Missouri: Individual County Chronologies

Missouri Atlas of Historical County Boundaries

John H. Long, Editor; Peggy Tuck Sinko, Associate Editor; Gordon DenBoer, Historical Compiler; Emily Kelley, Research Associate; Laura Rico-Beck, GIS Specialist and Digital Compiler; Peter Siczewicz, ArcIMS Interactive Map Designer; Robert Will, Cartographic Assistant

Copyright The Newberry Library 2005


29 Jan 1841
ADAIR created from Non-County Area 24. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 37/pp. 36–37)
15 Feb 1841
Non-County Area 24 detached from MACON, attached to ADAIR "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 40)
17 Feb 1843
SCHUYLER created from Non-County Area 24, attached to ADAIR; SCHUYLER not fully organized, attached to ADAIR "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 46)
22 Feb 1843
ADAIR lost attached Non-County Area 24 to creation of PUTNAM; PUTNAM not fully organized, attached to ADAIR "for all civil and military purposes." Non-County Area 24 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 44–45)
14 Feb 1845
SCHUYLER fully organized, detached from ADAIR. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 22–24/pp. 33–34)
28 Feb 1845
PUTNAM fully organized, detached from ADAIR. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., pp. 43–44)



29 Jan 1841
ANDREW created from Non-County Area 31 (Territory of Neatawah). (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 4/p. 33)
12 Feb 1841
Non-County Area 31 (Territory of Neatawah) detached from BUCHANAN, attached to ANDREW "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 40)
02 Jan 1843
ANDREW lost attached Non-County Area 31 (Territory of Neatawah) to creation of NODAWAY; NODAWAY not fully organized, attached to ANDREW "for civil and military purposes." Non-County Area 31 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 43)
05 Jan 1843
ANDREW lost attached Non-County Area 12 to creation of DE KALB; Non-County Area 12 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 40)
14 Feb 1845
NODAWAY fully organized, detached from ANDREW. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 1–3/pp. 30–31)


31 Dec 1813
ARKANSAS (Ark.) created from NEW MADRID and Non-County Area 1; ARKANSAS included parts of present Arkansas and a small area of Texas. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1813–1814, ch. 99, sec. 1/pp. 293–295)
01 Jun 1819
ARKANSAS (Ark.) lost to creation of CLARK (Ark.), HEMPSTEAD (Ark.), and PULASKI (Ark.), and lost to Non-County Area 1 and the Quapaw Indian Reservation. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 232a/secs. 1–3, 5/pp. 589–591)
04 Jul 1819
ARKANSAS (Ark.) became an Arkansas Territory county when the United States created Arkansas Territory from Missouri Territory. (U.S. Stat., vol. 3, ch. 49[1819]/pp. 493–496)



24 Feb 1843
ALLEN (now ATCHISON) created from HOLT; ALLEN not fully organized, attached to HOLT "for all civil and military purposes." (History of Holt and Atchison Counties, 101, 285; Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 34–35)
14 Feb 1845
ALLEN renamed ATCHISON; ATCHISON fully organized, detached from HOLT; ATCHISON exchanged with HOLT. Overlap area created along ATCHISON's eastern border when NODAWAY's boundaries are redefined. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 29–31/pp. 34–35)
28 Mar 1845
Area of overlap between ATCHISON and NODAWAY assigned to NODAWAY. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 71–72/pp. 143–144)
13 Feb 1849
U.S. Supreme Court settled boundary dispute between Missouri and Iowa, dating from 11 February 1839, by rejecting both states' claims, choosing instead the Indian boundary line run and marked by John C. Sullivan in 1816 (the commonly accepted boundary before the dispute arose and the present boundary between the two states). The decision ended ATCHISON's claim to territory in the state of Iowa [no change]. (Landers, 647–648; Thomas, 269–270)
05 Nov 1857
ATCHISON lost to NODAWAY. (Mo. Laws 1857, adj. sess., loc., pp. 386–387)
16 Jan 1860
ATCHISON gained from NODAWAY. (Mo. Laws 1859–1860, adj. sess., p. 464)
25 Jan 1861
ATCHISON lost to NODAWAY. (Mo. Laws 1860–1861, loc., p. 382)


12 Jan 1831
AUDRAIN created from RALLS, Non-County Area 3, and Non-County Area 17; AUDRAIN not fully organized, parts attached to CALLAWAY, MONROE, and RALLS "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 13, secs. 1–2/p. 20)
17 Dec 1836
AUDRAIN fully organized, detached from CALLAWAY, MONROE, and RALLS; AUDRAIN's boundaries defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 44–45)
24 Feb 1843
AUDRAIN gained from MONROE. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 41)


05 Jan 1835
BARRY created from GREENE. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 42–43)
14 Mar 1835
BARRY lost to POLK. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 44)
31 Dec 1838
BARRY lost to creation of NEWTON, Non-County Area 29, and Non-County Area 30; Non-County Area 29 attached to BARRY "for civil and military purposes." A portion of BARRY and NEWTON overlapped until 28 March 1845. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 19–20)
29 Jan 1841
BARRY lost attached Non-County Area 29 to creation of DADE; Non-County Area 29 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 10/pp. 33–34)
24 Feb 1843
BARRY lost to creation of LAWRENCE; LAWRENCE not fully organized, parts of LAWRENCE attached to BARRY and DADE "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 39)
14 Feb 1845
LAWRENCE fully organized, detached from BARRY. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 7–9/pp. 31–32)
28 Mar 1845
Area of overlap between BARRY and NEWTON assigned to BARRY. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 29–30/p.137)
24 Jan 1849
BARRY's western boundary defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 34–35)
17 Mar 1870
BARRY's boundaries defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1870, adj. sess., gen., p. 34)


12 Dec 1855
BARTON created from JASPER. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., pp. 49–50)


16 Jan 1833
BATES created from JACKSON, LAFAYETTE, and Non-County Area 16; BATES not fully organized, attached to JACKSON "for all civil and military purposes". (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 27, sec. 3/p. 50)
03 Mar 1835
BATES detached from JACKSON, attached to VAN BUREN (now CASS) "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 44–45)
29 Jan 1841
BATES gained from Non-County Area 30; Non-County Area 30 eliminated. BATES fully organized, detached from VAN BUREN (now CASS). (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., secs. 34–36/p. 36)
02 Feb 1841
BATES gained from VAN BUREN (now CASS). (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 46)
06 Feb 1847
Boundary between BATES and CEDAR defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., pp. 17–18)
04 Aug 1851
BATES lost to creation of VERNON (original, extinct). (Atcheson, 133–134; History of Vernon Co., 192–193; Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., pp. 188–189; Mo. Reports 17: 521–529)
01 Jan 1853
Creation of VERNON (original, extinct) ruled unconstitutional by state supreme court; BATES regained part of VERNON (original, extinct) that it previously held. (Mo. Reports 17: 521–529)
22 Feb 1855
BATES gained from CASS. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., pp. 11–12)
27 Feb 1855
BATES lost to creation of VERNON. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., pp. 17–18)
04 Dec 1855
BATES's southern boundary defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., pp. 36–37)


03 Jan 1835
BENTON created from ST. CLAIR, Non-County Area 16, and Non-County Area 20. Non-County Area 20 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 41–42)
17 Feb 1835
Non-County Area 16 detached from CRAWFORD, attached to BENTON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 47)
29 Jan 1841
BENTON lost attached Non-County Area 16 to creation of KINDERHOOK (now CAMDEN); Non-County Area 16 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 28/pp. 35–36)
14 Feb 1845
BENTON lost to creation of HICKORY. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 16–18/pp. 32–33)
26 Feb 1845
BENTON lost to PETTIS. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 42)
31 May 1879
BENTON lost to ST. CLAIR (the area gained by ST. CLAIR was incorrectly included as part of BENTON in the state's Revised Statutes until 1939). (Mo. Laws 1889, p. 66; Mo. Laws 1939, pp. 635–636, 653–654; Mo. Vernon's 1949, pp. 13–14)


