Tennessee Atlas of Historical County Boundaries
John H. Long, Editor; Peggy Tuck Sinko, Associate Editor and Historical Compiler; Douglas Knox, Book Digitizing Director; Emily Kelley, Research Associate and Digital Compiler; Laura Rico-Beck, GIS Specialist and Digital Compiler; Peter Siczewicz, ArcIMS Interactive Map Designer; Robert Will, Cartographic Assistant
Copyright The Newberry Library 2007
2 June 1609
King James I granted a new charter to the Virginia Company of London, expanding its jurisdiction along the coast to 200 miles north and south of Point Comfort (c. 37 degrees north latitude), and extending westward and northwestward to the Pacific Ocean. Included all of present Tennessee. (Paullin, pl. 42; Swindler, 10:24-36; Van Zandt, 92)
24 March 1662/1663
[24 March 1662/1663] King Charles II created Carolina from earlier range of Virginia territory and granted it as a proprietary colony to eight of his supporters. Limits were: on the north, the north end of Lucke Island and the parallel of 36 degrees north latitude; on the west, the Pacific Ocean; and on the south, the St. Mary's River and, from that river westward, the parallel of 31 degrees north latitude. Included southern portion of present Tennessee. (Swindler, 7:357-358)
30 June 1665
King Charles II granted a new charter to the proprietors of Carolina, expanding its jurisdiction north and south. New boundaries were: on the north, a line from the north end of the Currituck River westward to "Wyonoak" Creek and thence due west along the parallel of 36 degrees, 30 minutes north latitude; on the west the Pacific Ocean; and on the south, the parallel of 29 degrees north latitude. Included all of present Tennessee. (Swindler, 7:375)
10 February 1763
Treaty of Paris, ending the Seven Years' War between Great Britain (the victor) and France and Spain, implicitly set the Mississippi River as the new western limit for the British colonies, including North Carolina, whose charter bounds had technically extended to the Pacific Ocean and included present Tennessee. (Cappon, Petchenik, and Long, 1)
5 July 1776
Washington District petitioned North Carolina for annexation after first appealing to Virginia. In November 1776 four delegates from Washington District attended the North Carolina constitutional convention. Boundaries of Washington District were not clearly defined, but appear to have included part of western North Carolina. (Folmsbee, Corlew, and Mitchell, 61; Williams, Samuel C., Tennessee during the Revolutionary War, 17-23)
18 December 1776
First constitution of North Carolina asserted its claim to the Tennessee country all the way to the Mississippi River. (Swindler, 7:403)
[1775-1776] Settlers in Carters Valley and the North Holston area of present Tennessee (then North Carolina) believed they were located in Virginia and put themselves first under the authority of FINCASTLE (Va.), and after 31 December 1776, under WASHINGTON (Va.). Settlers in present Tennessee south of the Holston River organized Washington District; no clear boundaries were defined [not mapped]. (Cappon, Petchenik, and Long, 16, 89; Folmsbee, Corlew, and Mitchell, 60-61; Williams, Samuel C., Tennessee during the Revolutionary War, 15-18)
24 December 1777
WASHINGTON created by North Carolina from Washington District and non-county area; included all of present Tennessee and part of North Carolina. Residents in North Holston and Carters Valley settlements (in present Tennessee) still considered themselves part of WASHINGTON (Va.); the precise location of the boundary between WASHINGTON and Virginia was not demarcated. (N.C. St. Recs., 24:ch. 31/pp. 141-142)
10 November 1779
SULLIVAN created by North Carolina from WASHINGTON; western limit not defined. North Holston and Carters Valley settlements came under the control of SULLIVAN. Precise location of boundary between North Carolina and Virginia remained in dispute. (N.C. St. Recs., 24:ch. 29/pp. 300-302)
WASHINGTON lost to creation of SULLIVAN. (N.C. St. Recs., 24:ch. 29/pp. 300-302)
September 1779-March 1780
[September 1779-March 1780] Commissioners from North Carolina and Virginia surveyed the boundary between the two states from Steep Rock Creek, near the present North Carolina-Tennessee line, west to the Tennessee River Disagreements over the correct course resulted in two competing survey lines running a little over two miles apart. North Carolina commissioners ran their line only to Cumberland Gap; Virginia commissioners continued on to the Tennessee River The Virginia-Tennessee boundary remained in dispute until 1803. (Paullin, 81, pl. 99A; Sames, 14, 41)
17 May 1783
DAVIDSON created by North Carolina from WASHINGTON. (N.C. St. Recs., 24:ch. 52/p. 540)
GREENE created by North Carolina from WASHINGTON; precise location of boundary between North Carolina and Virginia remained in dispute. (N.C. St. Recs., 24:ch. 51/pp. 539-540 and ch. 2, sec. 5/p. 479)
3 September 1783
Commissioners from Great Britain and the United States signed the Treaty of Paris (ratifications exchanged 12 May 1784) ending the War of the American Revolution, recognizing American independence, and generally defining U.S. territory as extending to the Great Lakes-Lake of the Woods line on the north; the Mississippi River on the west, and the Floridas on the south, including present Tennessee. (Parry, 48:481, 487, 491-492; Van Zandt, 12)
19 April 1784
North Carolina ceded to the United States its charter claims to territory west of the Smoky Mountain ridge (present Tennessee), but repealed the cession in November of the same year. (Cappon, Petchenik, and Long, 89; N.C. St. Recs., 24:ch. 11/pp. 561-563 and ch. 16/pp. 678-679; Williams, Samuel C., Lost State of Franklin, 18-37)
29 July 1784
Spain claimed most of the southwestern United States (north of west Florida, east of the Mississippi River, south of the Tennessee and Hiwassee Rivers, and west of the Flint River), including part of present Tennessee, based upon the conquest of West Florida and the lower Mississippi during the War of the American Revolution. The United States insisted upon the parallel of 31 degrees north latitude, specified in its 1783 peace treaty with Great Britain, as its southern boundary. Neither side actually controlled the interior. (Cappon, Petchenik, and Long, 14, 74, 87; Whitaker, facing 68)
31 August 1784
Encouraged by the U.S. Ordinance of 1784, which held out the promise of new states being established west of the Appalachian Mountains, delegates from GREENE, SULLIVAN, and WASHINGTON gathered in convention at Jonesborough and declared their intention to compensate for the loss of jurisdiction by North Carolina by forming a new state and petitioning Congress for admission to the Union. (Ramsey, 284-288; Williams, Samuel C., Lost State of Franklin, 29)
17 December 1784
Delegates meeting at Jonesborough proclaimed the State of Franklin and adopted a constitution. Boundaries were never precisely defined, but included all areas of present eastern Tennessee occupied by settlers [not mapped]. (Cappon, Petchenik, and Long, 17, 89; Swindler, 9:127-135; Williams, Samuel C., Lost State of Franklin, 330-338)
1 March 1785
CASWELL (state of Franklin) created from part of GREENE in the vicinity of present JEFFERSON and HAMBLEN [not mapped]. (Jordan, "Evolution . . . Hawkins and Sumner," 4-5, 8; Ramsey, 293-295; Williams, Samuel C., Lost State of Franklin, 55-58)
The First General Assembly of the state of Franklin convened in Jonesborough, Tenn., and recognized the three existing North Carolina counties located in eastern Tennessee (GREENE, SULLIVAN, and WASHINGTON) and created four new counties; the text of the acts is not extant and the precise boundaries of the counties are unknown. North Carolina did not recognize the legitimacy of these counties and sought to regain control of the area. (Jordan, "Evolution . . . Hawkins and Sumner," 4-5, 8; Ramsey, 293-295; Williams, Samuel C., Lost State of Franklin, 55-58)
SEVIER (state of Franklin) created from GREENE; it is not to be confused with Tennessee's SEVIER County created in 1794 in the same general area [not mapped]. (Jordan, "Evolution . . . Hawkins and Sumner," 4-5, 8; Ramsey, 293-295; Williams, Samuel C., Lost State of Franklin, 55-58)
SPENCER (state of Franklin) created from GREENE and SULLIVAN in the vicinity of present HAWKINS [not mapped]. (Jordan, "Evolution . . . Hawkins and Sumner," 4-5, 8; Ramsey, 293-295; Williams, Samuel C., Lost State of Franklin, 55-58)
WAYNE (state of Franklin) created from WASHINGTON and WILKES (N.C.) in the vicinity of present CARTER and JOHNSON [not mapped] (Jordan, "Evolution . . . Hawkins and Sumner," 4-5, 8; Ramsey, 293-295; Williams, Samuel C., Lost State of Franklin, 55-58)
by October 1785
[by October 1785] BLOUNT (State of Franklin) created from GREENE, probably at the Second General Assembly of Franklin in August 1785. The text of the act is not extant and the precise boundaries are unknown. It is not clear whether BLOUNT ever became fully organized; it is not to be confused with Tennessee's BLOUNT County created in 1795 in the same general area [not mapped]. (Williams, Samuel C., Lost State of Franklin, 88-89)
6 January 1787
HAWKINS created by North Carolina from GREENE and SULLIVAN. Precise boundary between North Carolina and Virginia remained in dispute. (N.C. St. Recs., 24:ch. 34/pp. 830-832)
Non-County Area 1 (Cherokee Reserve) implicitly created when GREENE lost to creation of HAWKINS. (N.C. St. Recs., 24:ch. 34/pp. 830-832)
Non-County Area 2 created when that part of GREENE west of HAWKINS reverted to non-county status. (N.C. St. Recs., 24:ch. 34/pp. 830-832)
SUMNER created by North Carolina from DAVIDSON. (N.C. St. Recs., 24:ch. 32/pp. 826-828)
6 December 1788
SULLIVAN gained from WASHINGTON. (N.C. St. Recs., 24:ch. 29/p. 974)
TENNESSEE County (extinct) created by North Carolina from DAVIDSON. (N.C. St. Recs., 24:ch. 28/pp. 972-973)
1 February 1789
John Sevier, governor of the state of Franklin, formally swore allegiance to North Carolina, effectively ending Franklin's operation and signaling the region's return to North Carolina control. All Franklin counties (BLOUNT, CASWELL, SEVIER, SPENCER, and WAYNE) eliminated. (Folmsbee, Corlew, and Mitchell, 88-90; Williams, Samuel Cole, Lost State of Franklin, 213-225)
2 April 1790
North Carolina again ceded to the United States its claim to territory west of the Smoky Mountains (present Tennessee). (Terr. Papers U.S., 4:13-17; U.S. Stat., vol. 1, ch. 6[1790], pp. 106-109)
26 May 1790
The United States created the Territory of the United States South of the River Ohio (Southwest Territory), covering the territory ceded in April 1790 by North Carolina (area of present Tennessee). DAVIDSON, GREENE, HAWKINS, SULLIVAN, SUMNER, TENNESSEE, and WASHINGTON became counties in the Southwest Territory. WASHINGTON lost its eastern tip to the North Carolina side of the boundary. (Terr. Papers U.S., 4:18-19; U.S. Stat., vol. 1, ch. 14[1790], p. 123)
15 June 1792
JEFFERSON and KNOX created by Southwest Territory from GREENE, HAWKINS, and Non-County Area 1 (Cherokee Reserve). (Terr. Papers U.S., 4:448-449)
7 May 1793
GREENE exchanged with JEFFERSON. (Terr. Papers U.S., 4:455-456)
27 September 1794
Non-County Area 1 (Cherokee Reserve) gained from JEFFERSON. (Terr. South of R. Ohio Acts 1794, ch. 11/p. 38)
SEVIER created by Southwest Territory from JEFFERSON and KNOX. (Terr. South of R. Ohio Acts 1794, ch. 11/p. 38)
11 July 1795
JEFFERSON gained from SEVIER. (Terr. South of R. Ohio Acts 1795, ch. 14/p. 68)
2 August 1795
BLOUNT created by Southwest Territory from KNOX and Non-County Area 1 (Cherokee Reserve). (Terr. South of R. Ohio Acts 1795, ch. 6/p. 60)
27 October 1795
By Pinckney's Treaty, the United States and Spain settled the United States-Florida boundary; Spain relinquished all claims to area of present Tennessee. (Parry, 53:9; Van Zandt, 22)
9 April 1796
CARTER created from WASHINGTON. (Tenn. Acts 1796, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 31, sec. 1/p. 100)
MONTGOMERY created from TENNESSEE County (extinct). ROBERTSON created from SUMNER and TENNESSEE County (extinct). TENNESSEE County eliminated. (Tenn. Acts 1796, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 30/p. 99)
20 April 1796
Boundary between BLOUNT and SEVIER clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1796, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 35/p. 106)
22 April 1796
GRAINGER created from HAWKINS, KNOX, and SUMNER. (Tenn. Acts 1796, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 28, sec. 1/p. 95)
Non-County Area 2 gained when all that part of HAWKINS south of GRAINGER implicitly reverted to non-county status. (Tenn. Acts 1796, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 28, sec. 1/p. 95)
1 June 1796
Congress admitted the state of Tennessee to the Union from the Territory of the United States South of the River Ohio (Southwest Territory). BLOUNT, DAVIDSON, GREENE, HAWKINS, JEFFERSON, KNOX, SEVIER, SULLIVAN, SUMNER, and WASHINGTON became counties in the state of Tennessee. Members of the first Tennessee legislature began meeting in late March, prior to formal United States congressional approval, and created CARTER, GRAINGER, MONTGOMERY, and ROBERTSON before 1 June. Southwest Territory eliminated. (U.S. Stat., vol. 1, ch. 47[1796], pp. 491-492; Folmsbee, Corlew, and Mitchell 110)
9 October 1797
COCKE created from GREENE and JEFFERSON; part of JEFFERSON south of COCKE was left separate from the rest of JEFFERSON by this creation. (Tenn. Acts 1797, 2d assy., 1st sess., ch. 8, sec. 1/p. 124)
28 October 1797
GRAINGER gained from HAWKINS. (Tenn. Acts 1797, 2d assy., 1st sess., ch. 13/p. 129)
28 December 1798
BLOUNT gained from Non-County Area 1 (Cherokee Reserve). (Tenn. Acts 1798, 2d assy., 2d sess., ch. 6/p. 165)
Non-County Area 1 (Cherokee Reserve) lost to BLOUNT. (Tenn. Acts 1801, 4th assy., ch. 52/p. 289)
29 December 1798
DAVIDSON gained from Non-County Area 2 and SUMNER exchanged with Non-County Area 2 when that part of SUMNER east of Indian boundary reverted to non-county status. (Tenn. Acts 1798, 2d assy., 2d sess., ch. 10/p. 167)
2 January 1799
COCKE gained from GREENE. (Tenn. Acts 1798, 2d assy., 2d sess., ch. 13/p. 168)
5 January 1799
GRAINGER exchanged with Non-County Area 2, lost to HAWKINS. (Tenn. Acts 1798, 2d assy., 2d sess., ch. 21/p. 172)
10 January 1799
KNOX gained from Non-County Area 2. (Tenn. Acts 1798, 2d assy., 2d sess., ch. 22/p. 172)
23 October 1799
ROBERTSON gained from MONTGOMERY. (Tenn. Acts 1799, 3d assy., ch. 13/p. 190)
26 October 1799
SMITH and WILSON created from SUMNER. (Tenn. Acts 1799, 3d assy., ch. 2/p. 179)
WILLIAMSON created from DAVIDSON. (Tenn. Acts 1799, 3d assy., ch. 3, sec. 1/p. 182)
29 October 1801
BLOUNT gained all of Non-County Area 1 (Cherokee Reserve); Non-County Area 1 eliminated. (Tenn. Acts 1801, 4th assy., ch. 52/p. 289)
KNOX gained from GRAINGER. (Tenn. Acts 1801, 4th assy., ch. 47/p. 281)
MONTGOMERY gained from ROBERTSON; Non-County Area 2 gained when parts of MONTGOMERY and ROBERTSON reverted to non-county status. (Tenn. Acts 1801, 4th assy., ch. 51/p. 289)
6 November 1801
DAVIDSON gained from WILSON. (Tenn. Acts 1801, 4th assy., ch. 57/p. 291)
JACKSON created from SMITH; SMITH gained from WILSON. (Tenn. Acts 1801, 4th assy., ch. 48, secs. 1-2/pp. 281-282)
13 November 1801
WILSON gained from SUMNER when boundary was changed from the south bank to the middle of Cumberland River [not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1801, 4th assy., ch. 49, sec. 1/p. 284)
14 November 1801
DAVIDSON, JACKSON, MONTGOMERY, ROBERTSON, SMITH, WILLIAMSON, and WILSON gained from Non-County Area 2; act anticipated creations of ANDERSON and ROANE which did not become effective until 13 December 1801 and 20 December 1801, respectively. (Tenn. Acts 1801, 4th assy., ch. 37/p. 270)
6 December 1801
CLAIBORNE created from GRAINGER, HAWKINS, and Non-County Area 2. (Tenn. Acts 1801, 4th assy., ch. 46, secs. 1, 13, 17/pp. 279, 281)
13 December 1801
ANDERSON created from GRAINGER, KNOX, and Non-County Area 2. (Tenn. Acts 1801, 4th assy., ch. 45, secs. 1, 2, 4, 30/pp. 274, 279)
20 December 1801
ROANE created from KNOX and all of Non-County Area 2; Non-County Area 2 eliminated (Tenn. Acts 1801, 4th assy., ch. 45, secs. 1, 3, 4, 30/pp. 274, 279)
24 April 1802
Georgia and the United States made a two-part agreement: the United States ceded to Georgia all claims to any territory south of North Carolina and west of the Appalachian watershed; Georgia ceded to the United States its claim to territory south of North Carolina and Tennessee and west of the present western limit of Georgia. Georgia thus implicitly accepted the parallel of 35 degrees north latitude (the southern limits of North Carolina and Tennessee) as its northern boundary with Tennessee. (Coulter, 270-273; Paullin, 83; Van Zandt, 100-101)
25 October 1803
DICKSON created from MONTGOMERY and ROBERTSON; act anticipated creation of STEWART, effective 1 November 1803. (Tenn. Acts 1803, 5th assy., 1st sess., ch. 66, sec. 1/p. 112)
RUTHERFORD created from DAVIDSON and WILLIAMSON. (Tenn. Acts 1803, 5th assy., 1st sess., ch. 70/p. 119)
WILSON gained from DAVIDSON. (Tenn. Acts 1803, 5th assy., 1st sess., ch. 74/p. 127)
1 November 1803
Non-County Area 3 created when a one-mile strip of MONTGOMERY, between STEWART and DICKSON, implicitly reverted to non-county status. (Tenn. Acts 1807, 7th assy., 1st sess., ch. 44/p. 79)
Non-County Area 4 created when territory west of Tennessee River implicitly reverted to non-county status (Chickasaw Indian land). (Tenn. Acts 1803, 5th assy., 1st sess., ch. 68, sec. 1/p. 115)
STEWART created from MONTGOMERY. (Tenn. Acts 1803, 5th assy., 1st sess., ch. 68, sec. 1/p. 115)
[1803] Boundary dispute between Tennessee and Virginia, dating from 1779, settled when both states agreed on a compromise line, run in 1802, from the Tennessee-North Carolina line west to the Cumberland Mountains. (Paullin, 81; Sames, 46-59)
31 July 1804
STEWART gained from DICKSON and Non-County Area 3; exchanged with MONTGOMERY. (Scott, ch. 13/p. 830)
4 August 1804
CARTER gained from SULLIVAN. (Scott, ch. 18/pp. 833-834)
24 October 1805
Boundary between CARTER and SULLIVAN clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1805, 6th assy., 1st sess., ch. 46/p. 45)
28 October 1805
JACKSON gained from SMITH. (Tenn. Acts 1805, 6th assy., 1st sess., ch. 67/p. 72)
Non-County Area 5 created when those parts of SMITH and WILSON lying south of the Indian boundary reverted to non-county status. (Tenn. Acts 1805, 6th assy., 1st sess., ch. 67/p. 72)
11 September 1806
CAMPBELL created from ANDERSON and CLAIBORNE. (Scott, ch. 21, sec. 1/p. 945)
HAWKINS gained from GREENE. (Scott, ch. 53/p. 975)
OVERTON created from JACKSON. (Scott, ch. 27, sec. 8/p. 950)
WHITE created from that part of JACKSON lying south of the Indian boundary and Walton Road, and from all of Non-County Area 5; Non-County Area 5 eliminated. (Scott, ch. 36/p. 963)
7 November 1807
ANDERSON exchanged with CAMPBELL. (Tenn. Acts 1807, 7th assy., 1st sess., ch. 51, secs. 1-2/p. 86)
26 November 1807
Non-County Area 6 created when eastern and southern portions of WHITE reverted to non-county status. (Tenn. Acts 1807, 7th assy., 1st sess., ch. 28/p. 62)
WARREN created from WHITE. (Tenn. Acts 1807, 7th assy., 1st sess., ch. 28/p. 62)
30 November 1807
BLEDSOE created from ROANE and Non-County Area 6; RHEA created from ROANE. (Tenn. Acts 1807, 7th assy., 1st sess., ch. 9, secs. 1-3/p. 39)
3 December 1807
BEDFORD created from RUTHERFORD and WILLIAMSON; act anticipated the creation of MAURY effective 15 December 1807. (Tenn. Acts 1807, 7th assy., 1st sess., ch. 37, sec. 1/p. 71)
FRANKLIN created from all of Non-County Area 6; Non-County Area 6 eliminated. (Tenn. Acts 1807, 7th assy., 1st sess., ch. 72, sec. 1/p. 118)
15 December 1807
MAURY created from DICKSON and WILLIAMSON. (Tenn. Acts 1807, 7th assy., 1st sess., ch. 94, secs. 1-2, 13, 16/pp. 149-153)
Non-County Area 7 created when parts of DICKSON and WILLIAMSON south of MAURY reverted to non-county status. Non-County Area 7 attached to MAURY for administrative and judicial purposes. (Tenn. Acts 1807, 7th assy., 1st sess., ch. 94, secs. 1-2, 13, 16/pp. 149-153)
1 January 1808
HICKMAN created from DICKSON and Non-County Area 3. (Tenn. Acts 1807, 7th assy., 1st sess., ch. 44/p. 79)
20 April 1809
BLEDSOE and RHEA gained from ROANE. (Tenn. Acts 1809, 7th assy., 2d sess., ch. 20/p. 30)
22 April 1809
WHITE gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1809, 7th assy., 2d sess., ch. 11/p. 23)
19 October 1809
CLAIBORNE gained from GRAINGER when boundary was changed from the north bank to the middle of Clinch River [not mapped]. (Scott, ch. 20/p. 1133)
HUMPHREYS created from STEWART and Non-County Area 3; Non-County Area 3 eliminated. Non-County Area 4 gained when that part of STEWART south of HUMPHREYS reverted to non-county status. (Scott, ch. 31/p. 1138)
2 November 1809
CARTER gained from WASHINGTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Scott, ch. 27/p. 1136)
GRAINGER gained small area from HAWKINS [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1809_pt. for location]. (Scott, ch. 29/p. 1136)
8 November 1809
MONTGOMERY gained from ROBERTSON. (Scott, ch. 42/p. 1144)
22 November 1809
FRANKLIN gained from WARREN. (Scott, ch. 79, sec. 1/p. 1176)
HUMPHREYS gained from DICKSON. (Scott, ch. 97/p. 1189)
SEVIER gained small area from BLOUNT [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1809_pt. for location]. (Scott, ch. 91/p. 1184)
1 December 1809
BEDFORD gained from WILLIAMSON. (Scott, ch. 37/p. 1141)
1 January 1810
GILES created from Non-County Area 7 attached to MAURY. (Scott, ch. 55/p. 1162)
LINCOLN created from BEDFORD; FRANKLIN gained from BEDFORD. (Scott, ch. 43/pp. 1147-1148 and ch. 51/pp. 1158-1160)
22 October 1811
JEFFERSON gained small area from COCKE. (Tenn. Acts 1811, 9th assy., 1st sess., ch. 41/p. 49)
28 October 1811
CAMPBELL gained from ANDERSON [repealed 17 November 1813]. (Tenn. Acts 1811, 9th assy., 1st sess., ch. 56/p. 62)
19 November 1811
COCKE gained that part of JEFFERSON south of COCKE and east of SEVIER [see 9 October 1797]. (Tenn. Acts 1811, 9th assy., 1st sess., ch. 110/p. 128)
9 November 1813
WARREN gained from FRANKLIN. (Tenn. Acts 1813, 10th assy., ch. 70/p. 95)
17 November 1813
ANDERSON gained from CAMPBELL [repealed act of 28 October 1811]. (Tenn. Acts 1813, 10th assy., ch. 101/p. 137)
1 December 1813
WHITE gained from JACKSON. (Tenn. Acts 1813, 10th assy., ch. 97/p. 123)
16 October 1815
Boundary between HAWKINS and JEFFERSON adjusted to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1815_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1815, 11th assy., ch. 13/p. 14)
18 October 1815
ROANE gained from RHEA. (Tenn. Acts 1815, 11th assy., ch. 75/p. 77)
30 October 1815
RUTHERFORD gained from WILSON. (Tenn. Acts 1815, 11th assy., ch. 184/p. 236)
2 November 1815
RHEA and ROANE gained from BLOUNT. (Tenn. Acts 1815, 11th assy., ch. 200/p. 265)
Legislature authorized WILLIAMSON to gain from DAVIDSON, dependent on local referendum [local action unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1815, 11th assy., ch. 153/p. 192)
6 November 1815
BLEDSOE gained from WHITE along entire boundary. (Tenn. Acts 1815, 11th assy., ch. 182/p. 230)
24 September 1817
CAMPBELL gained from ANDERSON and OVERTON. (Tenn. Acts 1817, 12th assy., ch. 20/p. 24)
25 September 1817
OVERTON gained from WHITE to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1817_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1817, 12th assy., ch. 8/p. 11)
9 October 1817
RHEA gained from ROANE; Non-County Area 8 created when part of RHEA reverted to non-county status. (Tenn. Acts 1817, 12th assy., ch. 13/p. 15)
11 October 1817
COCKE exchanged with JEFFERSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1817, 12th assy., ch. 23/p. 26)
21 October 1817
LAWRENCE created from HICKMAN and all of Non-County Area 7 attached to MAURY; Non-County Area 7 eliminated ending its attachment to MAURY. (Tenn. Acts 1817, 12th assy., ch. 42/p. 48)
November 1817
Boundary between GRAINGER and JEFFERSON clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1817, 12th assy., ch. 148 [158]/p. 194)
22 November 1817
CAMPBELL exchanged with CLAIBORNE. (Tenn. Acts 1817, 12th assy., ch. 159/p. 194)
24 November 1817
WAYNE created from HICKMAN and Non-County Area 4; act was technically not valid, but citizens proceeded with the organization of the county [see 8 October 1819 for reauthorization]. (Tenn. Acts 1817, 12th assy., ch. 174, sec. 1/p. 209)
26 December 1817
