Montana: Bibliography and Sources

Montana Atlas of Historical County Boundaries

John H. Long, Editor; Peggy Tuck Sinko, Historical Compiler; Emily Kelley, Research Associate; Laura Rico-Beck, GIS Specialist and Digital Compiler; Peter Siczewicz, ArcIMS Interactive Map Designer; Robert Will, Cartographic Assistant

Copyright The Newberry Library 2005

Abbott, Newton Carl, and Fred E. Carver. Evolution of Washington Counties. Compiled by J. W. Helm. Yakima: Yakima Valley Genealogical Society and Klickitat County Historical Society, 1978.

Burlingame, Merrill G. “Political Divisions in Montana.” 1974. Photocopy.

Burlingame, Merrill G., and K. Ross Toole. History of Montana. 3 vols. New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1957.

Chaney, Rob. “100 Most Influential Montanans of the Century: 11. Dan McKay,” 19 February 2004,

Cheney, Roberta Carkeek. Names on the Face of Montana: The Story of Montana’s Place Names. Rev. ed. Missoula: Mountain Press Publishing Co., 1984.

Crowley, Sarah. “Lines Drawn on the Plains: Birth of Petroleum County No Easy Task,” 19 February 2004, Reproduced from the Lewistown News Argus, 15 December 1996.

David Rumsey Map Collection, 26 July 2004, An online collection of over 10,000 historical maps, including many nineteenth-century maps of North America.

De Lacy, W. W. Map of the Territory of Montana, with Portions of the Adjoining Territories. 1865. Reprint. Montana Magazine of History 1 (April 1951): pocket, back cover. Map prepared “for the use of the first legislature of Montana.”

Dubester, Henry J. State Censuses: An Annotated Bibliography of Censuses of Population Taken after the Year 1790 by States and Territories of the United States. 1948. Reprint. New York: Burt Franklin, 1969. The standard guide for its subject.

Filby, P. William, comp. American and British Genealogy and Heraldry: A Selected List of Books. 3d ed. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1983.

Filby, P. William, comp. American and British Genealogy and Heraldry: 1982–1985 Supplement. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1987.

Filby, P. William, comp. Bibliography of American County Histories. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985.

Haines, Aubrey L. Yellowstone Story: A History of Our First National Park. 2 vols. Yellowstone National Park, Wyo.: Yellowstone Library and Museum Association in Cooperation with Colorado Associated University Press, 1977.

Historical Records Survey, Montana. Carbon, Gallatin, Park, Stillwater, Sweet Grass. Inventory of the County Archives of Tennessee, nos. 5, 16, 34, 48, and 49. Bozeman: Montana Historical Records Survey, 1942. County archives surveys of five counties published in one volume.

Historical Records Survey, Montana. Madison County (Virginia City). Inventory of the County Archives of Montana, no. 28. Bozeman: Montana Historical Records Survey, 1940.

Historical Records Survey, Montana. Missoula County (Missoula). Inventory of the County Archives of Montana, no. 32. Missoula: Montana Historical Records Survey, 1938.

History of Montana, 1739–1885. A History of Its Discovery and Settlement, Social and Commercial Progress, Mines and Miners, Agriculture and Stock-Growing, Churches, Schools and Societies, Indians and Indian Wars, Vigilantes, Courts of Justice, Newspaper Press, Navigation, Railroads and Statistics, with Histories of Counties, Cities, Villages and Mining Camps; Also, Personal Reminiscences of Great Historic Value; Views Characteristic of the Territory in Our Own Times, and Portraits of Pioneers and Representative Men in the Professions and Trades. Chicago: Warner, Beers and Co., 1885. M. A. Leeson was “asked to collate and compile” this work, and it is often known as Leeson’s History of Montana.

Holman, Frederick V. "Oregon Counties: Their Creations and the Origins of Their Names." Oregon Historical Society Quarterly 11 (1910):1–81.

Howard, Joseph Kinsey. Montana: High, Wide, and Handsome. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1943.

Idaho Territory. Laws of the Territory of Idaho, First Session. Lewiston, 1864. Laws of Idaho Territory passed at the first session of the territorial legislature. Cited as Idaho Terr. Laws.