01 Mar 1851
BOLLINGER created from CAPE GIRARDEAU, STODDARD, and WAYNE. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., pp. 193–194)
15 Jan 1857
BOLLINGER's boundaries defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, loc., pp. 237–238)
14 Mar 1859
BOLLINGER gained from STODDARD. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, p. 304; Vernon's Annotated Missouri Statutes 1949, 4:15)
09 Mar 1872
BOLLINGER exchanged with WAYNE. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 25–26)


01 Jan 1821
BOONE created from HOWARD; Non-County Area 5 attached to BOONE “for all legislative, judicial, and military purposes.” (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 14, secs. 1–5/pp. 21–26)
02 Jan 1822
BOONE gained all of Non-County Area 5; Non-County Area 5 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1821–1822, ch. 36, sec. 1/p. 58)
16 Feb 1825
BOONE gained from Non-County Area 3. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, sec. 18/pp. 237–238)
28 Mar 1845
BOONE gained from Non-County Area 3; Non-County Area 3 eliminated. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, sec. 40/p. 138)


31 Dec 1838
BUCHANAN created from Non-County Area 12. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 23–25)
11 Feb 1839
Non-County Area 31 (Territory of Neatawah) attached to BUCHANAN "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 21–22)
29 Jan 1841
BUCHANAN lost parts of attached Non-County Area 31 (Territory of Neatawah) to creation of ANDREW and NODAWAY (original) [now HOLT]. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., secs. 1, 4/pp. 32–33)
12 Feb 1841
Non-County Area 31 (Territory of Neatawah) detached from BUCHANAN, attached to ANDREW "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 40)


27 Feb 1849
BUTLER created from WAYNE. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 25–27)
18 Mar 1863
BUTLER lost to RIPLEY. (Mo. Laws 1862–1863, loc., p. 56)
21 Jan 1864
BUTLER gained from RIPLEY. (Mo. Laws 1863–1864, adj. sess., spec., p. 409)
09 Mar 1872
BUTLER exchanged with CARTER. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 25–26)
01 Apr 1872
BUTLER exchanged with RIPLEY. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 21–22; Mo. Laws 1874, adj. sess., gen., p. 28)
27 Mar 1883
Boundaries of BUTLER, STODDARD, and WAYNE clarified [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1883, pp. 55–57)


29 Dec 1836
CALDWELL created from Non-County Area 7. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 46–47)


01 Jan 1821
CALLAWAY created from Non-County Area 3; remainder of Non-County Area 3 detached from MONTGOMERY and attached to CALLAWAY for administrative and judicial purposes. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 29, secs. 1, 8/pp. 52–55)
16 Feb 1825
CALLAWAY lost part of attached Non-County Area 3 to BOONE; unattached Non-County Area 9 added to Non-County Area 3 (attached to CALLAWAY) "for all purposes, civil, and military." (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, sec. 25/pp. 240–241)
12 Jan 1831
CALLAWAY lost part of attached Non-County Area 3 to creation of AUDRAIN. AUDRAIN not fully organized, part attached to CALLAWAY “for all civil and military purposes.” (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 13, secs. 1–2/p. 20)
17 Dec 1836
AUDRAIN fully organized, detached from CALLAWAY. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 44–45)
28 Mar 1845
CALLAWAY lost attached Non-County Area 3 to BOONE; Non-County Area 3 eliminated. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, sec. 40/p. 138)


29 Jan 1841
KINDERHOOK (now CAMDEN) created from MORGAN, PULASKI, and Non-County Area 16. Non-County Area 16 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 28/pp. 35–36)
23 Feb 1843
KINDERHOOK renamed CAMDEN. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 38)
25 Feb 1845
CAMDEN gained from MILLER. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., pp. 39–40)
28 Mar 1845
CAMDEN lost to MILLER. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 50, 91/pp. 140,146)
24 Feb 1849
CAMDEN lost to creation of LACLEDE. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 28–29)
13 Dec 1855
CAMDEN boundaries redefined, creating an overlap with MILLER. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1854–1855, ch. 41, secs. 49, 75 /pp. 471–472, 483)
24 Mar 1868
Jurisdiction of 13 December 1855 overlap between CAMDEN and MILLER awarded to MILLER. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)
29 Mar 1875
CAMDEN exchanged with MILLER. (Mo. Laws 1875, gen., pp. 30–31)

Cape Girardeau District (see CAPE GIRARDEAU)


01 Oct 1804
Cape Girardeau District (now CAPE GIRARDEAU) created within the District of Louisiana. (Terr. Papers U.S., 13: 51–52; U.S. Stat., vol. 2, ch. 38 [1804]/pp. 283–289; Violette, 46–47)
01 Jul 1806
Cape Girardeau District (now CAPE GIRARDEAU) lost to New Madrid District (now NEW MADRID). (Terr. Papers U.S., 13:541–542; Gov. Proc. 7 June 1806)
15 Aug 1806
Cape Girardeau District (now CAPE GIRARDEAU) gained from New Madrid District (now NEW MADRID). (Ford, 5–6)
07 Dec 1812
Cape Girardeau District became CAPE GIRARDEAU County; CAPE GIRARDEAU lost to creation of Non-County Area 1 when its western boundary was redefined as the boundary of the "Osage Purchase". (Terr. Papers U.S., 14:599–601; U.S. Stat., vol. 2, ch. 95[1812]/pp. 743–747; Royce, 676–677, pls. 112, 144)
31 Dec 1813
CAPE GIRARDEAU lost to NEW MADRID, STE. GENEVIEVE, and WASHINGTON. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1813–1814, ch. 99, sec. 1/pp. 293–295)
01 Jan 1819
CAPE GIRARDEAU lost to creation of MADISON. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 229, secs. 1, 8/pp. 576–580)
01 Feb 1819
CAPE GIRARDEAU lost to creation of WAYNE. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 226, secs. 1, 10/pp. 567–571)
30 Dec 1824
CAPE GIRARDEAU lost to SCOTT. (Mo. Laws 1824–1825, pub., ch. 9, secs. 1–2/p. 11)
16 Feb 1825
CAPE GIRARDEAU gained from SCOTT. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch. 1, sec. 4/p. 232)
16 Jan 1829
CAPE GIRARDEAU lost to creation of STODDARD; STODDARD not fully organized, attached to CAPE GIRARDEAU "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 59, secs. 1–3/pp. 71–72)
02 Jan 1835
CAPE GIRARDEAU exchanged with STODDARD; STODDARD fully organized, detached from CAPE GIRARDEAU. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 39–40)
28 Mar 1845
CAPE GIRARDEAU lost to SCOTT. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 28, 84/pp. 137, 145–146)
15 Feb 1847
CAPE GIRARDEAU exchanged with PERRY. (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., p. 18)
05 Mar 1849
CAPE GIRARDEAU exchanged with PERRY. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 33)
01 Mar 1851
CAPE GIRARDEAU lost to creation of BOLLINGER. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., pp. 193–194)
18 Feb 1853
CAPE GIRARDEAU gained from STODDARD. (Mo. Laws 1852–1853, pub., p. 72; Mo. Laws 1856–1857, loc., pp. 329–330)
10 Feb 1865
CAPE GIRARDEAU exchanged with SCOTT. (Mo. Laws 1864–1865, adj. sess., spec., pp. 310–311)