MARION created from BLEDSOE and Non-County Area 8. (Tenn. Acts 1817, 12th assy., ch. 109, sec. 1-2, 8/pp. 113-115; U.S. Stat., vol. 7, p. 156)
1 January 1818
MORGAN created from ANDERSON, OVERTON, and ROANE; ANDERSON gained from ROANE; RHEA implicitly gained from ROANE. (Tenn. Acts 1817, 12th assy., ch. 38, secs. 1, 18/pp. 41, 45 and ch. 81/p. 89)
June 1818
[June 1818] Commissioners from Tennessee and Georgia demarcated the line between the two states. Surveying errors placed the line slightly south of the prescribed course of 35 degrees north latitude, but it has remained the effective boundary, despite several attempts to change it. (Coulter, 275-294; Van Zandt, 101-102)
8 October 1819
WAYNE reauthorized; part of WAYNE implicitly reverted to Non-County Area 4 that became part of HARDIN on 13 November 1819 [see 24 November 1817 for original authorization]. (Tenn. Acts 1819, 13th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 19, secs. 1, 4-6/pp. 24-26)
25 October 1819
HAMILTON created from RHEA and all of Non-County Area 8; Non-County Area 8 eliminated. (Tenn. Acts 1819, 13th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 41/p. 55)
13 November 1819
HARDIN created from Non-County Area 4. (Tenn. Acts 1819, 13th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 6/p. 33)
McMINN created from RHEA and ROANE; MONROE created from ROANE. (Tenn. Acts 1819, 13th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 7, secs. 1-4/pp. 34-35)
Non-County Area 9 created when part of ROANE reverted to non-county status. (Tenn. Acts 1819, 13th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 3/p. 29)
RHEA gained from ROANE. (Tenn. Acts 1819, 13th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 3/p. 29; ch. 7, secs. 1-4/pp. 34-35)
15 November 1819
HUMPHREYS gained from Non-County Area 4. (Tenn. Acts 1819, 13th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 2/p. 28)
16 November 1819
Boundary between FRANKLIN and LINCOLN clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1819, 13th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 90/p. 108)
18 November 1819
PERRY created from Non-County Area 4; western limit of PERRY not explicitly defined until 14 November 1821. (Tenn. Acts 1819, 13th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 107, sec. 1/p. 132)
24 November 1819
SHELBY created from HARDIN. (Tenn. Acts 1819, 13th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 146, sec. 1/p. 172)
26 November 1819
Boundary of HICKMAN with LAWRENCE and WAYNE redefined [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1819, 13th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 149/p. 176)
[1819] Commissioners from Kentucky completed the demarcation of their boundary with Tennessee when they surveyed the line from the Mississippi River eastward to the Tennessee River along the parallel of 36 degrees, 30 minutes north latitude, as prescribed in 1665. (Sames, 66; Van Zandt, 110)
1 January 1820
JACKSON gained from WHITE; MORGAN gained from OVERTON. (Tenn. Acts 1819, 13th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 63/p. 70)
12 May 1820
Congress approved the settlement between Tennessee and Kentucky that affirmed the 1819 demarcation of their boundary between the Tennessee and Mississippi Rivers and their agreement that east of the Tennessee River their boundary would be the line marked by Virginia in 1780. (Sames, 70-79; Van Zandt, 110)
26 July 1820
HUMPHREYS gained from Non-County Area 6; PERRY gained from HUMPHREYS; western limit not defined. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 90/p. 86; ch. 125/p. 128)
STEWART gained from HUMPHREYS. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 125/p. 128)
28 September 1821
BLEDSOE gained from RHEA. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 73/p. 87)
1 October 1821
MONROE gained from ROANE. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 78/p. 90)
7 November 1821
Legislature passed a single act creating 4 new counties; for sections on particular counties, see following citations. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 32/pp. 39-44)
CARROLL created from Non-County Area 4; Non-County Area 10 attached to CARROLL for administrative and judicial purposes. (secs. 3-4/p. 40; Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 201, sec. 10/p. 196).
HENDERSON created from HARDIN and Non-County Area 4. (sec. 9/p. 42)
HENRY created from Non-County Area 4, Non-County Area 11 attached to HENRY for administrative and judicial purposes. (secs. 1-2/p. 39)
MADISON created from HARDIN and Non-County Area 4. (secs. 5-6/p. 41)
Non-County Area 10 created from Non-County Area 4. Non-County Area 10 attached to CARROLL for administrative and judicial purposes. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 32/pp. 39-44)
Non-County Area 11 created from Non-County Area 4. Non-County Area 11 attached to HENRY for administrative and judicial purposes. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 32/pp. 39-44)
Non-County Area 12 created from part of HARDIN that reverted to non-county status, and from Non-County Area 4. Non-County Area 12 attached to MADISON for administrative and judicial purposes. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 32/pp. 39-44)
Non-County Area 13 created from part of HARDIN that reverted to non-county status, and from Non-County Area 4. Non-County Area 13 attached to SHELBY for administrative and judicial purposes. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 32/pp. 39-44)
Non-County Area 14 created when part of HARDIN reverted to non-county status. Non-County Area 14 attached to HARDIN for administrative and judicial purposes. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 32/pp. 39-44)
Non-County Area 4 eliminated when it lost all territory to creation of CARROLL, HENDERSON, HENRY, MADISON, and Non-County Areas 10, 11, 12, and 13. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 32/pp. 39-44)
8 November 1821
HICKMAN gained from LAWRENCE and WAYNE. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 150, sec. 1/p. 146)
10 November 1821
BLEDSOE gained from HAMILTON; HAMILTON gained from RHEA [gain from RHEA is an estimated line]. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 169/p. 163)
14 November 1821
Western boundary of PERRY defined. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 202, sec. 1/p. 197; Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 32, sec. 9/p. 42)
1 January 1822
PERRY gained from HARDIN and WAYNE. (Tenn. Acts 1821, 14th assy., 1st sess., loc.-priv., ch. 135, sec. 1/p. 132; ch. 143, sec. 1/p. 138)
17 August 1822
LAWRENCE and WAYNE gained from HICKMAN. (Tenn. Acts 1822, 14th assy., 2d sess., ch. 96/p. 83)
20 August 1822
BEDFORD gained from LINCOLN to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1822_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1822, 14th assy., 2d sess., ch. 109/p. 96)
23 August 1822
Non-County Area 12 attached to MADISON gained when part of Non-County Area 10 detached from CARROLL and attached to MADISON. (Tenn. Acts 1822, 14th assy., 2d sess., ch. 199/p. 157)
16 October 1823
DYER and HARDEMAN created from Non-County Area 12 attached to MADISON. (Tenn. Acts 1823, 15th assy., 1st sess., ch. 108, secs. 1, 5-6/pp. 113-114)
21 October 1823
GIBSON created from all of Non-County Area 10 attached to CARROLL; Non-County Area 10 eliminated ending its attachment to CARROLL. (Tenn. Acts 1823, 15th assy., 1st sess., ch. 111/p. 116)
WEAKLEY created from part of Non-County Area 11 attached to HENRY. (Tenn. Acts 1823, 15th assy., 1st sess., ch. 112/p. 117)
24 October 1823
OBION created from all of Non-County Area 11 attached to HENRY; Non-County Area 11 eliminated ending its attachment to HENRY. (Tenn. Acts 1823, 15th assy., 1st sess., ch. 114/p. 119)
29 October 1823
TIPTON created from part of Non-County Area 13 attached to SHELBY. (Tenn. Acts 1823, 15th assy., 1st sess., ch. 126, sec. 1/p. 127)
24 October 1823
Non-County Area 13 detached from SHELBY, attached to HARDEMAN for administrative and judicial purposes. (Tenn. Acts 1823, 15th assy., 1st sess., ch. 129/p. 131)
31 October 1823
HENDERSON and PERRY gained from HARDIN [act anticipated creation of McNAIRY effective 1 January 1824]. (Tenn. Acts 1823, 15th assy., 1st sess., ch. 137/p. 137)
13 November 1823
Boundaries of all counties west of the Tennessee River clarified (CARROLL, DYER, GIBSON, HARDEMAN, HENDERSON, HENRY, MADISON, OBION, SHELBY, TIPTON, and WEAKLEY) [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1823, 15th assy., 1st sess., ch. 206/p. 184)
22 November 1823
BLOUNT and MONROE gained from Non-County Area 9; Non-County Area 9 eliminated; boundary between ROANE and MONROE adjusted [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1823_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1823, 15th assy., 1st sess., ch. 256, sec. 1/p. 218)
HUMPHREYS gained from STEWART. (Tenn. Acts 1823, 15th assy., 1st sess., ch. 251/p. 215)
28 November 1823
FENTRESS created from CAMPBELL, MORGAN, and OVERTON. (Tenn. Acts 1823, 15th assy., 1st sess., ch. 302, secs. 1-2/p. 260)
SHELBY boundaries clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1823, 15th assy., 1st sess., ch. 306/p. 264)
1 January 1824
HAYWOOD created from all of Non-County Area 12 attached to MADISON; Non-County Area 12 eliminated ending its attachment to MADISON. (Tenn. Acts 1823, 15th assy., 1st sess., ch. 145/p. 142 and ch. 206/p.184)
McNAIRY created from all of Non-County Area 14 attached to HARDIN; Non-County Area 14 eliminated ending its attachment to HARDIN. (Tenn. Acts 1823, 15th assy., 1st sess., ch. 96/p. 104 and ch. 206/p. 184)
29 September 1824
FAYETTE created from Non-County Area 13 attached to HARDEMAN; Non-County Area 13 eliminated ending its attachment to HARDEMAN. (Tenn. Acts 1824, 15th assy., 2d sess., ch. 36, sec. 1/p. 46)
15 October 1824
CLAIBORNE exchanged with HAWKINS. (Tenn. Acts 1824, 15th assy., 2d sess., ch. 121/p. 118)
18 November 1825
FRANKLIN gained from MARION. (Tenn. Acts 1825, 16th assy., reg. sess., priv., ch. 188/p. 214)
30 November 1825
WAYNE gained from PERRY to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1825_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1825, 16th assy., reg. sess., priv., ch. 247/p. 271)
9 December 1826
Boundary between BLEDSOE and WHITE clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1826, 16th assy., ext. sess., priv., ch. 153/p. 133)
11 December 1827
COCKE gained small area from JEFFERSON. (Tenn. Acts 1827, 17th assy., priv., ch. 176/p. 151)
12 December 1827
GILES gained from MAURY to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1827_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1827, 17th assy., priv., ch. 201/p. 173)
31 December 1829
Boundary of HAMILTON with BLEDSOE and MARION adjusted [not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1829, 18th assy., priv., ch. 141/p. 109)
16 December 1831
OVERTON gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1831_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1831, 19th assy., stated sess., priv., ch. 153/p. 125)
20 December 1831
Boundary between GILES and MAURY clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1831, 19th assy., stated sess., priv., ch. 242/p. 207)
11 October 1832
BLEDSOE gained from MARION to accommodate local residents [repealed 20 February 1836]; boundary change is an estimated line. (Tenn. Acts 1832, 19th assy., called sess., priv., ch. 46/p. 36)
16 October 1832
Boundary between ROBERTSON and SUMNER adjusted to run along turnpike road [not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1832, 19th assy., called sess., priv., ch. 55/p. 42)
8 November 1833
HAMILTON exchanged with MARION; McMINN gained from HAMILTON; RHEA gained from HAMILTON and McMINN. (Tenn. Acts 1833, 20th assy., pub., ch. 16/pp. 10-12)
19 November 1833
WAYNE gained Beech Creek Island in the Tennessee River from PERRY. (Tenn. Acts 1833, 20th assy., priv., ch. 127/p. 69)
28 November 1833
McMINN gained from RHEA. (Tenn. Acts 1833, 20th assy., priv., ch. 214/p. 116)
24 November 1835
LAUDERDALE created from DYER, HAYWOOD, and TIPTON. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 28, sec. 1/p. 125)
c. December 1835
[c. December 1835] Legislature authorized creation of POWELL from GREENE, HAWKINS, SULLIVAN, and WASHINGTON, dependent on local referendum; creation did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 29, secs. 1-3/pp. 129-130)
1 January 1836
BENTON created from HUMPHREYS. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 30, secs. 1-2/p. 134)
2 January 1836
JOHNSON created from CARTER. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 31, sec. 1/p. 137)
8 January 1836
COFFEE created from BEDFORD, FRANKLIN, and WARREN. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 36, secs. 1, 14/pp. 155, 159)
20 January 1836
MEIGS created from RHEA. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 34, sec. 1/p. 146)
31 January 1836
CANNON created from RUTHERFORD, SMITH, WARREN, and WILSON. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 33, secs. 1, 14/pp. 141, 145 and ch. 39, secs. 1, 6, 10, 12/pp. 163-167)
2 February 1836
HUMPHREYS gained from DICKSON and HICKMAN. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 46, secs. 1-2/pp. 173-174)
4 February 1836
COFFEE gained from RUTHERFORD. Boundary between COFFEE and BEDFORD clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 41/p. 168)
10 February 1836
BRADLEY created from McMINN. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 32/p. 140)
13 February 1836
BLOUNT exchanged with MONROE. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 143/p. 269)
15 February 1836
BENTON gained from HENRY. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 70/p. 201)
17 February 1836
MARION gained from HAMILTON [repealed 4 February 1842]. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 135/p. 263)
18 February 1836
MONTGOMERY gained from ROBERTSON. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 44/p. 171)
20 February 1836
Legislature authorized BENTON to gain from PERRY dependent on local referendum [local action unknown, no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 45/p. 172)
MARION gained from BLEDSOE [repealed act of 11 October 1832]; boundary change is estimated line. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 66/p. 196)
7 April 1836
MARSHALL created from BEDFORD, LINCOLN, and MAURY. (Tenn. Acts 1835, 21st assy., 1st sess., loc., ch. 35, secs. 1, 13-17/pp. 149, 153-154)
4 November 1837
GIBSON exchanged with WEAKLEY. (Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 245/p. 365)
10 November 1837
ROANE gained from RHEA to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 259/p. 391)
21 November 1837
WAYNE gained Two Sisters Island from PERRY [location unknown, not mapped] (Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 85/p. 114)
27 November 1837
Legislature authorized creation of a county named CUMBERLAND from DAVIDSON, DICKSON, MONTGOMERY, and ROBERTSON; creation did not take effect; not related to present CUMBERLAND. (Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 8, secs. 1, 18, 20/pp. 28, 32-33 and ch. 124, secs. 1-3/pp. 189-190; McBride, 6-7; HRS Tenn., Cheatham, 5)
16 December 1837
BLEDSOE gained from WHITE to accommodate local residents; boundary change is an estimated line. (Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 65/p. 89)
26 December 1837
WAYNE gained small area from PERRY [clarified 27 January 1840]. (Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 273/p. 403)
13 January 1838
CANNON gained small area from WILSON. (Tenn. Acts 1839, 23d assy., ch. 67/p. 91; ch. 2, secs. 1-2, 18/pp. 7-8, 11 and Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 199, sec. 3/p. 291)
DEKALB created from CANNON, WARREN, and WHITE; legislation also mentioned including part of JACKSON in DEKALB, but boundary description does not appear to include any portion of JACKSON. (Tenn. Acts 1839, 23d assy., ch. 2, secs. 1-2, 18/pp. 7-8, 11 and Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 199, sec. 3/p. 291)
17 January 1838
Boundary between BEDFORD and MARSHALL clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 272/p. 402)
BLOUNT gained small area from MONROE. (Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 270/p. 400)
18 January 1838
McMINN exchanged with MONROE. (Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 304/p. 439)
24 January 1838
HICKMAN gained from MAURY. (Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 211/p. 311)
27 January 1838
Legislature authorized MARSHALL to gain from MAURY; gain did not take effect [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 199/p. 290)
c. January 1838
[c. January 1838] Legislature again authorized creation of POWELL from GREENE, HAWKINS, SULLIVAN, and WASHINGTON; creation did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 192, secs. 1-3, 15-16/pp. 277, 280-281 and ch. 199, sec. 4/p. 291)
10 February 1838
COFFEE gained from FRANKLIN. (Tenn. Acts 1837, 22d assy., ch. 67, secs. 2, 4/p. 92)
28 November 1839
POLK created from BRADLEY and McMINN. (Tenn. Acts 1839, 23d assy., ch. 10, secs. 1-2/p. 17)
30 November 1839
[c. November 1838] Legislature again authorized creation of POWELL from GREENE, HAWKINS, SULLIVAN, and WASHINGTON; this creation was disallowed by the Tennessee Supreme Court in 1841. (Tenn. Acts 1839, 23d assy., ch. 15, secs. 1-2, 4-5, 16/pp. 25-27, 30; "Bradley v. Commissioners" in Tenn. Rpts., 21:428-433 [Humphreys, vol. 2])
18 December 1839
SEVIER gained from BLOUNT [repealed 4 February 1850]. (Tenn. Acts 1839, 23d assy., ch. 36/p. 64)
3 January 1840
VAN BUREN created from WARREN and WHITE; MARION implicitly gained from WARREN. (Tenn. Acts 1839, 23d assy., ch. 59, secs. 1, 14/pp. 130, 134)
27 January 1840
Boundary between PERRY and WAYNE clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1839, 23d assy., ch. 80/p. 165)
15 February 1840
HUMPHREYS gained from STEWART. (Tenn. Acts 1839, 23d assy., ch. 76/p. 158)
18 January 1842
MACON created from SMITH and SUMNER. (Tenn. Acts 1841, 24th assy., 1st sess., ch. 45, secs. 1, 19/pp. 56, 60)
2 February 1842
PUTNAM created from FENTRESS, JACKSON, OVERTON, and WHITE. (Tenn. Acts 1841, 24th assy., 1st sess., ch. 169, sec. 1/p. 186)
3 February 1842
CANNON gained from WILSON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1841, 24th assy., 1st sess., ch. 90/p. 97)
4 February 1842
CANNON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1841, 24th assy., 1st sess., ch. 85/p. 95)
GRAINGER gained from KNOX to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; HAMILTON gained from MARION [repealed act of 17 February 1836]; legislature authorized MARSHALL to gain from GILES near Cornersville, dependent on local referendum [local action unknown, no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1841, 24th assy., 1st sess., ch. 179/p. 208)
21 December 1843
LEWIS created from HICKMAN, LAWRENCE, MAURY, and WAYNE. (Tenn. Acts 1843, 25th assy., ch. 38, secs. 1-4/pp. 41-42; Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., no. 17/p. 730)
Boundary between ROBERTSON and SUMNER adjusted along turnpike road [not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1843, 25th assy., ch. 40/p. 46)
2 January 1844
CANNON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1843, 25th assy., ch. 57/p. 58)
3 January 1844
Legislature again authorized creation of a county named CUMBERLAND from DAVIDSON, DICKSON, MONTGOMERY, and ROBERTSON; creation did not take effect; not related to present CUMBERLAND. CHEATHAM was created in this same general area in 1856. (Tenn. Acts 1843, 25th assy., ch. 59, secs. 1, 18, 20/pp. 59, 64-65; Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 122, sec. 21/p. 157; McBride, 7; HRS Tenn., Cheatham, 5-6)
Boundary between MACON and SMITH confirmed [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1843, 25th assy., ch. 61/p. 73)
7 January 1844
Legislature authorized creation of HANCOCK from CLAIBORNE and HAWKINS; chancery Court in HAWKINS halted organization of HANCOCK on constitutional grounds; creation did not take effect [not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1843, 25th assy., ch. 71, secs. 1-2, 4, 16-17/pp. 87-88, 91; "Ford v. Farmer" in Tenn. Rpts., 28:151-161 [Humphreys, vol. 9])
10 January 1844
RUTHERFORD gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1844_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1843, 25th assy., ch. 74/p. 93)
16 January 1844
Legislature authorized creation of HANOVER from FAYETTE and SHELBY; creation did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1843, 25th assy., ch. 123, secs. 1, 5, 10/pp. 153-156; McBride, 8)
27 January 1844
Legislature authorized CANNON to gain from WILSON, dependent on local referendum [local action unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1843, 25th assy., ch. 173/p. 198)
Legislature authorized creation of JONES from BLOUNT and MONROE; creation did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1843, 25th assy., ch. 196, secs. 1, 3, 20/pp. 215-216, 219; Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 12/p. 44; McBride, 8)
1 March 1844
RUTHERFORD gained from WILLIAMSON. (Tenn. Acts 1843, 25th assy., ch. 34/p. 35)
27 May 1844
GRUNDY created from COFFEE and WARREN. (Tenn. Acts 1843, 25th assy., ch. 204, secs. 1-2, 4/pp. 230-231; Nicholson, 18)
March 1845
[March 1845] FENTRESS, JACKSON, OVERTON, and WHITE gained all of PUTNAM; PUTNAM eliminated when OVERTON Chancery Court declared PUTNAM to have been unconstitutionally established. (DeLozier, 21; McBride, 11; Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 75/p. 141)
20 December 1845
Legislature authorized creation of CROCKETT from DYER, GIBSON, HAYWOOD, and MADISON. In October 1846, Circuit Court Judge in MADISON decreed CROCKETT's creation unconstitutional; creation did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 25, secs. 1-2, 4/pp. 66-67; Goodspeed [F], 832; HRS Tenn., Crockett, 3-4)
23 December 1845
HAWKINS gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1845_pt. for location]; MARSHALL gained from MAURY to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1845_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 31/p. 79)
2 January 1846
JEFFERSON gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1846_pt. for location]; SULLIVAN exchanged with WASHINGTON to accommodate local residents [location of WASHINGTON gain unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 47/p. 101)
28 January 1846
Legislature authorized COCKE to be renamed UNION; did not take effect [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 123, sec. 10/p. 196)
29 January 1846
HANCOCK created from CLAIBORNE and HAWKINS; creation upheld by Tennessee Supreme Court, September 1848. (Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 126/p. 200; "Ford v. Farmer" in Tenn. Rpts., 28:151-161 [Humphreys, vol. 9])
30 January 1846
GRUNDY gained from COFFEE [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court, December 1848]. (Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 134/p. 211)
31 January 1846
CANNON gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 137, sec. 6/p. 213)
ROANE gained from MORGAN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. Legislature authorized creation of HATCHEE from HARDEMAN and McNAIRY; creation did not take effect [precise boundaries are not described; not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 206, secs. 1, 3, 17-18/pp. 313-316; McBride, 8)
2 February 1846
FENTRESS exchanged with MORGAN. (Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 175/p. 260)
JEFFERSON gained from SEVIER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 174/p. 259)
7 February 1846
PERRY gained from WAYNE. (Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 5/p. 31 and ch. 62, sec. 2/p. 122)
6 April 1846
DECATUR created from HENDERSON and PERRY. (Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 7, secs. 11-12, 18/pp. 38-39 and ch. 62, secs. 1, 7-8/pp. 122-123)
c. April 1846
[c. April 1846] PERRY gained from HICKMAN. (Tenn. Acts 1845, 26th assy., ch. 62, secs. 4-5/pp. 122-123)
1 December 1847
DECATUR gained from PERRY when boundary was changed from west bank to east bank of Tennessee River [not mapped]. HENDERSON gained from DECATUR. (Tenn. Acts 1847, 27th assy., ch. 15/p. 44)
9 December 1847
OVERTON gained small area from JACKSON. (Tenn. Acts 1847, 27th assy., ch. 36/p. 65)
30 December 1847
GRAINGER gained from JEFFERSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1847, 27th assy., ch. 51/p. 85)
19 January 1848
