2 ->
In the Conferences of the Cassia, some
So asking not to be tempered by feelings
is willing to bear the pains of martyrdom; and Without the <! - This is a partial misquotation of Cass. ->
The desire of the possessed person. without meat
the chastisement of a desire to obtain his chastity.
Without work, sleepless nights to acquire a pure state.
When the rest of the spiritual surplus
virtues; RAIL without any annoy
to possess the grace of patience; humility
To exercise the honor of Christ, without a loss of the world ';
Simplicity and religious ambitions of the world
received to hold, and the praise of Christ, with the favor of men,
to serve; and finally, so they want to achieve a good future
so as not to lose the present. Corresponding Aug <! - Dec. Conversations about the Scriptures, 62, 11, 16 ->
Christ is our way; Christ. allow the
It will be honored; undervalued, but will be lifted. work
scares; Wait for payment. Why you want to reach
leads to nothing but hard labor to it, the matter to which none of the tender, and the?
No wonder unhappy men obtain <! - Dec. freedom of choice of 1, 14 ->
they want [it] to happiness is that which accompanies
but it is worthy it is to live rightly, and without which no one do not want to.
This is the eternal law is changeless stability
as was said in the will of the merit is His alone, in his goodness, however,
and the malice of reward and punishment. It is a
from the human to the divine direction, with the will '
Divine will be preferred.

Latest revision as of 16:04, 11 January 2019

In lib. primo Theologia Mystica cap. 55. De virtutibus acquirendis Nulli interclusa est virtus; omnibus patet; omnes admittit; omnes invitat. Non colliget dominum non censum; Homine nudo contenta est. Sed ut dicit Cassianus in Collationibus Patrum, quidam sic quaerunt a passionibus temperari ut nequaquam velit dolores sustinere Martyrios; Sine quibus Desideria Spiritus possideri nequeunt. Absque carnis castigatione obtinere desiderant castimoniam. Sine labore vigiliarum acquirere puritatem. Cum requie carnis Spiritualibus exuberare virtutibus; absque convitii ullius exasperatione gratiam possidere patientiae; humilitatem Christi Sine mundani honoris exercere iactura; Religionis Simplicitatem cum Ambitione saeculi servare, Christo cum hominum laude et favore servire; postremo, sic volunt consequi bona futura ut non ammittat praesentia. Quibus respondet Aug Via nostrae Christus est; Christum attende. pati venit sic et glorificari; contemni, sed et exaltari. Opus te terret; mercedem expecta. Quare vis pervenire delicatus ad eam rem ad quam nemo perducit nisi labor? Nihil mirum si miseri homines non adipiscuntur quod volunt [id?] vitam beatam: id enim cui comes est et sine quo nemo ea dignus est sed recte vivere non volunt. Haec aeterna lex incommutabili stabilitate firmavit ut in voluntate meritum sit, in bonitate autem et malicia praemium atque supplicium. Sic autem homo ab humanis in divina dirigitur, cum humanae voluntati Divina voluntas praeponitur.

Gabriela.....geperez1@live.com The acquisition of the virtues To no one, it is a virtue, his breath; all clear; she receives all; All comers. It will be the master , also taxes; A naked sufficient. But as <! - see Seneca, Benefits, 3, 18.2 -> In the Conferences of the Cassia, some So asking not to be tempered by feelings is willing to bear the pains of martyrdom; and Without the <! - This is a partial misquotation of Cass. -> The desire of the possessed person. without meat the chastisement of a desire to obtain his chastity. Without work, sleepless nights to acquire a pure state. When the rest of the spiritual surplus virtues; RAIL without any annoy to possess the grace of patience; humility To exercise the honor of Christ, without a loss of the world '; Simplicity and religious ambitions of the world received to hold, and the praise of Christ, with the favor of men, to serve; and finally, so they want to achieve a good future so as not to lose the present. Corresponding Aug <! - Dec. Conversations about the Scriptures, 62, 11, 16 -> Christ is our way; Christ. allow the It will be honored; undervalued, but will be lifted. work scares; Wait for payment. Why you want to reach leads to nothing but hard labor to it, the matter to which none of the tender, and the? No wonder unhappy men obtain <! - Dec. freedom of choice of 1, 14 -> they want [it] to happiness is that which accompanies but it is worthy it is to live rightly, and without which no one do not want to. This is the eternal law is changeless stability as was said in the will of the merit is His alone, in his goodness, however, and the malice of reward and punishment. It is a from the human to the divine direction, with the will ' Divine will be preferred.