02 Jan 1833
CARROLL created from Non-County Area 7; Non-County Area 18 created from Non-County Area 7 and attached to CARROLL "for all civil, judicial and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 24, secs. 1, 5/pp. 46–47)
06 Jan 1837
CARROLL lost part of attached Non-County Area 18 to creation of LIVINGSTON; remainder of Non-County Area 18 detached from CARROLL and attached to LIVINGSTON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 50–51)


10 Mar 1859
CARTER created from RIPLEY and SHANNON. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, pp. 314–316)
24 Mar 1868
CARTER gained from SHANNON. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)
09 Mar 1872
CARTER exchanged with BUTLER and WAYNE, lost to REYNOLDS. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 25–26)


16 Jan 1833
VAN BUREN (now CASS) created from JACKSON and LAFAYETTE; VAN BUREN not fully organized, attached to JACKSON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 27, sec. 2/p. 50)
13 Dec 1834
VAN BUREN (now CASS) lost to creation of JOHNSON. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 37–38)
03 Mar 1835
VAN BUREN (now CASS) gained from JACKSON; VAN BUREN fully organized, detached from JACKSON. BATES attached to VAN BUREN "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 44–45)
29 Jan 1841
BATES fully organized, detached from VAN BUREN (now CASS). (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., secs. 34–36/p. 36)
02 Feb 1841
VAN BUREN (now CASS) lost to BATES. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 46)
15 Jan 1847
VAN BUREN (now CASS) lost to creation of DONALDSON (extinct); DONALDSON not fully organized, part attached to VAN BUREN "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., p. 17)
19 Feb 1849
VAN BUREN renamed CASS. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 20–30)
08 Mar 1849
Creation of DONALDSON (extinct) repealed; CASS regained part of DONALDSON (extinct) that it previously held. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 32)
04 Aug 1851
CASS lost to creation of VERNON (original, extinct). (Atcheson, 133–134; History of Vernon Co., 192–193; Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., pp. 188–189; Mo. Reports 17: 521–529)
01 Jan 1853
Creation of VERNON (original, extinct) ruled unconstitutional by state supreme court; CASS regained part of VERNON (original, extinct) that it previously held. (Mo. Reports 17: 521–529)
22 Feb 1855
CASS lost to BATES. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., pp. 11–12)


14 Feb 1845
CEDAR created from DADE and ST. CLAIR. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 49–51/p. 37)
06 Feb 1847
Boundary between CEDAR and BATES defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., pp. 17–18)


01 Jan 1821
CHARITON created from HOWARD and PIKE; Non-County Area 6 attached to CHARITON "for all civil, military, and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 14, secs. 1–5/pp. 21–26)
16 Feb 1825
CHARITON lost to Non-County Area 6; part of Non-County Area 7 detached from RAY and attached to CHARITON. Attachment was "for all purposes, civil and military." (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, sec. 19/p. 238)
22 Jan 1829
CHARITON gained from Non-County Area 6. Non-County Area 6 detached from CHARITON and attached to RANDOLPH "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 29, secs. 1–2, 7/pp. 42–44, and ch. 30, sec. 1/p. 44)
06 Jan 1837
CHARITON lost to creation of LIVINGSTON. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 50–51)
20 Mar 1845
CHARITON lost to LINN. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 49)


08 Mar 1859
CHRISTIAN created from GREENE, TANEY, and WEBSTER. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, pp. 321–323)

CLARK (Ark.)

01 Jun 1819
CLARK (Ark.) created from ARKANSAS (Ark.) and Non-County Area 1; included territory in present Arkansas and Oklahoma. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 232a/secs. 1–3, 5/pp. 589–591)
04 Jul 1819
CLARK (Ark.) became an Arkansas Territory county when the United States created Arkansas Territory from Missouri Territory. (U.S. Stat., vol. 3, ch. 49[1819]/pp. 493–496)


16 Dec 1836
CLARK created from Non-County Area 19. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 47–48)
06 Feb 1837
Non-County Area 26 created from Non-County Area 19, attached to CLARK "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 48–49)
15 Dec 1838
Missouri legislature extended CLARK's boundary line north of the commonly accepted boundary between Missouri and Iowa Territory (the Indian boundary line established in 1816); the extension overlapped Iowa's VAN BUREN, and created a dispute finally settled in Iowa's favor by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1849. Iowa maintained control of the area throughout the dispute. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., p. 22)
29 Jan 1841
CLARK lost attached Non-County Area 26 to creation of SCOTLAND. Non-County Area 26 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 32/p. 36)
13 Feb 1849
U.S. Supreme Court settled boundary dispute between Iowa and Missouri, dating from 15 December 1838, by rejecting both states' claims, choosing instead the Indian boundary line run and marked by John C. Sullivan in 1816 (the commonly accepted boundary before the dispute arose and the present boundary between the two states). The decision ended CLARK's overlap of the Iowa county of VAN BUREN. (Landers, 647–648; Thomas, 269–270)


02 Jan 1822
CLAY created from RAY and Non-County Area 7. (Mo. Laws 1821–1822, ch. 39, sec. 1/pp. 60–62)
16 Feb 1825
CLAY lost to creation of Non-County Area 12; Non-County Area 12 attached to CLAY “for civil and military purposes.” (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch. 1, sec. 28/pp. 241–242)
02 Jan 1833
CLAY lost part of attached Non-County Area 12 to creation of CLINTON; remainder of Non-County Area 12 detached from CLAY and attached to CLINTON "for all civil, judicial, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 25, secs. 1, 6/pp. 47–48)
28 Mar 1837
Non-County Area 28 created from unorganized federal territory, and attached to CLAY "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 49; U.S. Stat., vol. 5, ch. 86[1836]/p. 34, and res. 2, p. 802)
31 Dec 1838
CLAY lost attached Non-County Area 28 to creation of PLATTE; Non-County Area 28 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 23–25)


02 Jan 1833
CLINTON created from Non-County Area 12; remainder of Non-County Area 12 detached from CLAY and attached to CLINTON "for all civil, judicial, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 25, secs. 1, 6/pp. 47–48)
28 Mar 1837
Non-County Area 12, attached to CLINTON, gained from unorganized federal territory. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 49; U.S. Stat., vol. 5, ch. 86[1836]/p. 34, and res. 2, p. 802)
31 Dec 1838
CLINTON lost part of attached Non-County Area 12 to creation of BUCHANAN and PLATTE. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 23–25)
11 Feb 1839
CLINTON lost part of attached Non-County Area 12 to creation of Non-County Area 31 (Territory of Neatawah). (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 21–22)
12 Feb 1841
CLINTON lost part of attached Non-County Area 12 to creation of GENTRY; GENTRY not fully organized, attached to CLINTON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 41)
05 Jan 1843
CLINTON lost attached Non-County Area 12 to creation of DE KALB; Non-County Area 12 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 36)
14 Feb 1845
GENTRY fully organized, detached from CLINTON. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 4–6/p. 31)


01 Jan 1821
COLE created from COOPER. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 16, secs. 1, 11/pp. 31–34)
06 Feb 1837
COLE gained from Non-County Area 21, and lost to creation of MILLER. Non-County Area 21 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 53–54)
14 Feb 1845
COLE lost to creation of MONITEAU. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 35–37/p. 35)
04 Dec 1855
COLE gained from OSAGE. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., p. 32)
24 Mar 1868
COLE lost to MILLER. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)
31 May 1879
COLE gained from MILLER. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1879, pp. 1015–1044)


01 Feb 1819
COOPER created from HOWARD. (Mo. Terr Laws 1818–1819, ch. 233, secs. 1, 10/pp. 594–598)
01 Jan 1821
COOPER lost to creation of COLE, LILLARD (extinct), and SALINE. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 16, secs. 1, 11/pp. 31–34 and ch. 10, secs. 1, 6/pp. 13–15)
05 Jan 1833
COOPER lost to creation of MORGAN. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 29, sec. 1/pp. 52–53)
26 Jan 1833
COOPER lost to creation of PETTIS. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 30, sec. 1/pp. 53–54)
28 Mar 1845
COOPER lost to SALINE. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 9, 69/pp. 134,143)