CAMPBELL gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1848_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1847, 27th assy., ch. 66/p. 99)
LAWRENCE gained from WAYNE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1847, 27th assy., ch. 80, sec. 6/p. 128)
31 January 1848
DEKALB gained two small areas from SMITH to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1848_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1847, 27th assy., ch. 99/p. 149)
3 February 1848
JEFFERSON gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1847, 27th assy., ch. 197/p. 332)
4 February 1848
COCKE gained from GREENE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1847, 27th assy., ch. 145/p. 226)
1 May 1848
DAVIDSON gained from RUTHERFORD. (Tenn. Acts 1847, 27th assy., ch. 145/p. 226)
December 1848
COFFEE gained from GRUNDY when Tennessee Supreme Court ruled act of 30 January 1846 unconstitutional and void. ("Gotcher v. Burrows" in Tenn. Rpts., 28:585-591 [Humphreys, vol. 9])
8 November 1849
Boundary between DECATUR and HENDERSON clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1849, 28th assy., ch. 92/p. 283)
12 November 1849
GRAINGER gained from HAWKINS and JEFFERSON to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1849_pt. for location]; GRAINGER gained from HAWKINS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1849, 28th assy., ch. 69/p. 223)
17 December 1849
SCOTT created from ANDERSON, CAMPBELL, FENTRESS, and MORGAN. (Tenn. Acts 1849, 28th assy., ch. 45, secs. 1-2, 4/pp. 145, 147)
17 January 1850
JACKSON exchanged with SMITH; MONROE gained from McMINN to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1850_pt. for location]. Act repealed 18 February 1867. (Tenn. Acts 1849, 28th assy., ch. 80, secs. 1, 11/pp. 261, 264)
1 February 1850
DEKALB gained small area from SMITH [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1850_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1849, 28th assy., ch. 139/p. 341)
[ February 1850] GIBSON gained from DYER; WEAKLEY gained from CARROLL. (Tenn. Acts 1849, 28th assy., ch. 83/p. 268)
WAYNE gained from HARDIN. (Tenn. Acts 1849, 28th assy., ch. 197/p. 404)
2 February 1850
COFFEE gained from GRUNDY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; GRUNDY exchanged with WARREN to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped] (Tenn. Acts 1849, 28th assy., ch. 79/p. 260)
4 February 1850
BLOUNT gained from SEVIER [repealed act of 18 December 1839]; MONROE gained small area from McMINN [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1850_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1849, 28th assy., ch. 98/p. 288)
RHEA gained from HAMILTON to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1850_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1849, 28th assy., ch. 82/p. 267)
6 February 1850
GILES gained from LINCOLN to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1850_pt. for location]; OVERTON gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1849, 28th assy., ch. 110/p. 302)
9 February 1850
Legislature authorized MACON to gain from JACKSON [no evidence that gain took effect; no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1849, 28th assy., ch. 90/p. 282)
11 March 1850
RUTHERFORD gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1849, 28th assy., ch. 144/p. 346)
21 November 1851
CANNON gained small area from RUTHERFORD [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 20/p. 25)
December 1851
Boundary between LEWIS and MAURY declared null and void by Tennessee Supreme Court [not mapped]. ("Maury County v. Lewis County" in Tenn. Rpts., 31:235-247 [Swan, vol. 1]; Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 366/pp. 676-679)
14 January 1852
Legislature authorized creation of TAYLOR from HARDIN and WAYNE; creation did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 125, secs. 1-3/pp. 175-176 and no. 17/p. 730; McBride, 8)
20 January 1852
WAYNE gained small area from LAWRENCE. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 55/p. 57)
26 January 1852
Legislature authorized BENTON to retain its name [no change]; CAMPBELL gained from CLAIBORNE; CARTER gained from JOHNSON to accommodate local residents [repealed 3 March 1854; locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 249/p. 407)
2 February 1852
COFFEE gained from GRUNDY to accommodate local residents [repealed 3 March 1854; location unknown, not mapped]; DEKALB gained from SMITH to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1852_pt. for location; DEKALB gained from WARREN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 262/p. 429)
4 February 1852
Legislature authorized DECATUR to gain from HARDIN; did not take effect [change reauthorized 25 February 1856]; MAURY gained from LEWIS. Surveyors, who were authorized to run the line and make necessary changes, altered the boundary from the description given in the act. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 367, secs. 1-6/pp. 680-682; Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 11/p. 46)
16 February 1852
HAWKINS gained from JEFFERSON [repealed 31 January 1854]. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 299/p. 570)
17 February 1852
DEKALB gained from CANNON to accommodate local resident [repealed 14 February 1854; location unknown, not mapped]; RUTHERFORD gained small area from WILLIAMSON [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1852_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 304/p. 588)
21 February 1852
KNOX gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1852_pt. for location]; OVERTON gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1852_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 221/p. 330)
WAYNE gained from PERRY. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 220/p. 329)
24 February 1852
Legislature authorized creation of CHRISTIAN from CARROLL, GIBSON, HENDERSON, and MADISON; creation did not take effect. In 1869 another unsuccessful attempt was made to create GRANT in the same general area. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 195, secs. 1-2, 14/pp. 288, 292 and no. 17/p. 730; HRS Tenn., Crockett, 4)
Legislature again authorized creation of CROCKETT from DYER, GIBSON, HAYWOOD, and MADISON; creation did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 219, sec. 1/p. 327; ch. 195, secs. 1-2, 14/pp. 288, 292 and no. 17/p. 730; HRS Tenn., Crockett, 4; McBride, 8)
25 February 1852
COFFEE gained small area from FRANKLIN [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1852_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 327/p. 603)
JEFFERSON gained from SEVIER to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1852_pt. for location]; Legislature authorized PERRY to gain from HICKMAN; gain did not take effect [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 189/p. 271)
27 February 1852
HAWKINS gained from HANCOCK to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1852_pt. for location]; RUTHERFORD gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 302/p. 573)
21 November 1853
POLK gained from McMINN to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1853_pt. for location]; Boundary between KNOX and SEVIER clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 177/p. 245)
1 December 1853
MONROE gained from McMINN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 106/p. 186)
2 January 1854
HAWKINS gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 144/p. 220)
26 January 1854
UNION created from ANDERSON, CAMPBELL, CLAIBORNE, GRAINGER, and KNOX; CAMPBELL exchanged with CLAIBORNE. (Tenn. Acts 1849, 28th assy., ch. 61, secs. 1-2, 4, 18/pp. 181-187; Tenn. Acts 1851, 29th assy., ch. 22/p. 26; Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 2, secs. 1-2/pp. 25-26; Graves, 1:68-69)
31 January 1854
JEFFERSON gained from HAWKINS [repealed act of 16 February 1852]; LAWRENCE gained from GILES to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 130/p. 204)
11 February 1854
ANDERSON gained from SCOTT; DEKALB gained from SMITH to accommodate local residents; VAN BUREN gained from WHITE to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1854_pt. for location]. PUTNAM re-created from DEKALB, FENTRESS, JACKSON, OVERTON, SMITH, and WHITE; boundaries were slightly different from 1842 county. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 320, secs. 1-2, 10, 21, 24-25/pp. 744-754)
14 February 1854
CANNON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 17 February 1852 and was in turn repealed 20 November 1855; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 152/p. 224)
20 February 1854
CAMPBELL gained from ANDERSON [gain apparently included the area ANDERSON gained from SCOTT on 11 February 1854]; CLAIBORNE gained from CAMPBELL. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 129/p. 203)
CANNON exchanged with RUTHERFORD to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 108/p. 187)
HICKMAN gained from MAURY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 92/p. 173)
WILLIAMSON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1854_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 94/p. 174)
23 February 1854
DEKALB gained from CANNON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 118/p. 192)
2 March 1854
LEWIS gained from LAWRENCE; Legislature again authorized creation of POWELL from GREENE, HAWKINS, SULLIVAN, and WASHINGTON; creation did not take effect. It is unclear whether any of WASHINGTON was actually included within the boundaries as described. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 89, secs. 1-3, 8, 10, 14/pp. 158-163)
3 March 1854
FENTRESS gained from SCOTT to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; GRUNDY gained from COFFEE to accommodate local residents [repealed act of 2 February 1852; locations unknown, not mapped]; GRUNDY gained from MARION; JOHNSON gained from CARTER to accommodate local residents [repealed act of 26 January 1852; locations unknown, not mapped]; MARSHALL gained from MAURY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; SUMNER gained from MACON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; WHITE gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [repealed 24 March 1860; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 181/p. 250)
10 March 1854
Legislature authorized PERRY to gain from HICKMAN; gain did not take effect [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 138/p. 217)
Legislature authorized PERRY to gain from HICKMAN; gain did not take effect [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1853, 30th assy., ch. 138/p. 217)
1 November 1855
LEWIS gained from HICKMAN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 55/p. 63)
10 November 1855
McMINN gained from MONROE to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1855_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 28/p. 30)
16 November 1855
CUMBERLAND created from BLEDSOE, FENTRESS, MORGAN, PUTNAM, RHEA, and WHITE; not to be confused with the CUMBERLAND County which was proposed in 1837 and 1844 in a different part of the state; WHITE gained from BLEDSOE. (Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 6, sec. 1/p. 9)
20 November 1855
DEKALB gained from CANNON to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 14 February 1854; location unknown, not mapped]; DEKALB gained from PUTNAM. (Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 27/p. 29)
23 January 1856
DEKALB gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]; KNOX exchanged with UNION. (Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 165/p. 256)
22 February 1856
FRANKLIN gained from LINCOLN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; JEFFERSON gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; MARSHALL exchanged with MAURY to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; ROANE gained from ANDERSON and MORGAN to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1856_pt. for location]; RUTHERFORD gained from DAVIDSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 161/p. 244)
25 February 1856
BEDFORD gained from MARSHALL to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; DECATUR exchanged with HARDIN [see 4 February 1852]; DECATUR gained from HENDERSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; WHITE gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 173, secs. 1-5, 8-9/pp. 264-266)
LEWIS gained small area from MAURY [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 162/p. 245)
27 February 1856
COFFEE gained from GRUNDY to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; GRUNDY gained from MARION [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court, September 1858]; JEFFERSON gained from KNOX to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 248/p. 503)
28 February 1856
DEKALB gained from WARREN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; MONROE gained from POLK to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1856_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 122, secs. 23, 25/pp. 157-158)
29 February 1856
CAMPBELL exchanged two small areas with SCOTT to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1856_pt. for location]; CLAIBORNE gained from UNION to accommodate local resident [repealed 23 March 1860; location unknown; not mapped]; CUMBERLAND gained from MORGAN, RHEA, and ROANE. (Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 166 [printed as 156]/p. 258)
PERRY gained from WAYNE. (Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 159/p. 243)
5 April 1856
CHEATHAM created from DAVIDSON, MONTGOMERY, and ROBERTSON. CHEATHAM was located in the same general area where previous attempts had been made to create a CUMBERLAND County in 1837 and 1844. Part of DICKSON was to be included in CHEATHAM, but original plat excluded DICKSON due to constitutional considerations. (Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 122, secs. 1, 18-21, 26/pp. 151, 156-158; "Davidson County v. Cheatham County" in S.W. Rptr, 63:209-213; Binkley, 30-31)
21 September 1857
HAMILTON gained from BLEDSOE and MARION. (Tenn. Acts 1855, 31st assy., ch. 162, secs. 3-4/p. 246)
9 December 1857
SEQUATCHIE created from HAMILTON; FRANKLIN gained from GRUNDY to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1857_pt. for location]; LINCOLN gained from MARSHALL to accommodate local resident; McNAIRY gained from HARDEMAN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1857, 32d assy., pub., ch. 11, secs. 1, 13-15/pp. 7, 11; Raulston and Livingood, 91-92; Robnett, 58)
17 February 1858
DEKALB gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; FENTRESS gained from CUMBERLAND; SCOTT gained from CAMPBELL. (Tenn. Acts 1857, 32d assy., pub., ch. 36/p. 44)
4 March 1858
CANNON gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; DEKALB gained from SMITH to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1858_pt. for location]; JEFFERSON gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; MADISON gained from HAYWOOD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; POLK gained from BRADLEY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; RUTHERFORD gained from COFFEE; SEQUATCHIE gained from GRUNDY; WHITE gained from VAN BUREN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. Legislature authorized ROANE to gain from ANDERSON effective 1 May 1858 [repealed 20 March 1858, no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1857, 32d assy., pub., ch. 47, secs. 1-11/pp. 57-59 and ch. 83, sec. 3/p. 91)
15 March 1858
BLEDSOE gained from VAN BUREN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; DEKALB gained from PUTNAM; HICKMAN gained from MAURY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; MONROE gained from McMINN; MONROE gained from POLK to accommodate local residents; MORGAN gained from SCOTT to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; ROANE gained small area from ANDERSON [repealed 7 July 1870; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1858_pt. for location]; WAYNE gained from HARDIN to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1858_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1857, 32d assy., priv., ch. 129/p. 324)
17 March 1858
LEWIS gained from LAWRENCE. (Tenn. Acts 1857, 32d assy., priv., ch. 136, sec. 4/p. 344)
Legislature authorized the organization of POWELL according to the provisions of the act passed 2 March 1854; did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1857, 32d assy., priv., ch. 143/p. 350)
20 March 1858
BLEDSOE gained from CUMBERLAND and RHEA to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1858_pt. for location]; DEKALB gained from SMITH to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1858_pt. for location]; DEKALB gained from WILSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; MONROE gained from ROANE to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1858_pt. for location]; WARREN gained from GRUNDY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. Act of 4 March 1858 authorizing ROANE to gain from ANDERSON was repealed [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1857, 32d assy., pub., ch. 83, secs. 1-4, 8-9/pp. 91-93)
September 1858
MARION gained from GRUNDY when Tennessee Supreme Court overturned act of 27 February 1856. ("Marion County v. Grundy County" in Tenn. Rpts., 37:490-493 [Sneed, vol. 5])
November 1859
ROBERTSON and SUMNER gained from SIMPSON (Ky.) when surveyors remarking the Kentucky-Tennessee boundary acted without authority and shifted the line around two small parcels. (Sames, 107, 114)
7 March 1860
CANNON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; DEKALB gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; DEKALB gained land of Jonathan Pickett [location and county unknown, not mapped]; DICKSON gained from MONTGOMERY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; FRANKLIN gained from LINCOLN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; JACKSON gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; MAURY gained from LEWIS to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1860_pt. for location]; MONTGOMERY gained from CHEATHAM to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1860_pt. for location]; PERRY gained small area from HICKMAN; WAYNE gained from PERRY to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1860_pt. for location]; WHITE gained land of James M. Anderson [location and county unknown, not mapped]; WILLIAMSON gained from MARSHALL to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; WILSON gained from SMITH to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1859, 33d assy., 1st sess., priv., ch. 100, secs. 1-14/pp. 368-370)
19 March 1860
BLEDSOE gained from VAN BUREN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; DAVIDSON gained from ROBERTSON [repealed 14 March 1868]; DAVIDSON gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; DEKALB gained from SMITH; FENTRESS gained from SCOTT; GRAINGER gained from JEFFERSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; LAWRENCE gained from WAYNE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; LEWIS gained from HICKMAN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; MORGAN gained from SCOTT to accommodate local resident [repealed 26 April 1866; location unknown, not mapped]; POLK gained from BRADLEY; RUTHERFORD gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; WHITE gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [repealed 14 December 1871; location unknown, not mapped]; WILSON gained from SMITH to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1859, 33d assy., 1st sess., priv., ch. 135, secs. 1-13/pp. 438-440)
23 March 1860
CAMPBELL gained small area from UNION [location unknown, not mapped]; CAMPBELL lost to UNION to accommodate local resident; DEKALB gained small area from CANNON [repealed 7 July 1870; location unknown, not mapped]; MONROE gained from ROANE to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1860_pt. for location]; SMITH gained from PUTNAM; UNION gained from CAMPBELL, CLAIBORNE, and KNOX to accommodate local residents [UNION's gain from CLAIBORNE repealed act of 29 February 1856; all locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1859, 33d assy., 1st sess., priv., ch. 196, secs. 1-11/pp. 575-577)
24 March 1860
CAMPBELL gained land of Larkin W. Cross [location and county unknown, not mapped]; CANNON exchanged with COFFEE to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1860_pt. for location]; CUMBERLAND gained from WHITE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; DEKALB gained from WHITE to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 3 March 1854; location unknown, not mapped]; RHEA gained from CUMBERLAND to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; RUTHERFORD gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; VAN BUREN gained from BLEDSOE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1859, 33d assy., 1st sess., priv., ch. 211/p. 596)
DEKALB gained from WILSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; MARSHALL gained from MAURY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; MAURY gained from LEWIS to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1860_pt. for location] (Tenn. Acts 1859, 33d assy., 1st sess., priv., ch. 210/p. 596)
8 June 1865
ANDERSON gained from CAMPBELL to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1865, 34th assy., 1st sess., priv., ch. 29/p. 112)
25 January 1866
Legislature again authorized creation of CROCKETT from DYER, GIBSON, HAYWOOD, and MADISON; creation did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1865, 34th assy., 2d sess., pub., ch. 19, secs. 2-3/p. 25; HRS Tenn., Crockett, 4)
26 April 1866
SCOTT gained from MORGAN to accommodate local residents [part of this repealed act of 19 March 1860; location unknown, not mapped]; UNION gained from KNOX; WAYNE gained from LAWRENCE to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1865, 34th assy., 2d sess., priv., ch. 76/p. 224)
23 May 1866
MACON gained from JACKSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1865, 34th assy., 2d sess., priv., ch. 104/p. 293)
6 December 1866
CAMPBELL gained from SCOTT to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]; HANCOCK gained from HAWKINS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; MARSHALL gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local resident [repealed 12 December 1867; location unknown, not mapped]; ROANE gained very small area [Carmichael's Island in the Tennessee River] from MONROE. (Tenn. Acts 1866, 34th assy., 2d adj. sess., pub., ch. 9/p. 9)
POLK gained from BRADLEY to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1866_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1866, 34th assy., 2d adj. sess., pub., ch. 10/p. 9)
18 February 1867
McMINN gained from MONROE to accommodate local residents [repealed act of 17 January 1850; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1867_pt. for location]; boundary between JACKSON and MACON clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1866, 34th assy., 2d adj. sess., pub., ch. 23/p. 23)
25 February 1867
FENTRESS gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; PERRY gained from HICKMAN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; WAYNE gained from HARDIN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1866, 34th assy., 2d adj. sess., pub., ch. 28/p. 49)
11 March 1867
BRADLEY gained from MEIGS to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1866, 34th assy., 2d adj. sess., priv., ch. 76, sec. 3/p. 236)
2 December 1867
CANNON and WHITE gained from DEKALB to accommodate local residents [repealed in part on 14 December 1868; locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1867, 35th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 12/p. 9)
3 December 1867
HARDIN gained from WAYNE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped];.HAWKINS gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; LAWRENCE gained from WAYNE to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]; OBION gained from WEAKLEY; OVERTON gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; RUTHERFORD gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1867_pt. for location]; RUTHERFORD gained from WILLIAMSON. (Tenn. Acts 1867, 35th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 13, secs. 1-7/pp. 9-11)
12 December 1867