Johnson, Coburn, et al. Bibliography of Montana Local Histories. [Missoula]: Montana Library Association in Cooperation with the University of Montana, 1977.

Kane, Joseph Nathan. American Counties: Origins of Names, Dates of Creation and Organization, Area, Population, Historical Data, and Published Sources. 3d ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1972.

Lainhart, Ann S. State Census Records. [Baltimore]: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992.

Larcombe, J. Russell, and E. E. MacGilvra. “In Pursuit of a New County: The Creation of Phillips County—1915.” Montana: The Magazine of Western History 27 (July 1977):72–77.

“Look at This! How Thimblerigging Politicians Bunco and Flim-Flam the People In Making New Counties,” Fairview Times, 28 January 1915, p. 5. Newspaper account of the boundary dispute between Richland and Wibaux Counties.

“Lord and Meadors Sacrificing Interests of Richland County,” Fairview Times, 4 February 1915, p. 1. Newspaper account of the boundary dispute between Richland and Wibaux Counties.

Loy, William G., ed. Atlas of Oregon. Eugene: University of Oregon Books, 1976.

MacDonald, Grace E., comp. Check-List of Session Laws. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1936. Complemented by Pollack (below), this guide lists all state session laws through 1935.

MacDonald, Grace E., comp. Check-List of Statutes of States of the United States of America, Including Revisions, Compilations, Digests, Codes and Indexes. Providence: Oxford Press, 1937. The most complete guide to state codes through 1937.

Malone, Michael P., Richard B. Roeder, and William L. Lang. Montana: A History of Two Centuries. Rev. ed. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1991.

Map of Hill County, Montana. Drawn and compiled by John F. Daoust. N.p., 1912.

Missouri. Laws of a Public and General Nature of the State of Missouri. 2 vols. Jefferson City, Mo., 1842. Cited as Mo. Laws Pub. and Gen.

Montana. Laws, Resolutions, and Memorials of the State of Montana. Helena, 1891–. Cited as Mont. Laws.

Montana. Revised Codes of Montana of 1921. Vol. 1. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co., 1921. Cited as Mont. Rev. Code 1921.

Montana Atlas and Gazetteer. Freeport, Maine: DeLorme Mapping, 1994. A collection of seventy-four highly detailed topographic maps covering the entire state.

Montana Code Annotated (Annotations). “Description of County Boundaries.” Helena: Montana Legislative Services Division, 1998.

Montana Supreme Court. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Montana. 1868–. Cited as Mont. Rpts.

Montana Territory. Laws, Resolutions and Memorials of the Territory of Montana. Title varies. 1st–16th sess. Virginia City and Helena, 1864–1889. Cited as Mont. Terr. Laws.

Noyes, A. J. In the Land of Chinook, Or the Story of Blaine County. Helena: State Publishing Co., 1917.

[Oregon]. Laws of a General and Local Nature Passed by the Legislative Committee and Legislative Assembly, At Their Various Successive Sessions from the Year 1843, Down to and Inclusive of the Session of the Territorial Legislature, Held in the Year 1849; Except Such Laws of Said Session As Were Published in the Bound Volume of Oregon Statutes, Dated Oregon City, 1851. Salem, Ore., 1853. Cited as Ore. Laws, gen. and local, 1843–1849.

Oregon Archives: Including the Journals, Governors’ Messages and Public Papers of Oregon, from the Earliest Attempt on the Part of the People to Form a Government, Down to, and Inclusive of the Session of the Territorial Legislature, Held in the Year 1849, Collected and Published Pursuant to an Act of the Legislative Assembly, Passed Jan. 26, 1853. By La Fayette Grover, Commissioner. Salem, Ore., 1853.

Oregon Territory. Laws of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Oregon. Oregon City [et al.], 1849–1858. Title varies. The session laws of Oregon Territory. Cited as Ore. Terr. Laws.

Parry, Clive, ed. Consolidated Treaty Series. 231 vols. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.: Oceana Publications, 1969–1981.