23 Jan 1829
CRAWFORD created from Non-County Area 8. (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 19, sec. 1/p. 23)
04 Jan 1831
CRAWFORD gained from WAYNE and Non-County Area 11, lost to creation of Non-County Area 16. (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 14, sec. 1/p. 21)
18 Jan 1831
Non-County Area 16 attached to CRAWFORD "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, ch. 93, p. 115)
02 Jan 1833
CRAWFORD lost part of attached Non-County Area 16 to creation of GREENE. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 26, sec. 1/p. 49)
05 Jan 1833
CRAWFORD lost to creation of MORGAN. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 29, sec. 1/pp. 52–53)
16 Jan 1833
CRAWFORD lost part of attached Non-County Area 16 to creation of BATES and another part to creation of ST. CLAIR. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 27, sec. 3/p. 50)
19 Jan 1833
CRAWFORD lost to creation of PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 31, sec. 1/pp. 54–55)
13 Dec 1834
CRAWFORD lost small portion of attached Non-County Area 16 to creation of RIVES (now HENRY). (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 37–38)
03 Jan 1835
CRAWFORD lost part of attached Non-County Area 16 to creation of BENTON. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 41–42)
05 Jan 1835
CRAWFORD lost part of attached Non-County Area 16 to creation of POLK. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 42–43)
26 Jan 1835
CRAWFORD lost part of attached Non-County Area 16 to PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 15–16)
17 Feb 1835
Non-County Area 16 detached from CRAWFORD, attached to BENTON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 47)
14 Jan 1837
CRAWFORD lost to creation of SHANNON. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 54–55)
06 Feb 1837
CRAWFORD lost to PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 54)
23 Feb 1843
CRAWFORD gained from PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1842–1842, pub., p. 44)
28 Mar 1845
CRAWFORD gained from Non-County Area 11; Non-County Area 11 eliminated. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 79, 84/pp. 144, 147)
10 Feb 1851
CRAWFORD lost to creation of DENT. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., pp. 183–186)
01 Dec 1855
CRAWFORD gained all of DENT; DENT eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., pp. 34–35)
04 Dec 1855
CRAWFORD lost to re-creation of DENT. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., pp. 37–38)
03 Mar 1857
CRAWFORD lost to IRON. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, gen., p. 55)
04 Nov 1857
CRAWFORD gained from IRON and PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1857, adj. sess., loc., pp. 406–407)
13 Nov 1857
CRAWFORD lost to creation of PHELPS. (Mo. Laws 1857, adj. sess., loc., pp. 397–398)
24 Mar 1868
CRAWFORD lost to IRON. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)
03 Mar 1869
CRAWFORD gained from GASCONADE and IRON. (Mo. Laws 1869, gen., pp. 9–10)
31 May 1879
CRAWFORD lost to IRON (the area gained by IRON was incorrectly included as part of CRAWFORD in the state's Revised Statutes until 1929). (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1929, p. 3200)


29 Jan 1841
DADE created from Non-County Area 29 and Non-County Area 32. Non-County Area 29 and Non-County Area 32 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 10/pp. 33–34)
24 Feb 1843
DADE lost to creation of LAWRENCE; LAWRENCE not fully organized, parts attached to BARRY and DADE "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 39)
14 Feb 1845
DADE lost to creation of CEDAR. LAWRENCE fully organized, detached from DADE. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 49–51/p. 37)


29 Jan 1841
NIANGUA (now DALLAS) created from Non-County Area 32; Non-County Area 32 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 16/p. 34)
16 Dec 1844
NIANGUA renamed DALLAS. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., pp. 25–26)
07 Dec 1855
DALLAS lost to WEBSTER. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., pp. 40–42)


29 Dec 1836
DAVIESS created from Non-County Area 7; remainder of Non-County Area 7 detached from RAY and attached to DAVIESS "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 46–47)
25 Jan 1839
DAVIESS lost part of attached Non-County Area 7 to RAY. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., p. 25)
22 Feb 1843
DAVIESS lost attached Non-County Area 7 to creation of HARRISON; Non-County Area 7 eliminated. HARRISON not fully organized, attached to DAVIESS "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 37)
14 Feb 1845
HARRISON fully organized, detached from DAVIESS. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 10–11, 46/pp. 33, 46)



05 Jan 1843
DE KALB created from Non-County Area 12; DE KALB not fully organized, not attached. Non-County Area 12 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 36)
25 Feb 1845
DE KALB fully organized for administrative and judicial purposes. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., pp. 40–41)


10 Feb 1851
DENT created from CRAWFORD and SHANNON. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., pp. 183–186)
01 Dec 1855
DENT lost to CRAWFORD; DENT eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., pp. 34–35)
04 Dec 1855
DENT re-created from CRAWFORD. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., pp. 37–38)
05 Dec 1855
DENT gained from TEXAS. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., pp. 44–45)
13 Dec 1855
DENT gained from SHANNON. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1854–1855, ch. 41, secs. 58, 93/pp. 476–477, 490)
03 Mar 1857
DENT lost to IRON. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, gen., p. 55)
14 Jan 1860
DENT gained from TEXAS. (Mo. Laws 1859–1860, adj. sess., p. 474)
24 Mar 1868
DENT exchanged with REYNOLDS. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)
25 Mar 1868
DENT gained from REYNOLDS. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 24–25)
09 Mar 1872
DENT lost to REYNOLDS. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen.,/pp. 25–26)

DODGE (extinct)

18 Dec 1846
DODGE (extinct) created from PUTNAM, Non-County Area 23, and Non-County Area 36; DODGE not fully organized, attached to PUTNAM "for all civil and military purposes." Non-County Area 23 and Non-County Area 36 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., p. 16)
13 Feb 1849
U.S. Supreme Court settled boundary dispute between Missouri and Iowa, dating from 11 February 1839, by rejecting both states' claims, choosing instead the Indian boundary line run and marked by John C. Sullivan in 1816 (the commonly accepted boundary before the dispute arose and the present boundary between the two states). The decision ended DODGE's claim to territory in the state of Iowa [no change]. (Landers, 647–648; Thomas, 269–270)
27 Feb 1849
DODGE (extinct) fully organized, detached from PUTNAM. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 27–28)
16 Mar 1853
DODGE (extinct) lost to PUTNAM; DODGE eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1852–1853, pub., pp. 72–74)

DONALDSON (extinct)

15 Jan 1847
DONALDSON (extinct) created from JACKSON, JOHNSON, LAFAYETTE, and VAN BUREN (now CASS); DONALDSON not fully organized, parts attached to JACKSON, JOHNSON, LAFAYETTE, and VAN BUREN "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., p. 17)
08 Mar 1849
Creation of DONALDSON (extinct) repealed; parts reverted to JACKSON, JOHNSON, LAFAYETTE, and CASS; DONALDSON eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 32)


29 Oct 1857
DOUGLAS created from OZARK. (Mo. Laws 1857, adj. sess., loc., pp. 288–289)
05 Feb 1864
DOUGLAS gained from WEBSTER. (Mo. Laws 1863–1864, adj. sess., spec., p. 280)
20 Nov 1864
DOUGLAS gained from TANEY. (Mo. Laws 1863–1864, adj. sess., spec., p. 280)
24 Mar 1868
DOUGLAS lost to HOWELL. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp.16–23)
08 Feb 1870
DOUGLAS lost to TEXAS. (Mo. Laws 1870, adj. sess., gen., pp. 33–34)
11 Jan 1872
DOUGLAS gained from TEXAS. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 22–23)