BEDFORD gained from MARSHALL to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 6 December 1866; location unknown, not mapped]; CARROLL gained from BENTON [repealed 25 February 1869]; CARROLL gained from HENRY to accommodate local residents [repealed 9 December 1869; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1867_pt. for location]; MARSHALL gained from LINCOLN to accommodate local resident; MAURY gained from GILES to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; OBION gained from WEAKLEY [repealed 14 December 1868]. (Tenn. Acts 1867, 35th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 20/p. 20)
13 December 1867
DEKALB gained from WILSON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]; RHEA gained from HAMILTON to accommodate local residents; SMITH gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1867, 35th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 23/p. 24)
7 March 1868
CAMPBELL gained from ANDERSON to accommodate local resident [repealed 27 January 1905; location unknown, not mapped]; CANNON gained from COFFEE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; HANCOCK exchanged with HAWKINS to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; LAUDERDALE gained from HAYWOOD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; PERRY gained from HICKMAN and HUMPHREYS to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; RUTHERFORD gained from MARSHALL to accommodate local residents; SCOTT gained from CAMPBELL and FENTRESS to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; TIPTON gained from SHELBY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; UNION gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; Legislature authorized RUTHERFORD to gain from WILSON; change did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1867, 35th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 60/p. 75)
14 March 1868
CHEATHAM exchanged small areas with DICKSON; boundary between CHEATHAM and MONTGOMERY adjusted [repealed 28 January 1869; location unknown, not mapped]; DEKALB gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; Boundary between OBION and WEAKLEY clarified [repealed 14 December 1868; no change]; ROBERTSON gained from DAVIDSON [repealed act of 19 March 1860]; SMITH gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; SMITH gained from PUTNAM; WHITE gained from DEKALB [repealed 14 December 1868]. (Tenn. Acts 1867, 35th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 82/p. 108)
14 December 1868
DEKALB gained from CANNON to accommodate local residents [repealed part of act of 2 December 1867; location unknown, not mapped]; DEKALB gained from WHITE [repealed act of 14 March 1868]; WEAKLEY gained from OBION [repealed acts of 12 December 1867 and 14 March 1868]. (Tenn. Acts 1868, 35th assy., 2d sess., pub., ch. 5/p. 5)
28 January 1869
Boundary between BLEDSOE and SEQUATCHIE redefined [no change]; Boundary between CHEATHAM and MONTGOMERY adjusted [repealed act of 14 March 1868; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1868, 35th assy., 2d sess., pub., ch. 21/p. 21)
SMITH gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; WILLIAMSON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1868, 35th assy., 2d sess., pub., ch. 20/p. 20)
19 February 1869
CAMPBELL gained from ANDERSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; DECATUR gained small area from WAYNE; PUTNAM gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; VAN BUREN gained from WHITE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1868, 35th assy., 2d sess., pub., ch. 36/p. 48)
HICKMAN, LAWRENCE, MAURY, and WAYNE gained all of LEWIS; LEWIS was eliminated [repealed 7 December 1869]; PERRY gained from HICKMAN to accommodate local residents [repealed 28 February 1870; locations unknown, not mapped] (Tenn. Acts 1868, 35th assy., 2d sess., pub., ch. 31/p. 38)
25 February 1869
BENTON gained from CARROLL [repealed act of 12 December 1867]; DEKALB gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1869_pt. for location]; LAWRENCE gained from GILES to accommodate local residents [ act repeated in Ch. 43, sec. 4, on 27 February 1869]; MADISON gained small area from HENDERSON. Legislature authorized creation of GRANT from CARROLL, GIBSON, HENDERSON, and MADISON; creation did not take effect. GRANT was to be in the same general area as CHRISTIAN, which was proposed in 1852 but never organized. (Tenn. Acts 1868, 35th assy., 2d sess., pub., ch. 39, secs. 1-3, 5, 15/pp. 53-54, 56; McBride, 8)
27 February 1869
FENTRESS gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; PUTNAM lost to SMITH to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; SCOTT gained from MORGAN to accommodate local resident [repealed 24 March 1885; location unknown, not mapped; SMITH gained from JACKSON and PUTNAM to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; WHITE gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1868, 35th assy., 2d sess., pub., ch. 43/p. 64)
7 December 1869
LEWIS re-created from HICKMAN, LAWRENCE, MAURY, and WAYNE; LAUDERDALE gained from HAYWOOD to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]; MAURY gained from LEWIS to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1869_pt. for location]. Legislature again authorized creation of POWELL from GREENE, HAWKINS, SULLIVAN, and WASHINGTON; creation did not take effect; boundary description was identical to that proposed in 1854. (Tenn. Acts 1869, 36th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 30, secs. 1-2, 4, 11-12, 19-20/pp. 33-38; McBride, 9)
9 December 1869
DAVIDSON gained from CHEATHAM to accommodate local resident; HENRY gained from CARROLL to accommodate local residents [repealed act of 12 December 1867; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1869_pt. for location]; ROBERTSON gained from MONTGOMERY. (Tenn. Acts 1869, 36th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 32/p. 40)
21 January 1870
GRAINGER gained from KNOX and exchanged with JEFFERSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; ROANE gained from McMINN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; SMITH gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; WHITE gained from DEKALB to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1869, 36th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 48/p. 62)
28 February 1870
CLAIBORNE gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local residents; CLAIBORNE lost to UNION to accommodate local residents; HANCOCK gained from HAWKINS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; HICKMAN gained from PERRY to accommodate local residents [repealed act of 19 February 1869; location unknown, not mapped]; MORGAN gained from SCOTT to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; UNION gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local residents; WILLIAMSON gained from CHEATHAM. (Tenn. Acts 1869, 36th assy., 1st sess., pub., ch. 88/p. 105)
5 May 1870
GRUNDY gained from MARION by authority of article 10, section 4 of the 1870 Tennessee State Constitution. (Laska, 137-138, 161; Swindler, 9:184)
6 June 1870
Legislature authorized creation of ETHERIDGE from CARROLL, GIBSON, HENDERSON, MADISON, and WEAKLEY; creation did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 3, secs. 1-2, 4-7/pp. 9-12; McBride, 8)
17 June 1870
CARTER gained from WASHINGTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 21/p. 36)
LAUDERDALE gained from HAYWOOD. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 12/p. 27)
18 June 1870
CHRISTIANA (now LOUDON) created from BLOUNT, MONROE, and ROANE. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 2, secs. 1-2, 4/pp. 4, 6 and ch. 77/p. 123)
24 June 1870
LAKE created from OBION. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 30, secs. 1-2, 11/pp. 56, 58)
28 June 1870
CAMPBELL gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 41/p. 70)
29 June 1870
JACKSON gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 62/p. 98)
PUTNAM gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 49/p. 85)
1 July 1870
MARSHALL gained from GILES. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 34/p. 63)
2 July 1870
OBION gained from WEAKLEY. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 103/p. 164)
7 July 1870
ANDERSON gained small area from ROANE [repealed act of 15 March 1858; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1870_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 88/p. 137)
CANNON gained small area from DEKALB [repealed act of 23 March 1860; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 118/p. 181)
Legislature again authorized creation of CROCKETT from DYER, GIBSON, HAYWOOD, and MADISON; creation did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 89, secs. 1-2, 4/pp. 138-139; Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 3d sess., ch. 26/p. 31; HRS Tenn., Crockett, 4-5)
CHRISTIANA renamed LOUDON; LOUDON gained from MONROE to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1870_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 77/p. 123)
PUTNAM exchanged small areas with SMITH [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court, December 1913; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1870_pt. for location]; SCOTT gained from CAMPBELL to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 84/p. 133)
12 July 1870
TROUSDALE created from MACON, SMITH, SUMNER, and WILSON. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 27, secs. 1-2, 4/pp. 47-48; Goodspeed [J], 843-844)
14 July 1870
WASHINGTON gained from SULLIVAN to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 1/p. 3)
19 July 1870
HAMBLEN created from GRAINGER and JEFFERSON. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 6, secs. 1-2, 5, 17/pp. 15, 17, 22; Historic Hamblen, 18)
7 December 1870
CLAY created from JACKSON and OVERTON. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 2d sess., ch. 29, secs. 1-2, 4/pp. 51-52; Moore and Foster, 1:843)
20 December 1870
Legislature authorized creation of BELL from FAYETTE, HARDEMAN, and McNAIRY; voided by Tennessee Supreme Court, 8 June 1871. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 3d sess., ch. 16, secs. 1-2,4/pp. 15-16; "Cocke v. Gooch" in Tenn. Rpts., 52:294; Bejach, 24-37)
24 January 1871
HAMBLEN gained from HAWKINS. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 3d sess., ch. 92/p. 115)
25 January 1871
MAURY gained from MARSHALL to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 3d sess., ch. 121/p. 138)
26 January 1871
CAMPBELL gained from SCOTT. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 3d sess., ch. 91/p. 114)
LOUDON exchanged with MONROE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 3d sess., ch. 53/p. 63)
28 January 1871
COFFEE gained from CANNON to accommodate local resident; COFFEE gained small area from FRANKLIN [changes too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1871_pt. for location]; LAWRENCE gained from GILES to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; ROANE gained from LOUDON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; RUTHERFORD gained from WILSON [repealed 29 March 1883]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 3d sess., ch. 18, secs. 1, 3-7/pp. 20-22)
2 February 1871
OVERTON gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 3d sess., ch. 68/p. 95; ch. 111/p. 131)
PUTNAM gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 3d sess., ch. 111/p. 131)
WHITE gained from VAN BUREN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 3d sess., ch. 104/p. 125)
3 February 1871
CANNON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1871_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 3d sess., ch. 117/p. 135)
LOUDON gained from ROANE to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1871_pt. for location]; UNION gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 3d sess., ch. 118/p. 136)
18 February 1871
JAMES (extinct) created from BRADLEY and HAMILTON. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 3d sess., ch. 66, secs. 1-2, 4-6/pp. 90-92; Donnelly, 6)
23 February 1871
HOUSTON created from DICKSON, HUMPHREYS, and STEWART. (Tenn. Acts 1870, 36th assy., 3d sess., ch. 46, secs. 1-2, 4, 18, 20/pp. 49-51, 55; McClain, Iris H., 1-2)
26 October 1871
CAMPBELL gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local residents; CAMPBELL lost to UNION to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 10/p. 9; ch. 7/p. 7)
CLAY gained from OVERTON to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1871_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 6/p. 7)
UNION gained from CAMPBELL to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 7/p. 7)
31 October 1871
DEKALB gained from SMITH to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 12/p. 10)
4 November 1871
Legislature authorized creation of NASHOBA from FAYETTE and SHELBY; creation did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 16, secs. 1-2, 4, 12/pp. 14-17 and ch. 82/p. 73; McBride, 8)
SCOTT gained from FENTRESS [this line does not appear to have been observed by either county; not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 14/p. 13)
23 November 1871
RUTHERFORD gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 34/p. 32)
14 December 1871
PUTNAM gained from WHITE to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 19 March 1860; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 74/p. 67)
RUTHERFORD gained from WILLIAMSON to accommodate local residents change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1871_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 148/p. 174; ch. 135/p. 157)
WILLIAMSON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 135/p. 157; ch. 148/p. 174)
15 December 1871
LEWIS gained from HICKMAN to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1871_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 103/p. 117)
PUTNAM gained from CUMBERLAND to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 104/p. 117)
SCOTT gained from CAMPBELL. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 118/p. 130)
16 December 1871
HAMBLEN exchanged with HAWKINS to accommodate local residents [small part of HAMBLEN's gain from HAWKINS repealed 19 March 1883]; HAWKINS gained from HANCOCK [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court September 1885]; MEIGS gained from McMINN to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped; act mistakenly read MONROE instead of McMINN]; MONROE gained from LOUDON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; WARREN gained from VAN BUREN to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 91/p. 82; Tenn. Acts 1872, 37th assy., call sess., ch. 19/p. 42)
1 January 1872
DECATUR gained Eagle Nest Island [In the Tennessee River] from HARDIN; HARDIN gained from DECATUR to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 33/p. 31)
19 February 1872
CROCKETT created from DYER, GIBSON, HAYWOOD, and MADISON. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 132, secs. 1-2, 4/pp. 148-150; HRS Tenn., Crockett, 5-6)
13 April 1872
MOORE created from BEDFORD, FRANKLIN, and LINCOLN; FRANKLIN inadvertently gained a small area from LINCOLN. Legislation called for MOORE to include part of COFFEE, but COFFEE was not included due to constitutional considerations. (Tenn. Acts 1871, 37th assy., 1st sess., ch. 96, secs. 1-2, 4, 10/pp. 90-93; Goodspeed [D], 808)
December 1872
[December 1872] MACON and SMITH gained from TROUSDALE when Tennessee Supreme Court declared TROUSDALE boundaries null and void. ("Macon and Smith Counties v. Trousdale County" in Tenn. Rpts. 61:1-11)
28 February 1873
HAWKINS gained from HANCOCK to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 14/p. 15)
22 March 1873
LAUDERDALE gained from TIPTON. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 52/p. 81)
24 March 1873
CHEATHAM gained from DICKSON; HAMBLEN gained from HAWKINS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; McMINN gained from POLK to accommodate local resident; McMINN lost to LOUDON to accommodate local residents [changes too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1873_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 69/p. 103)
Legislature authorized COFFEE to gain from GRUNDY to accommodate local residents, dependent on local referendum [local action unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 73/p. 107)
DAVIDSON gained from ROBERTSON to accommodate local resident; DECATUR gained from HENDERSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 100/p. 134)
FENTRESS gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 80/p. 118)
KNOX gained from UNION to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 72/p. 106)
LOUDON gained from McMINN to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 89/p. 125)
LOUDON exchanged with MONROE to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1873_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 86/p. 123)
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; PUTNAM gained from OVERTON; ROANE gained from CUMBERLAND and MORGAN. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 76/p. 110)
SCOTT gained from ANDERSON to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 75/p. 109)
SCOTT gained from CAMPBELL to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 71/p. 105)
SCOTT gained from CAMPBELL to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 99/p. 133)
Legislature authorized SEQUATCHIE to gain from MARION; gain did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 105/p. 140)
SMITH gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court, December 1913; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 66/p. 101)
UNION gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1873_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 70/p. 104)
Legislature authorized creation of WEBSTER from CAMPBELL, CLAIBORNE, and UNION; creation did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1873, 38th assy., ch. 77, secs. 1, 13/pp. 111, 115; McBride, 8)
December 1874
[December 1874] HUMPHREYS gained from HOUSTON. ("Humphreys County v. Houston County" in Tenn. Rpts., 63:591-599)
23 March 1875
Legislature authorized creation of WISDOM from HARDEMAN, HENDERSON, McNAIRY, and MADISON; creation did not take effect. CHESTER was created in this same general area in 1882. (Tenn. Acts 1875, 39th assy., ch. 68, secs. 1-2, 4/pp. 83-84; McBride, 9)
24 March 1875
CLAY gained from OVERTON [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1875_pt. for location]; HAMBLEN gained small area from JEFFERSON [repealed 22 March 1877; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1875_pt. for location]; LOUDON gained from ROANE to accommodate local residents; OVERTON gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; UNION gained from KNOX to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1875, 39th assy., ch. 140, secs. 1-5/pp. 228-230)
MARSHALL gained small area from MAURY [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1875_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1875, 39th assy., ch. 120/p. 209)
21 October 1875
UNICOI created from CARTER and WASHINGTON. (Tenn. Acts 1875, 39th assy., ch. 68, secs. 14-15/p. 86; Goodspeed [K], 905)
19 March 1877
Legislature authorized creation of HANES from BENTON, CARROLL, DECATUR, and HENDERSON; creation did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 14, secs. 1-2, 4/pp. 21-22; McBride, 9)
22 March 1877
CHEATHAM exchanged with DICKSON. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 60/p. 75)
DECATUR gained from BENTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 58/p. 73)
Legislature authorized DYER to gain from LAUDERDALE; gain did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 43/p. 58)
JEFFERSON gained small area from HAMBLEN [repealed act of 24 March 1875; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1877_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 44, secs. 1, 7/pp. 59, 62)
LAWRENCE gained from WAYNE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 62/p. 76)
24 March 1877
SMITH gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court December 1913; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 115/p. 138)
26 March 1877
COFFEE gained from GRUNDY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 131/p. 157)
DAVIDSON gained from CHEATHAM to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 110/p. 134)
GRAINGER gained from HAWKINS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 149/p. 176)
HAMBLEN gained from HAWKINS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 137/p. 162)
HANCOCK gained from HAWKINS to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 140/p. 166)
LAWRENCE gained from WAYNE. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 157/p. 182)
LAWRENCE gained from GILES to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 155/p. 180)
MONROE gained from BLOUNT to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 130/p. 156)
MONROE gained from LOUDON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 163/p. 186)
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 148/p. 175)
RUTHERFORD gained small area from WILLIAMSON. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 168/p. 190)
Legislature authorized SEQUATCHIE to gain from MARION; gain did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 138/p. 163)
WILLIAMSON gained from MARSHALL to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1877_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 165/p. 188)
WILLIAMSON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1877_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 165/p. 188; ch. 156/p. 181)
1 May 1877
CHEATHAM gained from MONTGOMERY to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1877_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1877, 40th assy., 1st sess., ch. 61/p. 76)
31 January 1879
CHEATHAM gained from DICKSON to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 13/p. 31)
14 February 1879
Boundary between HAMBLEN and JEFFERSON redefined [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 18/p. 34)
20 February 1879
GILES gained from MARSHALL to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 21/p. 36)
10 March 1879
COCKE gained from JEFFERSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 55/p. 75)
HUMPHREYS gained from PERRY; MARSHALL gained from GILES to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1879_pt. for location]; RUTHERFORD gained from CANNON to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1879_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 57/p. 77)
JEFFERSON gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 56/p. 76)
VAN BUREN gained from WARREN to accommodate local residents [repealed 30 March 1883; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 58/p. 78)
WILSON gained from TROUSDALE to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1879_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 60/p. 79)
WILSON gained from DEKALB and SMITH to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 61/p. 79)
18 March 1879
CLAIBORNE gained from UNION to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 111/p. 148)
SEVIER gained from BLOUNT. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 119/p. 153)
25 March 1879
BLEDSOE gained from CUMBERLAND to accommodate local residents [description clarified 14 March 1883; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1879_pt. for location]; CLAIBORNE gained from UNION to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; CROCKETT gained from GIBSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; DAVIDSON gained from CHEATHAM to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1879_pt. for location]; JAMES (extinct) gained from HAMILTON to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1879_pt. for location]; LAWRENCE gained from GILES to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; LOUDON gained from McMINN and ROANE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; MONROE gained from LOUDON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; RHEA gained from HAMILTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; ROANE gained from CUMBERLAND to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; RUTHERFORD gained from DAVIDSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; SCOTT gained from CAMPBELL to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; TROUSDALE gained from WILSON to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1879_pt. for location]; VAN BUREN gained from BLEDSOE and WHITE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]; WILLIAMSON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 137, secs. 1-17/pp. 174-177)