Paullin, Charles O. Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States. Edited by John K. Wright. Washington, D.C., and New York: Carnegie Institution of Washington and American Geographical Society of New York, 1932. Excellent section on international and interstate boundary disputes.

Pemberton, W. Y. “Changing the Name of Edgerton County.” Contributions to the Historical Society of Montana 8 (1917):323–327.

Pollack, Ervin H., comp. Supplement with Bibliographical Notes, Emendations, and Additions to the Check List of Session Laws, Complied by Grace E. MacDonald. Preliminary ed. Boston: National Association of State Libraries, 1941. Fills gap in MacDonald’s 1936 compilation (above) to produce the most complete list of state session laws through 1935.

Prosch, Thomas W. “Evolution of Spokane and Stevens Counties.” Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society 5 (1904):25–33.

Rabenhorst, Thomas D., and Carville V. Earle, eds. Historical U.S. County Outline Map Collection, 1840–1980. Baltimore: Department of Geography, University of Maryland (Baltimore County), 1984. A portfolio of redrawn federal maps; no supporting text or documentation.

Rohrbough, Malcolm J. Land Office Business: Settlement and Administration of American Public Lands, 1789–1837. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968.

Royce, Charles C., comp. “Indian Land Cessions in the United States.” Part 2 of Eighteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1896–1897. Washington, D.C., 1899. The standard authority in its field; state maps detail all Indian land-cession treaties with the federal government.

Sanders, Helen Fitzgerald. History of Montana. 3 vols. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co., 1913.

Sanders, James U., ed. Society of Montana Pioneers: Constitution, Members, and Officers, with Portraits and Maps. N. p., 1899. Contains briefs histories and maps of the counties, including W. W. de Lacy’s map of Montana Territory (1865).

Scott, James W., and Roland L. De Lorme. Historical Atlas of Washington. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1988.

Sealock, Richard B., Margaret M. Sealock, and Margaret S. Powell. Bibliography of Place-Name Literature: United States and Canada. 3d ed. Chicago: American Library Association, 1982.

Shaudys, Vincent K. Published Maps of Montana: An Annotated Bibliography. Regional Study No. 9. Missoula: Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Montana State University, 1958.

Sinko, Peggy Tuck. Guide to Local and Family History at the Newberry Library. Salt Lake City: Ancestry Publishing, 1987.

Stewart, Lowell O. Public Land Survey: History, Instructions, Methods. 1935. Reprint. Minneapolis: Meyers Printing Co., 1976.

Swindler, William F., ed. Sources and Documents of United States Constitutions. 10 vols. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.: Oceana Publications, 1973–1979. The most complete and up-to-date compilation for the states.

Taylor, Robert L., Milton J. Edie, and Charles F. Gritzner. Montana in Maps: 1974. Bozeman: Big Sky Books, Montana State University, 1974.

Territorial Papers of the United States. Vols. 1–26 edited by Clarence E. Carter; vols. 27–28 edited by John P. Bloom. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1934–1975. Cited as Terr. Papers U.S.

Thorndale, William, and William Dollarhide. Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses, 1790–1920. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1987. An atlas of well-designed county outline maps for each state, accompanied by a bibliography and an explanation of methodology.

United States. Statutes at Large of the United States of America, 1789–1873. 17 vols. Boston: Little, Brown, 1845–1874. Vols. 18–. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1875–. Cited as U.S. Stat.

United States. Secretary of the Interior. Laws and Regulations Relating To the Yellowstone National Park Wyoming. Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1908.

U.S. Census Bureau. “Significant Changes to Counties and County Equivalent Entities: 1970–Present.”

Van Zandt, Franklin K. Boundaries of the United States and the Several States. Geological Survey Professional Paper 909. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1976. The standard compilation for its subject.

Washington Territory. Laws of the Territory of Washington. 6th–11th sess. Olympia, 1858–1863. Title varies. The early session laws of Washington Territory. Cited as Wash. Terr. Laws.

Williams, Gene F. Idaho Territorial Voters Poll Lists 1863. Boise: Williams Printing, 1996.

Woody, Frank H. “Sketch of the Early History of Western Montana.” Contributions to the Historical Society of Montana 2 (1896):88–106.