27 Feb 1843
DUNKLIN created from STODDARD; DUNKLIN not fully organized, attached to STODDARD "for all civil, military, and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 36)
14 Feb 1845
DUNKLIN fully organized, detached from STODDARD. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 20, 48/pp. 33, 36)
27 Feb 1849
DUNKLIN gained from NEW MADRID. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 36)
18 Feb 1853
DUNKLIN gained from STODDARD. (Mo. Laws 1852–1853, pub., p. 72; Mo. Laws 1856–1857, loc., pp. 329–330)
13 Dec 1855
DUNKLIN boundary with STODDARD incorrectly defined as that existing prior to 18 February 1853; definition corrected on 4 March 1857 [no change]. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1854–1855, ch. 41, sec. 59/p. 477)
04 Mar 1857
DUNKLIN / STODDARD boundary change of 18 February 1853 "revived and reenacted" (repealing DUNKLIN's boundary description in Revised Statutes, enacted 13 December 1855) [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, loc., pp. 329–330)
23 Mar 1874
DUNKLIN's boundaries defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1874, adj. sess., gen., p. 29)


01 Jan 1819
FRANKLIN created from ST. LOUIS. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 225, secs. 1, 8/pp. 562–566)
01 Jan 1821
FRANKLIN lost to creation of GASCONADE and Non-County Area 8. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 28, secs. 1–2, 5/pp. 51–52)
22 Jan 1825
FRANKLIN lost to creation of Non-County Area 11; Non-County Area 11 attached to FRANKLIN "for administrative and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws 1824–1825, pub., ch. 14, sec. 9/pp. 16–19)
16 Feb 1825
FRANKLIN lost to WASHINGTON and Non-County Area 11. Non-County Area 11, attached to FRANKLIN, gained from WASHINGTON. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, sec. 9/p. 234)
04 Jan 1831
FRANKLIN lost part of attached Non-County Area 11 to CRAWFORD. (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 14, sec. 1/p. 21)
28 Mar 1845
FRANKLIN lost attached Non-County Area 11 to CRAWFORD; Non-County Area 11 eliminated. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 79, 84/pp. 144, 147)


01 Jan 1821
GASCONADE created from FRANKLIN; Non-County Area 8 attached to GASCONADE "for all civil, military, and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 28, secs. 1–2, 5/pp. 51–52)
14 Jan 1825
GASCONADE gained from Non-County Area 8. (Mo. Laws 1824–1825, pub., ch. 11, sec. 1/pp. 13–15)
16 Feb 1825
Non-County Area 8 gained from LILLARD (extinct), WASHINGTON, and Non-County Area 1. Non-County Area 8 attached to GASCONADE "for all purposes, civil and military." (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch. 1, sec. 24/p. 240)
23 Jan 1829
GASCONADE lost attached Non-County Area 8 to creation of CRAWFORD; Non-County Area 8 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 19, sec. 1/p. 23)
29 Jan 1841
GASCONADE lost to creation of OSAGE. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 40/p. 37)
03 Mar 1869
GASCONADE lost to CRAWFORD. (Mo. Laws 1869, gen., pp. 9–10)


12 Feb 1841
GENTRY created from Non-County Area 12; GENTRY not fully organized, attached to CLINTON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 41)
14 Feb 1845
GENTRY lost to creation of Non-County Area 34; GENTRY fully organized, detached from CLINTON. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 4–6/p. 31)
28 Feb 1845
Non-County Area 34 attached to GENTRY "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 44)
25 Feb 1861
GENTRY lost attached Non-County Area 34 to creation of WORTH; Non-County Area 34 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1860–1861, loc., pp. 470–473)
12 Dec 1863
GENTRY's boundary defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1863–1864, adj. sess., spec., pp. 408–409)


02 Jan 1833
GREENE created from Non-County Area 16. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 26, sec. 1/p. 49)
16 Jan 1833
ST. CLAIR created from LAFAYETTE, Non-County Area 15, and Non-County Area 16; ST. CLAIR not fully organized, attached to GREENE "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 27, sec. 4/p. 51)
05 Jan 1835
GREENE lost to creation of BARRY and POLK. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 42–43)
26 Jan 1835
GREENE lost to PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 15–16)
11 Feb 1835
ST. CLAIR detached from GREENE, attached to RIVES (now HENRY) "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1843–1835, priv. and loc., p. 47)
14 Mar 1835
GREENE lost to POLK. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 44)
19 Mar 1835
GREENE lost to creation of TANEY and WHITE (extinct), and lost to Non-County Area 22; TANEY and WHITE (extinct) not fully organized, attached to GREENE "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 46)
01 Feb 1837
GREENE boundaries defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 49–50)
02 Mar 1849
GREENE gained from TANEY. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 36)
28 Feb 1855
GREENE gained from OZARK and WRIGHT, lost to TANEY. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., p. 15)
03 Mar 1855
GREENE lost to creation of WEBSTER. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., p. 16)
07 Dec 1855
GREENE lost to WEBSTER. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., pp. 40–42)
08 Mar 1859
GREENE lost to creation of CHRISTIAN. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, pp. 321–323)


12 Feb 1839
GRUNDY created from Non-County Area 18; GRUNDY not fully organized, attached to LIVINGSTON "for all civil, judicial, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., p. 22)
29 Jan 1841
GRUNDY fully organized, detached from LIVINGSTON. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 13/p. 34)
15 Feb 1841
Non-County Area 18 detached from LIVINGSTON, attached to GRUNDY "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 39)
22 Feb 1843
GRUNDY lost attached Non-County Area 18 to creation of MERCER; Non-County Area 18 eliminated. MERCER not fully organized, attached to GRUNDY "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 37)
14 Feb 1845
MERCER fully organized, detached from GRUNDY. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 21, 41/pp. 33–34, 36)


22 Feb 1843
HARRISON created from Non-County Area 7; HARRISON not fully organized, attached to DAVIESS "for civil and military purposes." Non-County Area 7 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 37)
14 Feb 1845
HARRISON fully organized, detached from DAVIESS. HARRISON lost to creation of Non-County Area 35; Non-County Area 35 attached to HARRISON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 10–11, 46/pp. 33, 46)
01 Mar 1851
HARRISON gained all of Non-County Area 35; Non-County Area 35 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., p. 63)


01 Jun 1819
HEMPSTEAD (Ark.) created from ARKANSAS (Ark.) and Non-County Area 1; included territory in present Arkansas and Oklahoma. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 232a/secs. 1–3, 5/pp. 589–591)
04 Jul 1819
HEMPSTEAD (Ark.) became an Arkansas Territory county when the United States created Arkansas Territory from Missouri Territory. (U.S. Stat., vol. 3, ch. 49[1819]/pp. 493–496)


13 Dec 1834
RIVES (now HENRY) created from LAFAYETTE and a small portion of Non-County Area 16. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 37–38)
11 Feb 1835
ST. CLAIR detached from GREENE, attached to RIVES (now HENRY) "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 47)
15 Feb 1841
RIVES renamed HENRY. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., pp. 40–41)
12 Mar 1859
HENRY lost to ST. CLAIR. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, p. 425)


14 Feb 1845
HICKORY created from BENTON and POLK. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 16–18/pp. 32–33)



29 Jan 1841
NODAWAY (original) [now HOLT] created from Non-County Area 31 (Territory of Neatawah). (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 1/pp. 32–33)
15 Feb 1841
NODAWAY (original) renamed HOLT. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 39)
24 Feb 1843
HOLT lost to creation of ALLEN (now ATCHISON); ALLEN not fully organized, attached to HOLT "for all civil and military purposes." (History of Holt and Atchison Counties, 101, 285; Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 34–35)
14 Feb 1845
HOLT exchanged with ATCHISON; ATCHISON fully organized, detached from HOLT. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 29–31/pp. 34–35)
14 Mar 1859
HOLT boundaries defined [no discernible change]. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, p. 349)