26 March 1879
COFFEE gained small area from FRANKLIN [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1879_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 178/p. 222)
HAWKINS gained from HANCOCK [repealed 11 March 1881]. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 161/p. 204)
31 March 1879
GRUNDY gained small areas from COFFEE and FRANKLIN [changes too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1879_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 235/p. 276)
1 April 1879
HANCOCK exchanged with HAWKINS [repealed 11 March 1881]. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 258/p. 298)
11 March 1881
HANCOCK exchanged with HAWKINS [repealed act of 1 April 1879]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 5/p. 7)
HANCOCK gained from HAWKINS [repealed act of 26 March 1879]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 6/p. 8)
30 March 1881
CAMPBELL gained small area from CLAIBORNE [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1881_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 42/p. 51)
2 April 1881
SEVIER gained from JEFFERSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 54/p. 68)
4 April 1881
CHEATHAM gained from MONTGOMERY and ROBERTSON to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1881_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 60/p. 74)
HANCOCK gained from HAWKINS to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 86/p. 97)
LOUDON gained from McMINN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 61/p. 75)
ROBERTSON gained small area from MONTGOMERY. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 72/p. 84)
5 April 1881
BLEDSOE gained from HAMILTON to accommodate local resident; DICKSON gained from CHEATHAM to accommodate local residents [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court 6 April 1901, but ruling was not observed]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 143/p. 191)
CROCKETT gained from GIBSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 108/p. 138)
FRANKLIN gained from GRUNDY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; MAURY gained from WILLIAMSON to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1881_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 107/p. 137)
GREENE gained from UNICOI and WASHINGTON. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 145/p. 194)
HENDERSON gained small area from DECATUR [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 130/p. 180)
LOUDON gained from ROANE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 138/p. 187)
WASHINGTON gained from UNICOI to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1881_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 147/p. 196)
6 April 1881
DEKALB gained from WHITE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 165/p. 221)
DEKALB gained from SMITH to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 164/p. 220)
HENRY gained from BENTON [repealed 9 April 1885; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 161/p. 218)
SMITH gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local residents [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court December 1913; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1881_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 142/p. 191)
April 1881
[April 1881] PICKETT created from FENTRESS and OVERTON. PICKETT's east line was supposed to run along the western limit of SCOTT as defined in 1849; it appears legislators ignored the 4 November 1871 change in SCOTT's west line. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 34, secs. 1-2, 4/pp. 48-50; Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 37, sec 1/p. 35; Huddleston, 37)
1 June 1881
CLAY gained from OVERTON to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1881, 42d assy., 1st sess., ch. 132/p. 181)
April 1882
[April 1882] CHESTER created from HARDEMAN, HENDERSON, McNAIRY, and MADISON An unsuccessful attempt was made to create WISDOM in this same general area in 1875. (Tenn. Acts 1879, 41st assy., 1st sess., ch. 42, secs. 1-2, 4, 15/pp. 59-60, 63; Goodspeed [E], 808; "John Brown et al. v. Joel F. Hamlett et al." in Tenn. Rpts., 76:731-738)
20 February 1883
ROANE gained from LOUDON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in ROANE- LOUDON line 1871-1883]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 8/p. 11)
9 March 1883
CLAIBORNE gained from UNION to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 40/p. 46)
HANCOCK gained from HAWKINS to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 44/p. 49)
HARDEMAN gained from CHESTER to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 41/p. 47)
JACKSON exchanged with PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 42/p. 47)
PUTNAM exchange with JACKSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 47/p. 51)
SEVIER gained from JEFFERSON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 38/p. 44)
WHITE gained from CUMBERLAND to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 45/p. 49)
12 March 1883
CAMPBELL gained from ANDERSON and SCOTT to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1883_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 51/p. 54)
14 March 1883
BENTON gained from CARROLL to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 55/p. 57)
Boundary between BLEDSOE and CUMBERLAND clarified [corrected act of 25 March 1879; no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 58/p. 59)
CARROLL gained from HENDERSON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 56/p. 57)
CHEATHAM gained from MONTGOMERY to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1883_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 53/p. 56)
JEFFERSON gained from SEVIER to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 54/p. 56)
MAURY gained from HICKMAN to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1883_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 59/p. 59)
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 62/p. 62)
OVERTON gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 65/p. 64)
WARREN gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 66/p. 64)
18 March 1883
TIPTON gained small areas from FAYETTE and SHELBY. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 81/p. 75)
19 March 1883
DICKSON gained from HUMPHREYS to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1883_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 93/p. 92)
DICKSON gained from HICKMAN to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 87/p. 86)
HAWKINS gained from HAMBLEN to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 16 December 1871; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1883_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 107/p. 135)
LAKE gained from DYER. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 97/p. 96)
MEIGS exchanged with ROANE. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 89/p. 89)
PUTNAM exchanged with SMITH to accommodate local residents [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court December 1913; locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 99/p. 97)
20 March 1883
MONROE gained from BLOUNT to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 102/p. 99)
UNION gained from KNOX to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 103/p. 100)
22 March 1883
PUTNAM gained from CUMBERLAND to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in PUTNAM-CUMBERLAND line 1871-1883]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 109/p. 137)
26 March 1883
COCKE gained from HAMBLEN to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 118/p. 164)
CROCKETT gained from GIBSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 121/p. 166)
MONROE gained from McMINN to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1883_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 116/p. 162)
27 March 1883
BEDFORD exchanged small areas with RUTHERFORD [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1883_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 166/p. 215)
COCKE gained from JEFFERSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 139/p. 188)
HAMBLEN gained from HAWKINS to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 159/p. 208)
MARSHALL gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1883_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 124/p. 170)
PICKETT gained from CLAY to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 122/p. 166)
SCOTT gained from CAMPBELL to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1883_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 195/p. 268)
UNION gained from GRAINGER [repealed 8 March 1890]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 129/p. 176)
28 March 1883
Boundary between CARTER and UNICOI clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 201/p. 281)
HAMILTON gained from SEQUATCHIE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 82/p. 76)
HARDEMAN gained from FAYETTE to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 125/p. 171)
JACKSON gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 175/p. 250)
SCOTT gained from CAMPBELL to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 100/p. 98)
29 March 1883
BENTON exchanged with DECATUR. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 221/p. 299)
BLOUNT gained from LOUDON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 217/p. 294)
WILSON gained from RUTHERFORD [repealed act of 28 January 1871]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 203/p. 282)
30 March 1883
VAN BUREN gained from WARREN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1883, 43d assy., ch. 244/p. 325)
18 February 1885
DECATUR gained from HENDERSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in DECATUR-HENDERSON line 1856-1885]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 13/p. 55)
24 March 1885
HOUSTON gained from DICKSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 69/p. 125)
JACKSON gained from CLAY to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 55/p. 111)
LOUDON gained from McMINN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 54/p. 110)
MONROE gained from LOUDON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 56/p. 111)
MORGAN gained from SCOTT to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 27 February 1869; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 60/p. 115)
2 April 1885
HANCOCK gained from HAWKINS to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 64/p. 118)
4 April 1885
VAN BUREN gained from WARREN to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1885_pt. for location]. VAN BUREN gained from WHITE to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 136/p. 247)
9 April 1885
BENTON gained from HENRY [repealed act of 6 April 1881; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 152/p. 263)
CHESTER gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 131/p. 243)
CLAY gained from PICKETT to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 125/p. 238)
CLAY gained from OVERTON to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1885_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 128/p. 240)
FENTRESS gained from PICKETT to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1885_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 156/p. 268)
HARDEMAN gained from CHESTER to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 109/p. 208)
LEWIS gained from LAWRENCE to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1885_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 127/p. 240)
MEIGS gained from JAMES (extinct) to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 102/p. 199)
OVERTON gained from PICKETT to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 117/p. 224)
ROBERTSON gained from CHEATHAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 144/p. 254)
TROUSDALE gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1885, 44th assy., ch. 146/p. 256)
September 1885
[September 1885] HANCOCK gained from HAWKINS when Tennessee Supreme Court overturned act of 16 December 1871. ("Hancock County v. Hawkins County" in Tenn. Rpts., 83:266-273)
28 February 1887
HAMBLEN gained from HAWKINS to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 30/p. 102)
RUTHERFORD gained from WILSON to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1887_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 18/p. 88)
2 March 1887
ANDERSON gained from CAMPBELL to accommodate local residents [repealed 1 April 1893; locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 35/p. 106)
BLOUNT gained from SEVIER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 51/p. 121)
CLAY gained from PICKETT to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 52/p. 122)
DEKALB gained from SMITH to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 53/p. 123)
DICKSON gained from MONTGOMERY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 50/p. 121)
GRAINGER gained from UNION to accommodate local resident [repealed 13 May 1895; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 49/p. 120)
SCOTT gained from CAMPBELL to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 46/p. 118)
UNION gained from KNOX to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; UNION lost to GRAINGER to accommodate local resident [repealed 13 May 1895; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 47/p. 119; ch. 49/p. 120)
WILLIAMSON gained from MARSHALL and MAURY to accommodate local residents [change with MARSHALL too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1887_pt. for location; MAURY location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 48/p. 119)
22 March 1887
CHEATHAM exchanged with MONTGOMERY to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 75/p. 154)
MAURY gained from WILLIAMSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 42/p. 115)
MOORE gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1887_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 108/p. 197)
23 March 1887
CLAY gained Brimstone Island from JACKSON [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1887_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 102/p. 192)
KNOX exchanged with SEVIER to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 132/p. 231)
MOORE gained from LINCOLN to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 99/p. 190)
ROBERTSON gained from MONTGOMERY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 110/p. 200)
SEQUATCHIE gained from VAN BUREN to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 103/p. 193)
SEVIER exchanged with KNOX to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 136/p. 240)
24 March 1887
CROCKETT exchanged with GIBSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 128/p. 227)
25 March 1887
Legislature authorized ANDERSON to gain from ROANE, but ROANE would not accept survey [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 127/p. 226; "Roane County v. Anderson County" in Tenn. Rpts., 89:259-269)
DICKSON gained from CHEATHAM [repealed 26 March 1891]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 105/p. 195)
FRANKLIN exchanged with MOORE to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 104/p. 194)
GIBSON exchanged two small areas with MADISON to accommodate local residents [changes too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1887_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 119/p. 213)
26 March 1887
DEKALB gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 192/p. 324)
LOUDON exchanged with MONROE to accommodate local residents [repealed 30 March 1891; locations unknown, not mapped]; MONROE gained from McMINN to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 196/p. 327)
28 March 1887
BEDFORD gained from COFFEE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 207/p. 337)
CANNON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 228/p. 389)
CROCKETT exchanged with DYER to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 194/p. 326)
MAURY gained small area from GILES [location unknown, not mapped] (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 205/p. 335)
McMINN gained from MEIGS to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 202/p. 333)
OVERTON exchanged with PUTNAM to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 212/p. 343; ch. 195/p. 327)
PUTNAM gained small area from WHITE [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1887_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 203/p. 334)
UNION gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 227/p. 388)
WAYNE gained from LAWRENCE to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 204/p. 334)
WHITE gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 193/p. 325)
1 July 1887
CLAIBORNE gained from UNION to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1887, 45th assy., ch. 45/p. 117)
23 February 1889
BLEDSOE gained from RHEA to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 25/p. 32)
FENTRESS gained from CUMBERLAND to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 26/p. 33)
GRAINGER gained from UNION to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 24/p. 32)
26 February 1889
KNOX gained from UNION to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 20/p. 28)
SCOTT gained from MORGAN to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in SCOTT-MORGAN line 1858-1889]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 21/p. 29)
27 February 1889
ANDERSON gained small area from ROANE [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court 11 October 1890; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1889_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 34/p. 62)
DYER gained from GIBSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 32/p. 61)
HAMBLEN gained from HAWKINS to accommodate local resident [repealed 1 April 1893; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 33/p. 61)
28 February 1889
LEWIS gained from HICKMAN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 37/p. 66)
16 March 1889
CANNON gained from WILSON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 55/p. 87)
CANNON gained from WARREN to accommodate local resident [repealed 22 April 1899; location unknown, not mapped. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 57/p. 88)
CHESTER gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 59/p. 89)
CLAY gained from OVERTON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 62/p. 91)
DAVIDSON gained small area from WILLIAMSON [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1889_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 75/p. 110)
GIBSON gained from CROCKETT to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 50/p. 83)
HARDEMAN gained from CHESTER to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 54/p. 86)
HARDIN gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local resident [repealed 20 March 1893; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 61/p. 91)
MONROE gained from LOUDON and McMINN to accommodate local resident [changes too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1889_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 58/p. 89)
OBION gained from WEAKLEY to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1889_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 76/p. 111)
POLK gained from McMINN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 65/p. 94)
PUTNAM gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 60/p. 90)
ROBERTSON gained from DAVIDSON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 45/p. 76)
RUTHERFORD gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1889_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 56/p. 87)
22 March 1889
ANDERSON gained Holt Island from KNOX to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1889_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 124/p. 229)
23 March 1889
SEVIER gained from JEFFERSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 106/p. 212)
26 March 1889
BEDFORD gained from MARSHALL to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1889_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 112/p. 216)
DEKALB gained from CANNON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 111/p. 216)
DYER gained from CROCKETT to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 108/p. 214)
JACKSON exchanged with PUTNAM to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 109/p. 214)
MORGAN gained from CUMBERLAND to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1889_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 115/p. 219)
PUTNAM gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 116/p. 220)
TROUSDALE gained from MACON and SUMNER to accommodate local resident. [MACON change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1889_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 118/p. 222)
WARREN gained from CANNON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 110/p. 215)
WHITE gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 113/p. 217)
WILLIAMSON gained from HICKMAN to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 133/p. 271)
WILLIAMSON gained from MARSHALL to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in WILLIAMSON-MARSHALL line 1860-1889]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 129/p. 246)
29 March 1889
CHESTER gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 142/p. 280)
CHESTER gained from HARDIN to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1889_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 143/p. 280, repeated in ch. 255/p. 481)
HAMBLEN gained from HAWKINS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 154/p. 295)
PUTNAM gained from DEKALB to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 141/p. 279)
RHEA gained from HAMILTON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 140/p. 278)
4 April 1889
HAMBLEN gained from JEFFERSON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 189/p. 372)
HANCOCK gained small area from HAWKINS [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1889_pt. for location]; HAWKINS gained from HANCOCK to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 203/p. 397)
KNOX gained from UNION to accommodate local residents [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court 1 October 1891; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 194/p. 384)
MONROE gained from LOUDON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 199/p. 394)
6 April 1889
CHESTER gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 252/p. 478)
DEKALB gained from WHITE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 264/p. 490)
HARDIN gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 253/p. 478)
LEWIS gained from LAWRENCE to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 217/p. 436)
LOUDON gained from MONROE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1889, 46th assy., 1st sess., ch. 235/p. 457)
8 March 1890
GRAINGER gained from UNION [repealed act of 27 March 1883]. (Tenn. Acts 1890, 46th assy., 3d sess., ch. 5/p. 25)
11 March 1890
Legislature authorized the abolition of JAMES (extinct) but act was overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court on 4 October 1890 [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1890, 46th assy., 3d sess., ch. 18, secs. 1-5/pp. 44-46; McBride, 11-12; "James County v. Hamilton County" in Tenn. Rpts., 89:237)
11 October 1890
ROANE gained small area from ANDERSON when Tennessee Supreme Court overturned act of 27 February 1889 [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1890_pt. for location]. ("Roane County v. Anderson County" in Tenn. Rpts., 89:259-269)
31 January 1891
PICKETT gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 28/p. 63)
13 February 1891
Legislature authorized CAMPBELL to gain from CLAIBORNE; gain did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 23/p. 52)
25 February 1891
COFFEE gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 25/p. 54)
26 February 1891
MEIGS gained from McMINN to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1891_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 33/p. 69)
3 March 1891
CLAIBORNE exchanged with UNION to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 255/p. 489)
PICKETT gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 42/p. 78)
RUTHERFORD gained from WILLIAMSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 19/p. 48)
4 March 1891
BENTON gained from DECATUR to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 51/p. 134)