01 Mar 1816
HOWARD created from ST. CHARLES and ST. LOUIS. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1815–1816, ch. 162, secs. 1, 8/pp. 460–464)
01 Feb 1819
HOWARD lost to creation of COOPER. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 233, secs. 1, 10/pp. 594–598)
01 Jan 1821
HOWARD lost to creation of BOONE, CHARITON, RAY, Non-County Area 5, Non-County Area 6, and Non-County Area 7; and lost to Non-County Area 2. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 14, secs. 1–5/pp. 21–26)
06 Jan 1847
Island in Missouri River (first island below Booneville) assigned to HOWARD [not mapped]. (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, priv., p. 229)


02 Mar 1857
HOWELL created from OREGON. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, gen., pp. 51–52)
24 Mar 1868
HOWELL gained from DOUGLAS. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)
31 May 1879
HOWELL gained from OZARK. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1879, pp. 1015–1044)


17 Feb 1857
IRON created from MADISON, REYNOLDS, ST. FRANCOIS, WASHINGTON, and WAYNE. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, gen., pp. 52–55)
03 Mar 1857
IRON gained from CRAWFORD, DENT, and WASHINGTON. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, gen., p. 55)
04 Nov 1857
IRON lost to CRAWFORD. (Mo. Laws 1857, adj. sess., loc., pp. 406–407)
24 Mar 1868
IRON gained from CRAWFORD. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)
25 Mar 1868
IRON lost to REYNOLDS. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 24–25)
03 Mar 1869
IRON lost to CRAWFORD. (Mo. Laws 1869, gen., pp. 9–10)
09 Mar 1872
IRON gained from REYNOLDS. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 25–26)
31 May 1879
IRON gained from CRAWFORD (the area gained by IRON was incorrectly included as part of CRAWFORD in the state's Revised Statutes until 1929). (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1879, pp. 1015–1044)


16 Feb 1825
JACKSON created from LILLARD (extinct); JACKSON not fully organized, attached to LAFAYETTE "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, secs. 16, 30/pp. 237, 242)
15 Dec 1826
JACKSON fully organized, detached from LAFAYETTE. (Mo. Laws 1826–1827, ch. 20, sec. 1/pp. 30–31)
16 Jan 1833
JACKSON lost to creation of BATES and VAN BUREN (now CASS); BATES and VAN BUREN not fully organized, attached to JACKSON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 27, secs. 2–3/p. 50)
03 Mar 1835
JACKSON lost to VAN BUREN (now CASS); VAN BUREN and BATES detached from JACKSON. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 44–45)
15 Jan 1847
JACKSON lost to creation of DONALDSON (extinct); DONALDSON not fully organized, part attached to JACKSON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., p. 17)
08 Mar 1849
Creation of DONALDSON (extinct) repealed; JACKSON regained part of DONALDSON (extinct) that it previously held. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 32)


29 Jan 1841
JASPER created from Non-County Area 30; Non-County Area 30 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 7/p. 33)
16 Feb 1847
JASPER gained from NEWTON. (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, priv., pp. 229–230)
12 Dec 1855
JASPER lost to creation of BARTON. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., pp. 49–50)


01 Jan 1819
JEFFERSON created from ST. LOUIS and STE. GENEVIEVE. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 220, secs. 1, 10/pp. 554–558)
19 Dec 1821
JEFFERSON lost to creation of ST. FRANCOIS. (Mo. Laws 1821–1822, ch. 26, sec. 1/pp. 28–30)
16 Feb 1825
JEFFERSON gained from STE. GENEVIEVE, lost to WASHINGTON. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, sec. 8/p. 234)
01 Feb 1831
Boundary between JEFFERSON and STE. GENEVIEVE clarified [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 17, sec. 3/pp. 24–25; and Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 34, sec. 2/p. 57)
07 Mar 1849
JEFFERSON lost to STE. GENEVIEVE. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 32–33)
10 Mar 1859
Boundary between JEFFERSON and STE. GENEVIEVE defined [no discernible change]. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, p. 361)
11 Jan 1870
JEFFERSON's and STE. GENEVIEVE's boundaries defined [no discernible change]. (Mo. Laws 1870, adj. sess., gen., pp. 32–33)


13 Dec 1834
JOHNSON created from VAN BUREN (now CASS) and LAFAYETTE. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 37–38)
15 Jan 1847
JOHNSON lost to creation of DONALDSON (extinct); DONALDSON not fully organized, part attached to JOHNSON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., p. 17)
08 Mar 1849
Creation of DONALDSON (extinct) repealed; JOHNSON regained part of DONALDSON (extinct) that it previously held. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 32)



06 Jan 1843
KNOX created from SCOTLAND; KNOX not fully organized, attached to SCOTLAND "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 46–47)
14 Feb 1845
KNOX fully organized, detached from SCOTLAND. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 26–28/p. 34)


24 Feb 1849
LACLEDE created from CAMDEN, PULASKI, and Non-County Area 37. Non-County Area 37 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 28–29)


16 Feb 1825
LAFAYETTE created from LILLARD (extinct). JACKSON created from LILLARD (extinct); JACKSON not fully organized, attached to LAFAYETTE "for all civil and military purposes". (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, secs. 16, 30/pp. 237, 242)
15 Dec 1826
JACKSON fully organized, detached from LAFAYETTE. (Mo. Laws 1826–1827, ch. 20, sec. 1/pp. 30–31)
16 Jan 1833
LAFAYETTE lost to creation of BATES, ST. CLAIR, and VAN BUREN (now CASS). (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 27, secs. 2–4/pp. 50–51)
13 Dec 1834
LAFAYETTE lost to creation of JOHNSON and RIVES (now HENRY). (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 37–38)
15 Jan 1847
LAFAYETTE lost to creation of DONALDSON (extinct); DONALDSON not fully organized, part attached to LAFAYETTE "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., p. 17)
08 Mar 1849
Creation of DONALDSON (extinct) repealed; LAFAYETTE regained part of DONALDSON (extinct) that it previously held. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 32)

LAWRENCE (original)

01 Mar 1815
LAWRENCE (original) created from NEW MADRID; included parts of present Missouri and Arkansas. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1814–1815, ch. 128, secs. 1, 9/pp. 354–357)
01 Feb 1819
LAWRENCE (original) lost to creation of WAYNE. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 226, secs. 1, 10/pp. 567–571)
04 Jul 1819
LAWRENCE (original) lost all territory south of the parallel of 36 degrees, 30 minutes north latitude when the United States created Arkansas Territory from Missouri Territory. (U.S. Stat., vol. 3, ch. 49[1819]/pp. 493–496)
16 Feb 1825
LAWRENCE (original) lost to WAYNE; LAWRENCE (original) eliminated. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, sec. 10/pp. 234–235)


24 Feb 1843
LAWRENCE created from BARRY, DADE, and overlap area assigned to both BARRY and NEWTON. LAWRENCE not fully organized, parts attached to BARRY and DADE "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 39)
14 Feb 1845
LAWRENCE fully organized, detached from BARRY and DADE. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 7–9/pp. 31–32)


02 Jan 1833
LEWIS created from Non-County Area 10; Non-County Area 19 created from Non-County Area 10 and attached to LEWIS "for all civil, judicial, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 28, secs. 1, 6/pp. 51–52)
16 Dec 1836
LEWIS lost part of attached Non-County Area 19 to creation of CLARK. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 47–48)
06 Jan 1837
LEWIS lost part of attached Non-County Area 19 to creation of MACON and Non-County Area 24. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 51)
06 Feb 1837
LEWIS lost parts of attached Non-County Area 19 to creation of Non-County Area 26 and Non-County Area 27. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 48–49)
29 Jan 1841
LEWIS lost attached Non-County Area 19 to creation of SCOTLAND; Non-County Area 19 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 32/p. 36)