12 March 1891
OVERTON gained from CLAY to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 233/p. 448)
17 March 1891
UNION gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 53/p. 136)
18 March 1891
FRANKLIN gained small areas from GRUNDY and MARION [changes too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1891_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 143/p. 314)
WASHINGTON gained from GREENE to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 142/p. 313)
23 March 1891
CHESTER gained from HARDIN to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1891_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 151/p. 325)
HANCOCK gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 154/p. 329)
MONROE gained from LOUDON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 67/p. 154)
24 March 1891
MEIGS gained from ROANE to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 244/p. 467)
26 March 1891
CHEATHAM gained from DICKSON [repealed act of 25 March 1887]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 251/p. 474)
27 March 1891
CANNON gained small area from RUTHERFORD. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 254/p. 489)
30 March 1891
GRUNDY gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 228/p. 444)
HENRY gained from BENTON. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 200/p. 408)
LOUDON exchanged with MONROE to accommodate local residents [repealed part of act of 26 March 1887; locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 214/p. 424)
OVERTON gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 260/p. 495)
RUTHERFORD gained from DAVIDSON to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1891, 47th assy., ch. 258/p. 493)
1 October 1891
UNION gained from KNOX when Tennessee Supreme Court overturned act of 4 April 1889 [location unknown, not mapped]. ("Union County v. Knox County" in Tenn. Rpts., 90:541-545)
4 February 1893
DICKSON gained from CHEATHAM [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court 2 February 1897]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 119/p. 263)
DYER gained small area from LAUDERDALE [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1893_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 120/p. 263)
9 February 1893
CARROLL gained from HENDERSON. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 3/p. 4)
POLK gained from McMINN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 1/p. 3)
RUTHERFORD gained from DAVIDSON; RUTHERFORD exchanged with WILLIAMSON to accommodate local residents [area lost to WILLIAMSON too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1893_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 2/p. 4; ch. 5/p. 6)
WILLIAMSON exchanged with RUTHERFORD to accommodate local residents [area gained by WILLIAMSON too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1893_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 5/p. 6)
11 March 1893
MAURY gained from LEWIS to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1893_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 7/p. 9)
20 March 1893
DEKALB gained from SMITH to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 20/p. 30; repeated in sec. 2, ch. 73/p. 91)
DYER gained from CROCKETT to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 22/p. 31)
McNAIRY gained from HARDIN to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 16 March 1889; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 19/p. 29)
25 March 1893
BEDFORD gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1893_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 28/p. 36)
HARDEMAN gained from CHESTER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 30/p. 37)
WILLIAMSON gained from MAURY to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1893_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 27/p. 35)
29 March 1893
HAMILTON gained from JAMES (extinct). (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 47/p. 63)
HARDEMAN gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 44/p. 56)
1 April 1893
CAMPBELL gained from ANDERSON to accommodate local residents [repealed act of 2 March 1887; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 60/p. 77)
COFFEE gained from CANNON to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1893_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 58/p. 75)
HAWKINS gained from HAMBLEN to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 27 February 1889; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 83/p. 109)
McNAIRY gained from HARDIN to accommodate local resident [repealed 17 March 1899; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1893_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 53/p. 71)
PICKETT gained from CLAY [repealed 3 April 1901]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 57/p. 75)
SMITH gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1893_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 73/p. 91)
5 April 1893
Legislature authorized CHESTER to gain from HENDERSON; gain did not take effect. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 81/p. 108)
SEQUATCHIE gained from MARION; remainder of SEQUATCHIE boundary clarified [mistake in description corrected 1 April 1986]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 176, sec. 1/p. 359)
10 April 1893
LAKE gained from OBION. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 173/p. 346)
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1893, 48th assy., ch. 102/p. 209)
29 January 1895
CLAIBORNE exchanged with UNION to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 7/p. 12)
COFFEE gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 8/p. 12)
1 February 1895
COFFEE gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 16/p. 24)
8 February 1895
DAVIDSON gained from WILLIAMSON to accommodate local residents [repealed 13 April 1899; locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 28/p. 39)
LOUDON exchanged with MONROE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 27/p. 39)
8 April 1895
KNOX gained from SEVIER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 95/p. 160)
SMITH gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court December 1913; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 98/p. 162)
9 April 1895
CAMPBELL gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 93/p. 158)
10 April 1895
UNION gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 104/p. 170)
22 April 1895
CARTER gained small area from JOHNSON [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1895_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 61/p. 98)
30 April 1895
SMITH exchanged with WILSON to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 82/p. 125)
6 May 1895
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 116/p. 187)
13 May 1895
HAMBLEN exchanged with HAWKINS to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in HAMBLEN-HAWKINS line 1873-1895]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 189/p. 386)
JAMES (extinct) gained from BRADLEY to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 191/p. 387)
UNION gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 2 March 1887 and was in turn repealed 22 April 1901; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 188/p. 385)
UNION gained from KNOX to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 183/p. 382)
14 May 1895
BEDFORD gained from MARSHALL to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 216/p. 438)
CLAIBORNE gained from HANCOCK to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 195/p. 391)
CLAIBORNE exchanged with UNION to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 215/p. 438)
WASHINGTON gained from GREENE to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 176/p. 375)
WAYNE gained from PERRY to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1895, 49th assy., ch. 174/p. 371)
2 February 1897
CHEATHAM gained from DICKSON when Tennessee Supreme Court overturned act of 4 February 1893. ("Cheatham County v. Dickson County" in S.W. Rptr, 39:734-735)
HANCOCK exchanged with HAWKINS along entire boundary when line was resurveyed and relocated. GRAINGER apparently gained small area from HANCOCK. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 193/p. 409)
3 February 1897
Boundary between LAKE and OBION clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 176, secs. 1-2/pp. 384-387)
6 February 1897
DICKSON gained from MONTGOMERY to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 199/p. 416)
12 February 1897
SCOTT gained from FENTRESS and PICKETT. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 257/p. 571; repeated in ch. 217/p. 518)
15 February 1897
DAVIDSON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 175/p. 384)
19 March 1897
LEWIS gained from HICKMAN. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 270/p. 592)
LOUDON gained from MONROE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 206/p. 424)
24 March 1897
BEDFORD gained from COFFEE to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 256/p. 571)
RUTHERFORD gained from WILLIAMSON to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 225/p. 532)
WARREN gained from WHITE to accommodate local resident [mistake in description corrected 3 March 1899; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 318/p. 676)
26 March 1897
OVERTON gained from PICKETT to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 287/p. 610)
30 March 1897
LOUDON gained from MONROE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 169/p. 378)
7 April 1897
WILLIAMSON gained from MAURY to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1897_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 259/p. 574)
29 April 1897
CAMPBELL gained from SCOTT to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in CAMPBELL-SCOTT line 1866-1897]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 278/p. 602)
CROCKETT gained from GIBSON to accommodate local resident [map depicts net changes in CROCKETT-GIBSON line 1879-1897]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 137/p. 323)
DAVIDSON gained from WILLIAMSON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 279/p. 603)
DEKALB gained from WARREN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 136/p. 322)
Boundary between GRUNDY and MARION adjusted at town of Monteagle [not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 312/p. 658)
LEWIS gained from WAYNE. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 164/p. 372)
LOUDON gained from McMINN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 168/p. 377)
PUTNAM exchanged with WHITE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 306/p. 646)
SMITH gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 263/p. 578)
SMITH gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court December 1913; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1897_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 148/p. 335)
30 April 1897
BLEDSOE gained from CUMBERLAND to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 149/p. 336)
1 May 1897
DAVIDSON gained from WILLIAMSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1897, 50th assy., ch. 227/p. 534)
27 January 1899
PICKETT gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 105/p. 181)
3 March 1899
Boundary between WARREN and WHITE clarified [corrected mistake of 24 March 1897; location unknown, not mapped] (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 84/p. 123)
17 March 1899
CLAIBORNE exchanged with HANCOCK to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 132/p. 218)
HARDIN gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 1 April 1893; [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1899_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 112/p. 190)
OVERTON gained from PICKETT to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 82/p. 122)
30 March 1899
CAMPBELL gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 144/p. 254)
SMITH gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 143/p. 253)
31 March 1899
DEKALB gained small area from SMITH to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 179/p. 354)
KNOX gained from SEVIER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 117/p. 194)
Boundary between LEWIS and PERRY clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 175/p. 346)
7 April 1899
CARTER gained from WASHINGTON to accommodate local resident [repealed 17 May 1915; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 171/p. 319)
HANCOCK exchanged with HAWKINS to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 208/p. 441)
12 April 1899
UNION gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local residents [repealed 17 April 1901; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 233/p. 506)
WHITE gained from CUMBERLAND to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 226/p. 479)
13 April 1899
COFFEE gained small area from FRANKLIN [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 245/p. 560)
WILLIAMSON gained from DAVIDSON to accommodate local residents [repealed act of 8 February 1895; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 220/p. 473)
17 April 1899
DAVIDSON exchanged with WILSON to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 263/p. 604)
HICKMAN gained small area from LEWIS [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1899_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 264/p. 605)
KNOX gained from SEVIER to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 256/p. 584)
19 April 1899
MORGAN gained small area from ROANE [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1899_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 330/p. 770)
20 April 1899
DEKALB gained from WARREN to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 342/p. 787)
WARREN gained from DEKALB to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 344/p. 789)
21 April 1899
ROANE gained from ANDERSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 317/p. 752)
RUTHERFORD gained from CANNON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 316/p. 752)
RUTHERFORD gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 380/p. 888)
22 April 1899
HAMBLEN exchanged with JEFFERSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 385/p. 893)
WARREN gained from CANNON to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 16 March 1889; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 305/p. 734)
WHITE gained from CUMBERLAND to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in WHITE-CUMBERLAND line 1860-1899]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 366/p. 361)
24 April 1899
BEDFORD gained from MOORE to accommodate local resident [repealed 7 February 1901; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 413/p. 975)
MARSHALL gained from MAURY to accommodate local residents [map depicts net changes in MARSHALL-MAURY line 1854-1899]. (Tenn. Acts 1899, 51st assy., ch. 421/p. 984)
5 February 1901
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 379/p. 860)
7 February 1901
BEDFORD lost to MOORE to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 24 April 1899; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 388/p. 869)
MOORE gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 24 April 1899; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 388/p. 869)
3 March 1901
SULLIVAN lost to WASHINGTON (Va.) when the Tennessee-Virginia line through the town of Bristol was adjusted [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1901_pt. for location]. (Van Zandt, 110)
11 March 1901
GRAINGER gained from KNOX to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 191/p. 416)
22 March 1901
BLOUNT gained from SEVIER to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1901_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 208/p. 448)
CLAY gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 214/p. 453)
23 March 1901
Boundary between CHEATHAM and DAVIDSON clarified when Tennessee Supreme Court confirmed the line claimed by CHEATHAM [no change]. ("Davidson County v. Cheatham County" in S.W. Rptr., 63: 209-213)
3 April 1901
CLAY gained from PICKETT [repealed act of 1 April 1893]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 270/p. 580)
GILES gained from LAWRENCE to accommodate local resident [map depicts net changes in GILES-LAWRENCE line 1854-1901]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 257/p. 556)
JEFFERSON gained from SEVIER to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1901_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 260/p. 572)
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON and OVERTON to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1901_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 262/p. 573)
6 April 1901
Tennessee Supreme Court overturned act of 5 April 1881 by which DICKSON gained from CHEATHAM, but ruling was not observed [no change]. ("McMillan v. Hannah" in Tenn. Rpts., 106:689-694)
9 April 1901
JEFFERSON gained from SEVIER to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 283/p. 649)
11 April 1901
SMITH gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 288/p. 653)
12 April 1901
MACON gained from CLAY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 282/p. 648)
16 April 1901
DICKSON gained from HICKMAN to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 300/p. 685)
LOUDON gained from MONROE to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1901_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 306/p. 689)
MARSHALL gained from GILES to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 308/p. 690)
RUTHERFORD gained from MARSHALL to accommodate local residents [part of this change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1901_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 307/p. 690)
SMITH gained from MACON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 305/p. 689)
17 April 1901
GRAINGER gained from UNION to accommodate local residents [repealed act of 12 April 1899; locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 310/p. 697)
20 April 1901
HAMILTON gained small area from JAMES (extinct) [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1901_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 488/p. 1160)
LOUDON gained from McMINN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 347/p. 796)
OVERTON gained from CLAY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 482/p. 1154)
RUTHERFORD exchanged with WILLIAMSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 349/p. 798)
22 April 1901
GRAINGER gained from UNION to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 13 May 1895; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1901, 52d assy., ch. 361/p. 829)
[1902] PUTNAM undertook an official survey of its boundary with WHITE and laid claim to and took control of the Ravenscroft area [invalidated by Tennessee Supreme Court, December 1917; not mapped]. ("Putnam County v. White County" in Tenn. Rpts., 140:23)
30 January 1903
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 23/p. 51)
10 February 1903
BLOUNT gained from SEVIER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 55/p. 96)
HICKMAN gained from PERRY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in HICKMAN-PERRY line 1867-1903]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 53/p. 94)
OVERTON gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 56/p. 96)
11 February 1903
BLEDSOE gained from RHEA to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in BLEDSOE-RHEA line 1889-1903]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 41/p. 74, repeated in ch. 54/p. 95)
18 March 1903
McMINN exchanged with MONROE to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 166/p. 371)
25 March 1903
CANNON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 213/p. 464; repeated in ch. 387/p. 1127)
DEKALB gained from SMITH to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 221/p. 491)
LOUDON gained from MONROE to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1903_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 95/p. 176)
MACON gained from CLAY to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 226/p. 495)
MADISON gained from HENDERSON to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 186/p. 428)
OVERTON gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1903_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 223/p. 492)
2 April 1903
BLOUNT gained from SEVIER to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 514/p. 1382)
GRAINGER gained from HANCOCK to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 527/p. 1405)
HENDERSON gained from HARDIN to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 528/p. 1405)
MORGAN gained small area from ANDERSON. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 304/p. 883; repeated in ch. 504/p. 1347)
OVERTON gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 512/p. 1379)
PUTNAM gained from OVERTON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 523/p. 1401)
3 April 1903
SEVIER gained from BLOUNT. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 478/p. 1323)
7 April 1903
MAURY gained from LAWRENCE to accommodate local resident [repealed 15 April 1907; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 320/p. 953)
9 April 1903
DEKALB gained from CANNON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 582/p. 1546)
10 April 1903
BLEDSOE gained from SEQUATCHIE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 562/p. 1500)
CHESTER gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local residents; act repealed 15 April 1903 [not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 266/p. 724 and ch. 369/p. 1104)
COFFEE gained from CANNON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 598/p. 1562)
15 April 1903
CAMPBELL gained from UNION to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 386/p. 1127)
Boundary between GRUNDY and MARION adjusted [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1903_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 448/p. 1265)
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 374/p. 1109)
PUTNAM gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1903, 53d assy., ch. 425/p. 1222)
18 January 1905
WILSON gained from SMITH to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 47/p. 92)
26 January 1905
CANNON gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 35/p. 81)
FENTRESS gained from PICKETT to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 39/p. 84)
MONROE gained from LOUDON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 37/p. 82)
OVERTON lost to PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 38/p. 83)
PUTNAM gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 38/p. 83)
PUTNAM gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 36/p. 82)
27 January 1905
ANDERSON gained from CAMPBELL to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 7 March 1868; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 53/p. 98)
MARSHALL gained from GILES to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 28/p. 73)
30 January 1905
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 9/p. 21)
3 February 1905
CARROLL gained from BENTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 20/p. 53)
25 March 1905
TROUSDALE gained from SMITH to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 86/p. 197)
27 March 1905
DEKALB gained from SMITH to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in DEKALB-SMITH line 1868-1905]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 95/p. 206)
MOORE gained from LINCOLN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 91/p. 202)
SMITH gained from DEKALB to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in SMITH-DEKALB line 1868-1905]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 88/p. 199)
4 April 1905
CHESTER gained from HENDERSON to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1905_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 161/p. 352)
DEKALB gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 156/p. 345)
LINCOLN gained from MOORE to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1905_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 136/p. 293)
6 April 1905
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 191/p. 395; repeated in ch. 390/p. 806)
POLK gained from McMINN to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 178/p. 379)
UNION gained from KNOX to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 186/p. 390)
7 April 1905
CANNON gained from WILSON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 222/p. 456)
MAURY gained from WILLIAMSON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 205/p. 429)
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 206/p. 430; repeated in ch. 385/p. 801)
OVERTON gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 218/p. 451)
PICKETT gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 193/p. 397; repeated in ch. 378/p. 789)
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped] (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 199/p. 417)
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped] (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 198/p. 416)
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 197/p. 415)
SUMNER gained from MACON to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 196/p. 414)
8 April 1905
JACKSON gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 238/p. 512)
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 239/p. 513)
11 April 1905
OVERTON gained from CLAY to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1905_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 258/p. 559)
PICKETT gained from CLAY to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1905_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 266/p. 569)
13 April 1905
COFFEE gained from GRUNDY to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 374/p. 779)
OVERTON gained from CLAY to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1905_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 337/p. 702)
PICKETT gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 373/p. 779)
SMITH gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court December 1913; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1905_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 370/p. 776)
15 April 1905
OVERTON gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 453/p. 953)
PUTNAM gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1905_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 538/p. 1231)
Boundary between VAN BUREN and WARREN clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 450/p. 950)
17 April 1905
SMITH gained from JACKSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 505/p. 1117)
WILLIAMSON gained from DICKSON to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1905, 54th assy., ch. 525/p. 1185)
13 April 1907
FAYETTE gained from HARDEMAN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1907, 55th assy., ch. 429/p. 1459)
15 April 1907
BEDFORD exchanged with MARSHALL to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1907, 55th assy., ch. 490/p. 1655)
DEKALB gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1907, 55th assy., ch. 503/p. 1686)
LAWRENCE gained from MAURY to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 7 April 1903; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1907, 55th assy., ch. 484/p. 1639)
MADISON gained from HARDEMAN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1907, 55th assy., ch. 570/p. 1947)
12 February 1909
RUTHERFORD gained from WILLIAMSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 46/p. 130)
15 February 1909
DICKSON gained from HOUSTON to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 57/p. 169)
WHITE gained from VAN BUREN to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 62/p. 186)
19 February 1909
MARSHALL gained from GILES to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 101/p. 280)
UNION gained from KNOX to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 68/p. 203)
25 February 1909
HOUSTON lost to STEWART. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 126, secs. 1-3/pp. 447-449)
6 March 1909
JACKSON gained from CLAY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 167/p. 596; repeated in ch. 306/p. 1118)
24 April 1909
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 208/p. 725)
27 April 1909
CAMPBELL gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 257/p. 873)
LEWIS exchanged with MAURY. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 263, secs. 1-3/pp. 902-906)
30 April 1909
CANNON gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 455/p. 1675)
CANNON gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 454/p. 1674)
MOORE gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 481/p. 1763)
UNION gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 394/p. 1387)
1 May 1909
CLAY gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 538/p. 1945)
DICKSON exchanged with WILLIAMSON to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 558/p. 1990)
PERRY gained small area from WAYNE. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 441/p. 1653)
PUTNAM gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 493/p. 1797)
WILSON gained from TROUSDALE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1909, 56th assy., ch. 514/p. 1842)
9 February 1911
LEWIS gained from PERRY to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1911, 57th assy., priv., ch. 21/p. 72)
16 February 1911
CROCKETT gained from MADISON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1911, 57th assy., priv., ch. 97/p. 233)
17 February 1911
WILLIAMSON gained from MAURY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1911, 57th assy., priv., ch. 109/p. 257)
5 April 1911
GRAINGER gained from HANCOCK to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1911, 57th assy., priv., ch. 245/p. 637)
PICKETT gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1911, 57th assy., priv., ch. 244/p. 636)
6 April 1911
JOHNSON gained from CARTER to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1911, 57th assy., priv., ch. 275/p. 713)
28 June 1911
WILSON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1911, 57th assy., priv., ch. 415/p. 1156)
3 July 1911
JACKSON gained from CLAY to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1911, 57th assy., priv., ch. 530/p. 1592)
PUTNAM gained small area from OVERTON [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1911_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1911, 57th assy., priv., ch. 537/p. 1619)
4 July 1911
JACKSON gained from CLAY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1911, 57th assy., priv., ch. 575/p. 1722)
Boundary between WARREN and WHITE adjusted [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1911_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1911, 57th assy., priv., ch. 579/p. 1739)
December 1913
[December 1913] PUTNAM exchanged with SMITH when Tennessee Supreme Court overturned acts of 7 July 1870, 24 March 1873, 24 March 1877, 6 April 1881, 19 March 1883, 8 April 1895, 29 April 1897, and 13 April 1905 [map depicts net changes in PUTNAM-SMITH line 1867-1913]. ("Putnam County v. Smith County" in Tenn. Rpts., 129:394-397)
1 April 1915
COFFEE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1915_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 146/p. 486)
3 April 1915
WILSON gained from SMITH to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 237/p. 915)
4 May 1915
WILSON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 246/p. 936)
WILSON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 260/p. 967)
13 May 1915
PERRY gained from WAYNE to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1915_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 683/p. 2193)
15 May 1915
PICKETT gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 686/p. 2201)
RUTHERFORD gained from WILSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 670/p. 2169)
RUTHERFORD gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 675/p. 2174)
17 May 1915
CANNON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 662/p. 2146)
CANNON gained from COFFEE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 660/p. 2143)
DEKALB exchanged with CANNON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 556/p. 1794)
DEKALB gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 541/p. 1735)
DEKALB exchanged with WILSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 558/p. 1796)
DICKSON gained small area from CHEATHAM. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 526/p. 1696)
Legislature authorized MARSHALL to gain from GILES, but act was overturned by Tennessee Supreme Court December 1915 [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 384, secs. 1, 4/pp. 1349, 1351; "Giles County v. Marshall County" in Tenn. Rpts., 133:414-422)
MONROE gained from McMINN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 435/p. 1488)
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 443/p. 1501)
PUTNAM exchanged with WHITE in order to restore the Ravenscroft area to WHITE [upheld by Tennessee Supreme Court December 1917; not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 477/p. 1560)
RUTHERFORD gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 527/p. 1697)
WARREN gained from CANNON to accommodate local resident [repealed 6 February 1943; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 444/p. 1502)
WARREN gained from COFFEE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 478/p. 1562).
WASHINGTON gained from CARTER to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 7 April 1899; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 646/p. 2114)
WHITE gained from DEKALB along the Caney Fork River [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 542/p. 1736)
WILSON exchanged with DEKALB to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped] (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 528/p. 1698)
WILSON gained from SMITH to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1915, 59th assy., priv., ch. 562/p. 1802)
30 January 1917
HANCOCK gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local residents [repealed 15 April 1949; locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1917, 60th assy., priv., ch. 36/p. 111)
5 February 1917
MOORE gained from LINCOLN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1917, 60th assy., priv., ch. 59/p. 167)
21 March 1917
BRADLEY gained from JAMES (extinct) and MEIGS to accommodate local residents [changes too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1917_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1917, 60th assy., priv., ch. 188/p. 651)
COFFEE gained small area from BEDFORD. (Tenn. Acts 1917, 60th assy., priv., ch. 202/p. 672)
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1917_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1917, 60th assy., priv., ch. 194/p. 659)
23 March 1917
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1917, 60th assy., priv., ch. 244/p. 788)
30 March 1917
CHESTER gained from HARDIN to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1917, 60th assy., priv., ch. 311/p. 958)
HAMILTON gained small area from MARION [repealed 28 January 1919; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1917_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1917, 60th assy., priv., ch. 366/p. 1116)
LAUDERDALE gained from HAYWOOD. (Tenn. Acts 1917, 60th assy., priv., ch. 320/p. 969)
3 April 1917
MOORE gained from COFFEE to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1917_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1917, 60th assy., priv., ch. 804/p. 2511)
7 April 1917
BEDFORD gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1917, 60th assy., priv., ch. 754/p. 2348)
Boundary between LAWRENCE and LEWIS clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1917, 60th assy., priv., ch. 763/p. 2379)
by 1 June 1917
[ by 1 June 1917] HAMILTON gained from MARION [repealed 28 January 1919]. (Tenn. Acts 1917, 60th assy., priv., ch. 477/p. 1499)
1 August 1917
BLOUNT gained from SEVIER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1917, 60th assy., priv., ch. 816/p. 2549)
December 1917
[December 1917] Tennessee Supreme Court upheld act of 17 May 1915 (ch. 477) and ruled that the Ravenscroft area, which was transferred from PUTNAM to WHITE by said act, had actually always been part of WHITE, thus invalidating the 1902 boundary survey. Supreme Court also upheld ruling of PUTNAM Chancery Court which overturned act of 17 May 1915 (ch. 656). ("Putnam County v. White County" in Tenn. Rpts., 140:19-33)
28 January 1919
MARION gained from HAMILTON [repealed acts of 30 March 1917 and by 1 June 1917]. (Tenn. Acts 1919, 61st assy., priv., ch. 44/p. 78)
24 March 1919
ANDERSON gained from CAMPBELL [repealed 22 April 1933]. (Tenn. Acts 1919, 61st assy., priv., ch. 95/p. 204)
11 April 1919
OVERTON gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1919, 61st assy., priv., ch. 611/p. 1809)
14 April 1919
Legislature authorized BRADLEY to gain from JAMES (extinct), but act was overturned by JAMES County District Court on 20 October 1919 [no change; see 1 February 1957]. (Tenn. Acts 1919, 61st assy., priv., ch. 607/p. 1802; "No Addition to Bradley," Chattanooga Times, 21 October 1919, p. 6; Donnelly, 19, 28-31)
15 April 1919
GRAINGER gained from HANCOCK to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]; HANCOCK gained from GRAINGER (Tenn. Acts 1919, 61st assy., priv., ch. 674/p. 2036)
16 April 1919
KNOX gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1919, 61st assy., priv., ch. 739/p. 2279)
17 April 1919
TROUSDALE gained from MACON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1919, 61st assy., priv., ch. 787/p. 2435)
5 January 1920
HAMILTON gained all of JAMES (extinct); JAMES eliminated. (Tenn. Acts 1919, 61st assy., priv., ch. 695, secs. 1-6/pp. 2129-2133; Donnelly, 20; McBride, 13-14)
10 February 1921
BEDFORD gained from COFFEE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1921, 62d assy., priv., ch. 168/p. 460)
MONROE gained from McMINN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1921, 62d assy., priv., ch. 176/p. 471)
25 March 1921
PICKETT gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1921, 62d assy., priv., ch. 453/p. 1341)
7 April 1921
PICKETT gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1921, 62d assy., priv., ch. 700/p. 2221)
WILLIAMSON gained from DICKSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1921, 62d assy., priv., ch. 643/p. 2026)
9 April 1921
GIBSON exchanged with MADISON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1921, 62d assy., priv., ch. 848/p. 2622)
MADISON gained from GIBSON to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1921_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1921, 62d assy., priv., ch. 796/p. 2486)
PICKETT gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1921, 62d assy., priv., ch. 804/p. 2503)
PICKETT gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1921, 62d assy., priv., ch. 803/p. 2502)
11 April 1921
COFFEE gained small area from FRANKLIN [overturned in 1923; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1921_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1921, 62d assy., priv., ch. 762/p. 2363)
17 March 1923
McMINN gained from MONROE to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1923, 63d assy., priv., ch. 229/p. 746)
27 March 1923
BEDFORD gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped. (Tenn. Acts 1923, 63d assy., priv., ch. 344/p. 1182)
COFFEE gained small area from BEDFORD. (Tenn. Acts 1923, 63d assy., priv., ch. 339/p. 1175)
WARREN gained from COFFEE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1923, 63d assy., priv., ch. 337/p. 1173)
28 March 1923
CLAIBORNE gained from CAMPBELL to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1923, 63d assy., priv., ch. 378/p. 1330)
31 March 1923
RUTHERFORD gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local resident [repealed 4 April 1927; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1923, 63d assy., priv., ch. 543/p. 2054)
WILLIAMSON gained from MAURY to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1923, 63d assy., priv., ch. 453/p. 1742)
WILLIAMSON gained from MAURY to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1923, 63d assy., priv., ch. 452/p. 1741)
[1923] FRANKLIN gained small area from COFFEE [overturned act of 11 April 1921; change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1923_pt. for location]. (Rauchle, 38)
9 April 1925
SHELBY gained from TIPTON. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 434, sec. 1/p. 1640)
10 April 1925
LEWIS gained from WAYNE. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 385/p. 1442)
11 April 1925
GILES gained from MARSHALL to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1925_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 640/p. 2404)
KNOX gained small area from UNION [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1925_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 462/p. 1733)
MONROE gained from McMINN to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 503/p. 1963)
13 April 1925
Boundary between LAKE and OBION clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 548/p. 2110)
14 April 1925
Boundary between BEDFORD and RUTHERFORD adjusted to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 575/p. 2165)
WARREN gained from COFFEE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 579/p. 2174)
WARREN gained from DEKALB to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in WARREN-DEKALB line 1852-1925]. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 530/p. 2061)
15 April 1925
COFFEE gained from WARREN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 750/p. 2694)
PUTNAM gained small area from WHITE. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 698/p. 2567)
WARREN gained from CANNON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 756/p. 2703)
16 April 1925
FENTRESS gained from PICKETT to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 700/p. 2570)
RUTHERFORD gained from CANNON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 712/p. 2601)
RUTHERFORD gained from CANNON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 713/p. 2602)
1 July 1925
DAVIDSON gained from RUTHERFORD. (Tenn. Acts 1925, 64th assy., priv., ch. 360/p. 1338)
4 February 1927
WHITE gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1927, 65th assy., priv., ch. 82/p. 185; repeated in ch. 147/p. 321)
31 March 1927
LOUDON gained from MONROE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1927, 65th assy., priv., ch. 124/p. 273)
4 April 1927
BEDFORD gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 31 March 1923; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1927, 65th assy., priv., ch. 219/p. 599)
18 April 1927
FRANKLIN gained from GRUNDY to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1927_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1927, 65th assy., priv., ch. 324/p. 948)
22 April 1927
CAMPBELL gained from ANDERSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1927, 65th assy., priv., ch. 398/p. 1145)
29 April 1927
BEDFORD gained from COFFEE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1927, 65th assy., priv., ch. 740/p. 2407)
FENTRESS gained from PICKETT to accommodate local resident [map depicts net changes in FENTRESS-PICKETT line 1891-1927]. (Tenn. Acts 1927, 65th assy., priv., ch. 776/p. 2551)
KNOX gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1927, 65th assy., priv., ch. 741/p. 2408)
MOORE gained from LINCOLN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1927, 65th assy., priv., ch. 735/p. 2393)
SMITH gained from MACON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1927, 65th assy., priv., ch. 718/p. 2340)
WILSON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1927, 65th assy., priv., ch. 785/p. 2573)
1 July 1927
DAVIDSON gained small area from RUTHERFORD [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1927_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1927, 65th assy., priv., ch. 444/p. 1294)
15 February 1929
CANNON gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in CANNON-WILSON line 1842-1929] (Tenn. Acts 1929, 66th assy., priv., ch. 147/p. 298)
19 February 1929
McMINN gained from LOUDON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1929, 66th assy., priv., ch. 184/p. 388)
21 February 1929
LAWRENCE gained from WAYNE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in LAWRENCE-WAYNE line 1848-1929]. (Tenn. Acts 1929, 66th assy., priv., ch. 262/p. 653)
30 March 1929
MAURY gained from LEWIS to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1929, 66th assy., priv., ch. 342/p. 886)
RUTHERFORD gained from WILLIAMSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1929, 66th assy., priv., ch. 346/p. 892)
3 April 1929
PUTNAM gained small area from DEKALB to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1929, 66th assy., priv., ch. 412/p. 1074)
13 April 1929
TROUSDALE gained small area from SUMNER to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1929, 66th assy., priv., ch. 707/p. 2132)
WILLIAMSON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1929, 66th assy., priv., ch. 650/p. 1828)
2 February 1931
BEDFORD gained from COFFEE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1931, 67th assy., priv., ch. 141/p. 339)
17 June 1931
PUTNAM gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1931, 67th assy., priv., ch. 391/p. 977)
22 June 1931
Boundary between OBION and WEAKLEY adjusted when North Fork of Obion River was straightened [not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1931, 67th assy., priv., ch. 445/p. 1186)
OVERTON gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1931_pt. for location]. Map depicts net changes in OVERTON-PUTNAM line 1887-1931]. (Tenn. Acts 1931, 67th assy., priv., ch. 450/p. 1194)
26 June 1931
HAYWOOD gained from LAUDERDALE. (Tenn. Acts 1931, 67th assy., priv., ch. 549/p. 1457)
1 July 1931
SMITH gained from WILSON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1931, 67th assy., priv., ch. 673/p. 1834)
2 July 1931
BRADLEY gained from MEIGS to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1931_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1931, 67th assy., priv., ch. 812/p. 2132)
DAVIDSON exchanged small areas with WILLIAMSON [map depicts net changes in DAVIDSON-WILLIAMSON line 1897-1931]. (Tenn. Acts 1931, 67th assy., priv., ch. 793/p. 2092)
LOUDON gained from MONROE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1931, 67th assy., priv., ch. 767/p. 2040)
MADISON gained small area from HARDEMAN [repealed 11 March 1957]. (Tenn. Acts 1931, 67th assy., priv., ch. 726/p. 1952)
SMITH gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1931, 67th assy., priv., ch. 771/p. 2046)
WARREN gained from GRUNDY to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1931_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1931, 67th assy., priv., ch. 774, secs. 1-2/pp. 2050-2052)
WILSON gained from SMITH to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1931, 67th assy., priv., ch. 770/p. 2044)
19 December 1931
GIBSON gained small area from DYER to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1931, 67th assy., 2d ext. sess., priv., ch. 67/p. 450)
27 March 1933
LOUDON gained from MONROE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 175/p. 461)
31 March 1933
OVERTON gained from CLAY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 221/p. 536)
PICKETT gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 213/p. 523)
3 April 1933
OVERTON gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 214/p. 523)
WILSON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 227/p. 548)
5 April 1933
CANNON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 270/p. 649)
CANNON gained from COFFEE and DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 271/p. 650)
MONROE gained from McMINN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 262/p. 638)
7 April 1933
MOORE gained from COFFEE. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 342/p. 818)
13 April 1933
KNOX gained from SEVIER to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1933_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 355/p. 842)
14 April 1933
WILLIAMSON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 430/p. 1021)
22 April 1933
CAMPBELL gained from ANDERSON [repealed act of 24 March 1919]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 612/p. 1459)
JACKSON gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1933_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 711/p. 1672)
KNOX gained from GRAINGER to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in KNOX-GRAINGER line 1842-1933]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 637/p. 1518)
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1933_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 712/p. 1673)