LILLARD (extinct)

01 Jan 1821
LILLARD (extinct) created from COOPER and Non-County Area 1. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 10, secs. 1, 6/pp. 13–15)
16 Feb 1825
LILLARD (extinct) lost to creation of JACKSON and LAFAYETTE, and lost to Non-County Area 8; LILLARD (extinct) eliminated. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, sec. 16, 30/pp. 237–242)


01 Jan 1819
LINCOLN created from ST. CHARLES. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 228, secs. 1, 8/pp. 572–576)
26 Jan 1843
LINCOLN exchanged with WARREN. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 30–40)
24 Feb 1843
LINCOLN exchanged with WARREN. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 40–41)
05 Feb 1849
LINCOLN gained from MONTGOMERY. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 34)


06 Jan 1837
LINN created from Non-County Area 6; Non-County Area 23 created from Non-County Area 6 and attached to LINN "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, p. 52)
14 Jan 1837
LINN gained from LIVINGSTON and Non-County Area 18. Non-County Area 23, attached to LINN, gained from Non-County Area 18. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 53)
17 Feb 1843
LINN lost part of attached Non-County Area 23 to creation of HIGHLAND (now SULLIVAN); HIGHLAND not fully organized, attached to LINN "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 37–38)
22 Feb 1843
LINN lost part of attached Non-County Area 23 to creation of PUTNAM. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 44–45)
14 Feb 1845
SULLIVAN fully organized, detached from LINN. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 19, 43/pp. 33, 36)
15 Mar 1845
Non-County Area 23 detached from LINN, attached to SULLIVAN “for civil and military purposes.” (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 47)
20 Mar 1845
LINN gained from CHARITON. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 49)
10 Jan 1855
LINN lost to LIVINGSTON. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., p. 17)


06 Jan 1837
LIVINGSTON created from CHARITON, Non-County Area 6, and Non-County Area 18; remainder of Non-County Area 18 detached from CARROLL and attached to LIVINGSTON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 50–51)
14 Jan 1837
LIVINGSTON lost to LINN. LIVINGSTON lost part of attached Non-County Area 18 to LINN and Non-County Area 23. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 53)
12 Feb 1839
LIVINGSTON lost part of attached Non-County Area 18 to creation of GRUNDY; GRUNDY not fully organized, attached to LIVINGSTON "for all civil, judicial, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., p. 22)
29 Jan 1841
GRUNDY fully organized, detached from LIVINGSTON. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 13/p. 34)
15 Feb 1841
Non-County Area 18 detached from LIVINGSTON, attached to GRUNDY "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 39)
10 Jan 1855
LIVINGSTON gained from LINN. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., p. 17)


01 Jan 1847
SENECA (now McDONALD) created from NEWTON; SENECA not fully organized, attached to NEWTON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., p. 16)
03 Mar 1849
SENECA renamed McDONALD and fully organized, detached from NEWTON. McDONALD gained from NEWTON. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 30–32)
31 May 1879
McDONALD gained from NEWTON. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1879, pp. 1015–1044)


06 Jan 1837
MACON created from RALLS, Non-County Area 6, Non-County Area 10, and Non-County Area 19; Non-County Area 24 (created from Non-County Area 6) attached to MACON "for all civil and military purposes." Non-County Area 10 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 51)
29 Jan 1841
MACON lost part of attached Non-County Area 24 to creation of ADAIR. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 37/pp. 36–37)
15 Feb 1841
Non-County Area 24 detached from MACON, attached to ADAIR "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 40)


01 Jan 1819
MADISON created from CAPE GIRARDEAU and STE. GENEVIEVE. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 229, secs. 1, 8/pp. 576–580)
25 Feb 1843
MADISON exchanged with SHANNON, gained all of Non-County Area 14. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 41)
05 Feb 1849
MADISON lost to REYNOLDS and WAYNE. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 34–35)
17 Feb 1857
MADISON lost to creation of IRON. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, gen., pp. 52–55)


02 Mar 1855
MARIES created from OSAGE. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., pp. 13–15)
13 Nov 1857
MARIES lost to creation of PHELPS. (Mo. Laws 1857, adj. sess., loc., pp. 397–398)
04 Mar 1859
MARIES exchanged with PHELPS. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, pp. 371–372)
27 Feb 1868
MARIES lost to PHELPS. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 23–24)
24 Mar 1881
MARIES's boundaries clarified [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1881, p. 93)


14 Dec 1822
MARION created from RALLS; MARION not fully organized, attached to RALLS "for all military, civil, and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws 1822, ch. 38, secs. 1–3/pp. 61–62)
23 Dec 1826
MARION lost to RALLS; MARION fully organized, detached from RALLS; Non-County Area 10 detached from RALLS, attached to MARION "for all military, civil, and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws 1826–1827, ch. 31, secs. 1–2, 8/pp. 40–41)
06 Jan 1831
MARION lost part of attached Non-County Area 10 to creation of MONROE. (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 15, secs. 1, 6/pp. 21–22)
02 Jan 1833
MARION lost part of attached Non-County Area 10 to creation of LEWIS and Non-County Area 19. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 28, secs. 1, 6/pp. 51–52)
02 Jan 1835
MARION lost part of attached Non-County Area 10 to creation of SHELBY. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 40)
06 Jan 1837
MARION lost attached Non-County Area 10 to creation of MACON; Non-County Area 10 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 51)
24 Feb 1843
MARION gained from MONROE. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 42)


22 Feb 1843
MERCER created from Non-County Area 18; MERCER not fully organized, attached to GRUNDY "for civil and military purposes." Non-County Area 18 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 37)
14 Feb 1845
MERCER fully organized, detached from GRUNDY. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 21, 41/pp. 33–34, 36)
13 Feb 1849
U.S. Supreme Court settled boundary dispute between Missouri and Iowa, dating from 11 February 1839, by rejecting both states' claims, choosing instead the Indian boundary line run and marked by John C. Sullivan in 1816 (the commonly accepted boundary before the dispute arose and the present boundary between the two states). The decision ended MERCER's claim to territory in the state of Iowa [no change]. (Landers, 647–648; Thomas, 269–270)


06 Feb 1837
MILLER created from COLE, PULASKI, and Non-County Area 21; Non-County Area 21 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 53–54)
08 Feb 1839
MILLER boundaries defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., p. 23)
25 Feb 1845
MILLER lost to CAMDEN. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., pp. 39–40)
28 Mar 1845
MILLER gained from CAMDEN. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 50, 91/pp. 140,146)
13 Dec 1855
CAMDEN boundaries redefined, creating an overlap with MILLER. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1854–1855, ch. 41, secs. 58, 93/pp. 476–477, 490)
16 Jan 1860
MILLER gained from MORGAN. (Mo. Laws 1859–1860, adj. sess., p. 495)
24 Mar 1868
MILLER gained from COLE; MILLER gained undisputed jurisdiction of 13 December 1855 overlap with CAMDEN. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)
29 Mar 1875
MILLER exchanged with CAMDEN. (Mo. Laws 1875, gen., pp. 30–31)
31 May 1879
MILLER lost to COLE. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1879, pp. 1015–1044)