WHITE gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [repealed 24 January 1941; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1933, 68th assy., priv., ch. 562/p. 1366)
5 February 1935
WILSON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [map depicts net changes in WILSON-DEKALB line 1858-1935]. (Tenn. Acts 1935, 69th assy., priv., ch. 93/p. 208)
12 February 1935
RUTHERFORD gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1935, 69th assy., priv., ch. 127/p. 280)
28 March 1935
WILSON gained from SMITH to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1935, 69th assy., priv., ch. 218/p. 505)
4 April 1935
HAWKINS gained from HANCOCK to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1935, 69th assy., priv., ch. 301/p. 667)
15 April 1935
RUTHERFORD gained from WILSON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1935, 69th assy., priv., ch. 422/p. 1002)
19 April 1935
WILSON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1935, 69th assy., priv., ch. 588/p. 1522)
20 April 1935
ROBERTSON gained from MONTGOMERY to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1935, 69th assy., priv., ch. 681/p. 1820)
KNOX gained from SEVIER to accommodate local residents [map depicts net changes in KNOX-SEVIER line 1887-1935]; SEVIER gained from JEFFERSON [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1935_pt. for location; map depicts net changes in SEVIER-JEFFERSON line 1846-1935]. (Tenn. Acts 1935, 69th assy., priv., ch. 672/p. 1802)
WILLIAMSON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1935, 69th assy., priv., ch. 649/p. 1741)
22 April 1935
BENTON gained White Oak Island from HUMPHREYS to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1935, 69th assy., priv., ch. 730/p. 1927)
WILLIAMSON gained from MAURY to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in WILLIAMSON-MAURY line 1887-1935]. (Tenn. Acts 1935, 69th assy., priv., ch. 691/p. 1845)
15 May 1935
Legislature authorized McMINN to gain from POLK; gain did not take effect [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1935, 69th assy., priv., ch. 295/p. 655; repeated in ch. 239/p. 537)
10 February 1937
UNION gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1937, 70th assy., priv., ch. 175/p. 509)
18 February 1937
HAWKINS gained from HANCOCK to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1937, 70th assy., priv., ch. 209/p. 679)
24 February 1937
MONTGOMERY gained from DICKSON to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1937_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1937, 70th assy., priv., ch. 255/p. 805)
4 March 1937
McMINN gained from POLK to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in McMINN-POLK line 1889-1937]. (Tenn. Acts 1937, 70th assy., priv., ch. 305/p. 923)
5 March 1937
DICKSON exchanged with HOUSTON to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1937_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1937, 70th assy., priv., ch. 403/p. 1262)
13 May 1937
HAMBLEN gained from JEFFERSON to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in HAMBLEN-JEFFERSON line 1889-1937]. (Tenn. Acts 1937, 70th assy., priv., ch. 471/p. 1526)
RUTHERFORD gained from COFFEE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1937, 70th assy., priv., ch. 456/p. 1493)
18 May 1937
BEDFORD gained from COFFEE to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1937, 70th assy., priv., ch. 556/p. 1783)
20 May 1937
RUTHERFORD gained from COFFEE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1937, 70th assy., priv., ch. 694/p. 2126)
21 May 1937
GIBSON gained from MADISON to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1937_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1937, 70th assy., priv., ch. 740/p. 2276)
McMINN gained very small area from MONROE to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1937, 70th assy., priv., ch. 849/p. 2513)
8 February 1939
JACKSON gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1939_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1939, 71st assy., priv., ch. 152/p. 430)
21 February 1939
OVERTON gained from CLAY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1939, 71st assy., priv., ch. 244/p. 728)
27 February 1939
BLOUNT exchanged with SEVIER to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1939, 71st assy., priv., ch. 303/p. 880)
2 March 1939
MOORE gained from LINCOLN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1939, 71st assy., priv., ch. 343/p. 966)
4 March 1939
CHESTER gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1939, 71st assy., priv., ch. 364/p. 1031)
LINCOLN gained from MOORE to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1939_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1939, 71st assy., priv., ch. 362/p. 1028)
6 March 1939
WILSON gained from SMITH to accommodate local resident [map depicts net changes in WILSON-SMITH line 1860-1939]. (Tenn. Acts 1939, 71st assy., priv., ch. 369/p. 1039)
10 March 1939
BENTON gained from DECATUR to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1939, 71st assy., priv., ch. 600/p. 1902)
CANNON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1939, 71st assy., priv., ch. 524/p. 1678)
CLAY gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in CLAY-OVERTON line 1889-1939]. (Tenn. Acts 1939, 71st assy., priv., ch. 561/p. 1766)
LOUDON gained from MONROE to accommodate local residents [map depicts net changes in LOUDON-MONROE line 1871-1939]. (Tenn. Acts 1939, 71st assy., priv., ch. 604, secs. 1-3/pp. 1914-1916)
RUTHERFORD gained from WILLIAMSON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1939, 71st assy., priv., ch. 518/p. 1665)
24 January 1941
PUTNAM gained from WHITE to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 22 April 1933; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1941, 72d assy., priv., ch. 62/p. 232)
15 February 1941
BLOUNT gained from SEVIER to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1941, 72d assy., priv., ch. 458/p. 1594)
CANNON gained from WARREN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1941, 72d assy., priv., ch. 435/p. 1504)
DAVIDSON gained small areas from ROBERTSON [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1941, 72d assy., priv., ch. 383/p. 1299)
DEKALB gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1941, 72d assy., priv., ch. 426/p. 1487)
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1941, 72d assy., priv., ch. 309/p. 1059)
PUTNAM gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1941, 72d assy., priv., ch. 434/p. 1502)
SEVIER gained from BLOUNT to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1941, 72d assy., priv., ch. 459/p. 1595)
6 February 1943
CANNON gained from WARREN to accommodate local residents [repealed act of 17 May 1915; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1943, 73d assy., priv., ch. 266/p. 952)
10 February 1943
RUTHERFORD gained small area from CANNON [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1943, 73d assy., priv., ch. 410/p. 1446)
RUTHERFORD gained from CANNON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1943, 73d assy., priv., ch. 390/p. 1329)
11 February 1943
JACKSON gained from CLAY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in JACKSON-CLAY line 1885-1943]. (Tenn. Acts 1943, 73d assy., priv., ch. 449/p. 1561)
8 February 1945
MOORE gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1945, 74th assy., priv., ch. 109/p. 374)
23 February 1945
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1945, 74th assy., priv., ch. 285/p. 928)
24 February 1945
CAMPBELL gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1945, 74th assy., priv., ch. 319/p. 996)
1 March 1945
CHEATHAM gained small area from DICKSON to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1945_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1945, 74th assy., priv., ch. 436/p. 1354)
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1945, 74th assy., priv., ch. 428/p. 1341)
RUTHERFORD gained from WILLIAMSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in RUTHERFORD-WILLIAMSON line 1869-1945]. (Tenn. Acts 1945, 74th assy., priv., ch. 434/p. 1352)
2 March 1945
SEVIER gained from BLOUNT to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1945_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1945, 74th assy., priv., ch. 610, secs. 1-2/pp. 1861-1863)
1 January 1946
OVERTON gained small area from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1946_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1945, 74th assy., priv., ch. 265/p. 873)
21 February 1947
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1947, 75th assy., priv., ch. 272/p. 1134)
26 February 1947
MOORE gained from LINCOLN to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1947, 75th assy., priv., ch. 357/p. 1454)
MOORE gained from LINCOLN to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in MOORE-LINCOLN line 1905-1947]. (Tenn. Acts 1947, 75th assy., priv., ch. 358/p. 1455)
28 February 1947
UNION gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1947, 75th assy., priv., ch. 441/p. 1765)
7 March 1947
WARREN gained from COFFEE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1947, 75th assy., priv., ch. 562/p. 2370)
10 March 1947
CHESTER gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1947, 75th assy., priv., ch. 611/p. 2645)
11 March 1947
WARREN gained from GRUNDY to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1947, 75th assy., priv., ch. 629/p. 2690)
25 February 1949
CHEATHAM gained from ROBERTSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1949, 76th assy., priv., ch. 274/p. 714)
8 April 1949
BENTON gained small area from CARROLL [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1949_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1949, 76th assy., priv., ch. 599/p. 1740)
11 April 1949
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1949, 76th assy., priv., ch. 610/p. 1804)
13 April 1949
JACKSON gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1949, 76th assy., priv., ch. 710/p. 2119)
PUTNAM gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1949, 76th assy., priv., ch. 730/p. 2241)
Boundary between ROBERTSON and SUMNER adjusted to run along U.S. Highway 31-W. [not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1949, 76th assy., priv., ch. 729/p. 2240)
14 April 1949
BRADLEY gained from MEIGS to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1949, 76th assy., priv., ch. 791/p. 2374)
15 April 1949
CANNON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1949, 76th assy., priv., ch. 813/p. 2571)
CLAIBORNE gained from HANCOCK to accommodate local residents [repealed act of 30 January 1917; locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1949, 76th assy., priv., ch. 891/p. 2889)
29 January 1951
UNION gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1951_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1951, 77th assy., priv., ch. 52/p. 145)
22 February 1951
CUMBERLAND gained from FENTRESS to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1951_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1951, 77th assy., priv., ch. 243/p. 672)
2 March 1951
McMINN gained from MONROE to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in McMINN-MONROE line 1853-1951]. (Tenn. Acts 1951, 77th assy., priv., ch. 340/p. 913)
5 March 1951
LOUDON gained from McMINN to accommodate local residents [map depicts net changes in LOUDON-McMINN line 1879-1951]. (Tenn. Acts 1951, 77th assy., priv., ch. 346/p. 922)
MOORE gained from COFFEE to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1951_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1951, 77th assy., priv., ch. 351/p. 935)
15 March 1951
JACKSON gained from PUTNAM to accommodate local resident [repealed 19 March 1957; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1951, 77th assy., priv., ch. 522/p. 1596)
16 March 1951
BENTON gained from CARROLL to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1951, 77th assy., priv., ch. 605/p. 1829)
11 March 1953
KNOX gained from BLOUNT to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1953, 78th assy., priv., ch. 116/p. 397)
24 March 1953
WARREN gained from COFFEE to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1953, 78th assy., priv., ch. 180/p. 651)
10 April 1953
CANNON gained from WARREN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1953, 78th assy., priv., ch. 573/p. 1928)
16 February 1955
MACON exchanged with SMITH to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1955, 79th assy., priv., ch. 55/p. 167)
RUTHERFORD gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1955, 79th assy., priv., ch. 54/p. 165)
21 March 1955
COFFEE exchanged small areas with FRANKLIN [locations unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in COFFEE-FRANKLIN line 1899-1955]. (Tenn. Acts 1955, 79th assy., priv., ch. 343, sec. 1/p. 1155)
25 March 1955
Legislature authorized PUTNAM to gain from JACKSON to accommodate local residents [not known if act took effect; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1955, 79th assy., priv., ch. 414, sec. 1/p. 1433)
1 February 1957
Boundary between HAMILTON and BRADLEY clarified to legalize line in use since 1919 and to eliminate confusion surrounding the act of 14 April 1919 which did not take effect [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1957, 80th assy., priv., ch. 16/p. 89; Donnelly, 28-31)
6 March 1957
CAMPBELL gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local resident [map depicts net changes in CAMPBELL-CLAIBORNE line 1870-1957]. (Tenn. Acts 1957, 80th assy., priv., ch. 142/p. 420)
11 March 1957
HARDEMAN gained small area from MADISON [repealed act of 2 July 1931]. (Tenn. Acts 1957, 80th assy., priv., ch. 152/p. 445)
19 March 1957
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 15 March 1951; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1957, 80th assy., priv., ch. 225/p. 636)
20 March 1959
MOORE gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1959, 81st assy., priv., ch. 310, sec. 1/p. 1036)
RUTHERFORD gained from WILSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in RUTHERFORD-WILSON line 1852-1959]. (Tenn. Acts 1959, 81st assy., priv., ch. 375/p. 1249)
10 March 1961
TROUSDALE gained small area from MACON [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1961_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1961, 82d assy., priv., ch. 215/p. 741)
WHITE gained from PUTNAM. (Tenn. Acts 1961, 82d assy., priv., ch. 220/p. 752)
16 March 1961
TROUSDALE gained small area from SUMNER. (Tenn. Acts 1961, 82d assy., priv., ch. 297/p. 1059)
17 March 1961
PUTNAM gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1961_pt. for location; map depicts net changes in PUTNAM-OVERTON line 1931-1961]. (Tenn. Acts 1961, 82d assy., priv., ch. 364/p. 1263)
18 March 1963
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1963, 83d assy., priv., ch. 131/p. 434)
UNION gained from KNOX to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1963, 83d assy., priv., ch. 120/p. 388)
20 March 1963
RUTHERFORD gained from BEDFORD to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1963, 83d assy., priv., ch. 170/p. 525)
21 March 1963
PICKETT gained from OVERTON to accommodate local residents [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1963, 83d assy., priv., ch. 211/p. 667)
22 March 1963
CANNON gained small area from RUTHERFORD [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1963_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1963, 83d assy., priv., ch. 229/p. 711)
10 March 1965
CANNON gained from WARREN to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1965, 84th assy., priv., ch. 103/p. 368)
MOORE gained from FRANKLIN to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in MOORE-FRANKLIN line 1883-1965]. (Tenn. Acts 1965, 84th assy., priv., ch. 86/p. 294)
20 March 1965
PUTNAM gained from OVERTON to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1965_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1965, 84th assy., priv., ch. 113, secs. 1-2/pp. 419-420)
SMITH gained small area from JACKSON. (Tenn. Acts 1965, 84th assy., priv., ch. 147, sec. 1/p. 525)
25 March 1965
UNION gained from CLAIBORNE to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in UNION-CLAIBORNE line 1879-1965]. (Tenn. Acts 1965, 84th assy., priv., ch. 156/p. 544)
2 March 1970
COFFEE gained small area from CANNON [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1970, 86th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 569/p. 632)
15 April 1971
DEKALB gained from CANNON to accommodate local resident [repealed 22 March 1972; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1971, 87th assy., 1st reg. sess., priv., ch. 65/p. 238)
MONTGOMERY gained small area from ROBERTSON. (Tenn. Acts 1971, 87th assy., 1st reg. sess., priv., ch. 69/p. 247)
21 May 1971
COFFEE exchanged with MOORE to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1971_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1971, 87th assy., 1st reg. sess., priv., ch. 181/p. 729)
25 May 1971
CANNON gained from RUTHERFORD to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1971, 87th assy., 1st reg. sess., priv., ch. 182/p. 731)
28 February 1972
GREENE gained from WASHINGTON to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1972, 87th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 450/p. 19)
22 March 1972
CANNON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [repealed act of 15 April 1971; location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1972, 87th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 548/p. 297)
27 March 1972
PUTNAM gained small area from CUMBERLAND. (Tenn. Acts 1972, 87th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 554/p. 315)
30 March 1972
WILSON gained small area from DAVIDSON. (Tenn. Acts 1972, 87th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 572/p. 399)
6 April 1972
TROUSDALE gained small area from SMITH. (Tenn. Acts 1972, 87th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 713/p. 774)
13 April 1972
CHESTER gained from HENDERSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1972, 87th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 738/p. 927)
20 April 1972
Boundary between MONTGOMERY and ROBERTSON clarified [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1972, 87th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 791/p. 1295)
25 April 1972
WILSON gained small area from DAVIDSON [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1972_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1972, 87th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 853/p. 1626)
13 April 1973
GREENE gained from WASHINGTON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1973, 88th assy., 1st reg. sess., pub., ch. 79, sec. 1/p. 186)
19 April 1973
WASHINGTON gained from GREENE to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1973, 88th assy., 1st reg. sess., pub., ch. 102, sec. 1/p. 274)
3 May 1973
CHESTER gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local residents [map depicts net changes in CHESTER-McNAIRY line 1885-1973]. (Tenn. Acts 1973, 88th assy., 1st reg. sess., pub., ch. 149, sec. 1/p. 405)
MAURY gained from GILES to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1973_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1973, 88th assy., 1st reg. sess., pub., ch. 156/p. 422)
5 February 1974
PICKETT gained small area from CLAY [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1974, 88th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 421/p. 27)
11 March 1974
CHESTER gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1974, 88th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 501, sec. 1/p. 241)
14 March 1974
MAURY gained from GILES to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1974_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1974, 88th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 518/p. 296)
4 April 1974
CHEATHAM gained small area from DAVIDSON. (Tenn. Acts 1974, 88th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 760, sec. 1/p. 1132)
9 March 1976
CANNON gained from DEKALB to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in CANNON-DEKALB line 1844-1976]. (Tenn. Acts 1976, 89th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 487/p. 239)
20 May 1977
CHEATHAM gained small area from DAVIDSON. (Tenn. Acts 1977, 90th assy., pub., ch. 293/p. 704)
CHESTER gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1977, 90th assy., pub., ch. 309, sec. 1/p. 764)
CHESTER gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1977, 90th assy., pub., ch. 310/p. 767)
CHESTER gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1977, 90th assy., pub., ch. 308/p. 762)
CHESTER gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1977, 90th assy., pub., ch. 311, sec. 1/p. 769)
CHESTER gained from McNAIRY to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1977, 90th assy., pub., ch. 312, sec. 1/p. 772)
17 April 1980
WASHINGTON gained small areas from GREENE [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1980, 91st assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 795, sec. 1/p. 918)
21 April 1980
BRADLEY gained small area from HAMILTON [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1980, 91st assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 801/p. 933)
30 March 1981
CANNON gained small area from DEKALB [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1981_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1981, 92d assy., 1st reg. sess., pub., ch. 81/p. 86)
30 April 1981
TROUSDALE gained small area from WILSON [location unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1981, 92d assy., 1st reg. sess., pub., ch. 268/p. 354)
13 May 1981
ROBERTSON gained from MONTGOMERY to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1981_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1981, 92d assy., 1st reg. sess., pub., ch. 324/p. 424)
1 April 1982
RHEA gained from HAMILTON to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1982_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1982, 92d assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 682/p. 236)
UNION gained from KNOX to accommodate local resident. (Tenn. Acts 1982, 92d assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 666/p. 202)
22 April 1982
WASHINGTON gained from GREENE to accommodate local resident [location unknown not mapped; map depicts net changes in WASHINGTON-GREENE line 1891-1982]. (Tenn. Acts 1982, 92d assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 855/p. 514)
1 April 1986
SEQUATCHIE boundaries clarified to correct error of 5 April 1893 [no change]. (Tenn. Acts 1986, 94th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 664/p. 432)
8 April 1987
PUTNAM gained from JACKSON to accommodate local resident [location unknown, not mapped; map depicts net changes in PUTNAM-JACKSON line 1860-1987]. (Tenn. Acts 1987, 95th assy., 1st reg. sess., pub., ch. 103/p. 136)
29 February 1988
CUMBERLAND gained from RHEA to accommodate local residents [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1988_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1988, 95th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 477/p. 22)
CUMBERLAND gained from BLEDSOE to accommodate local residents. (Tenn. Acts 1988, 95th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 478/p. 23)
28 April 1988
PUTNAM gained small area from CUMBERLAND. (Tenn. Acts 1988, 95th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 852/p. 675)
1 July 1989
OVERTON gained small area from PUTNAM. (Tenn. Acts 1989, 96th assy., 1st reg. sess., pub., ch. 456/p. 793)
12 April 1993
COFFEE exchanged small areas with FRANKLIN [changes too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1993_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1993, 98th assy., 1st reg. sess., pub., ch. 161/p. 240)
3 April 1996
SEVIER gained small areas from BLOUNT to accommodate local residents [locations unknown, not mapped]. (Tenn. Acts 1996, 99th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 705/p. 211)
24 March 1998
COFFEE exchanged small areas with FRANKLIN [changes too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1998_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 1998, 100th assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 652/p. 143)
25 April 2000
RUTHERFORD gained small area (4.5 acres) from CANNON to accommodate local resident [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 2000_pt. for location]. (Tenn. Acts 2000, 101st assy., 2d reg. sess., pub., ch. 679/p. 2001)