19 Dec 1842
MISSISSIPPI created from SCOTT; MISSISSIPPI not fully organized, attached to SCOTT "for all civil, criminal, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 42)
14 Feb 1845
MISSISSIPPI fully organized, detached from SCOTT. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 21, 41/pp. 33–34, 36)
10 Mar 1849
MISSISSIPPI lost to SCOTT. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 33)
10 Feb 1851
MISSISSIPPI gained from SCOTT. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., p. 63)
30 Jan 1857
Boundaries between MISSISSIPPI and SCOTT and between MISSISSIPPI and NEW MADRID defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, loc., pp. 273, 439–440)
10 Mar 1859
MISSISSIPPI exchanged with SCOTT. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, p. 411)
24 Mar 1868
MISSISSIPPI exchanged with NEW MADRID. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)


14 Feb 1845
MONITEAU created from COLE and MORGAN. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 35–37/p. 35)


06 Jan 1831
MONROE created from RALLS and Non-County Area 10. Non-County Area 17 attached to MONROE "for all civil, judicial, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 15, secs. 1, 6/pp. 21–22)
12 Jan 1831
MONROE lost attached Non-County Area 17 to creation of AUDRAIN.; Non-County Area 17 eliminated. AUDRAIN not fully organized, part attached to MONROE "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 13, secs. 1–2/p. 20)
17 Dec 1836
AUDRAIN fully organized, detached from MONROE. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 44–45)
13 Feb 1843
MONROE lost to SHELBY. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 47)
24 Feb 1843
MONROE lost to MARION and AUDRAIN. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 42)


01 Jan 1819
MONTGOMERY created from ST. CHARLES; Non-County Area 3 attached to MONTGOMERY "for judicial, probate, administration and county purposes." (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 230, secs. 1, 8/pp. 580–584)
01 Jan 1821
MONTGOMERY lost part of attached Non-County Area 3 to creation of CALLAWAY; remainder of Non-County Area 3 detached from MONTGOMERY and attached to CALLAWAY for administrative and judicial purposes. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 29, secs. 1, 8/pp. 52–55)
05 Jan 1833
MONTGOMERY lost to creation of WARREN. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 95, sec. 1/pp. 126–128)
05 Feb 1849
MONTGOMERY lost to LINCOLN. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 34)


05 Jan 1833
MORGAN created from COOPER, CRAWFORD, and Non-County Area 15. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 29, sec. 1/pp. 52–53)
19 Jan 1833
MORGAN lost to creation of PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 31, sec. 1/pp. 54–55)
26 Jan 1833
MORGAN lost to creation of PETTIS. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 30, sec. 1/pp. 53–54)
26 Jan 1835
MORGAN gained from PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 15)
29 Jan 1841
MORGAN lost to creation of KINDERHOOK (now CAMDEN). (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 28/pp. 35–36)
14 Feb 1845
MORGAN lost to creation of MONITEAU. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 35–37/p. 35)
16 Jan 1860
MORGAN lost to MILLER. (Mo. Laws 1859–1860, adj. sess., p. 495)
17 Mar 1881
MORGAN's boundaries clarified [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1881, p. 94)

New Madrid District (see NEW MADRID)


01 Oct 1804
New Madrid District (now NEW MADRID) created within the District of Louisiana. (Terr. Papers U.S., 13: 51–52; U.S. Stat., vol. 2, ch. 38 [1804]/pp. 283–289; Violette, 46–47)
01 Jul 1806
New Madrid District (now NEW MADRID) gained from Cape Girardeau District (now CAPE GIRARDEAU). (Terr. Papers U.S., 13:541–542; Gov. Proc. 7 June 1806)
15 Aug 1806
New Madrid District (now NEW MADRID) lost to Cape Girardeau District (now CAPE GIRARDEAU). (Ford, 5–6)
07 Dec 1812
New Madrid District became NEW MADRID County; NEW MADRID lost to creation of Non-County Area 1 when its western boundary was redefined as the boundary of the "Osage Purchase". (Terr. Papers U.S., 14:599–601; U.S. Stat., vol. 2, ch. 95[1812]/pp. 743–747; Royce, 676–677, pls. 112, 144)
31 Dec 1813
NEW MADRID gained from CAPE GIRARDEAU, lost to creation of ARKANSAS (Ark.). (Mo. Terr. Laws 1813–1814, ch. 99, sec. 1/pp. 293–295)
01 Mar 1815
NEW MADRID lost to creation of LAWRENCE (original). (Mo. Terr. Laws 1814–1815, ch. 128, secs. 1, 9/pp. 354–357)
01 Feb 1819
NEW MADRID lost to creation of WAYNE. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 226, secs. 1, 10/pp. 567–571)
04 Jul 1819
NEW MADRID exchanged with Arkansas Territory when the United States created Arkansas Territory from Missouri Territory. (U.S. Stat., vol. 3, ch. 49[1819]/pp. 493–496)
01 Mar 1822
NEW MADRID lost to creation of SCOTT. (Mo. Laws 1821–1822, ch. 28, secs. 1, 8/pp. 32–36)
28 Nov 1822
Boundary between NEW MADRID and SCOTT redefined [no discernible change]. (Mo. Laws 1822, ch. 9, secs. 1–2/p. 15)
16 Jan 1829
NEW MADRID lost to creation of STODDARD. (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 59, secs. 1–3/pp. 71–72)
02 Jan 1835
NEW MADRID exchanged with STODDARD. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 39–40)
12 Feb 1839
Boundary between NEW MADRID and SCOTT defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 25–26)
11 Jan 1841
NEW MADRID lost to STODDARD. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 44)
27 Feb 1849
NEW MADRID lost to DUNKLIN. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 36)
19 Feb 1851
NEW MADRID lost to creation of PEMISCOT. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., pp. 190–192)
13 Dec 1855
NEW MADRID lost to STODDARD. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1854–1855, ch. 41, secs. 79, 94/pp. 484–485, 490–491)
30 Jan 1857
Boundaries between NEW MADRID and MISSISSIPPI and between NEW MADRID and SCOTT defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, loc., pp. 273, 439–440)
24 Mar 1868
NEW MADRID exchanged with MISSISSIPPI. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)
14 Mar 1872
NEW MADRID exchanged with STODDARD. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 23–24)


31 Dec 1838
NEWTON created from BARRY; Portion of BARRY and NEWTON overlapped until 28 March 1843. Non-County Area 30 created from BARRY, attached to NEWTON "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 19–20)
27 Jan 1841
NEWTON lost to Non-County Area 30. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 42)
29 Jan 1841
NEWTON lost attached Non-County Area 30 to BATES and to creation of JASPER; Non-County Area 30 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 7/p. 33)
24 Feb 1843
Overlap area assigned to both BARRY and NEWTON lost to creation of LAWRENCE. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 39)
28 Mar 1845
Area of overlap between NEWTON and BARRY assigned to BARRY. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 29–30/p. 137)
01 Jan 1847
NEWTON lost to creation of SENECA (now McDONALD); SENECA not fully organized, attached to NEWTON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., p. 16)
14 Jan 1847
NEWTON's eastern boundary defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, priv., p. 230)
16 Feb 1847
NEWTON lost to JASPER. (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, priv., pp. 229–230)
03 Mar 1849
SENECA renamed McDONALD and fully organized, detached from NEWTON. NEWTON lost to McDONALD. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 30–32)
31 May 1879
NEWTON lost to McDONALD. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1879, pp. 1015–1044)


NODAWAY (original; see HOLT)


02 Jan 1843
NODAWAY created from Non-County Area 31 (Territory of Neatawah); NODAWAY not fully organized, attached to ANDREW "for civil and military purposes." Non-County Area 31 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 43)
14 Feb 1845
NODAWAY boundaries redefined [overlapped the western part of ATCHISON]; NODAWAY fully organized, detached from ANDREW. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 1–3/pp. 30–31)
28 Mar 1845
Area of overlap between NODAWAY and ATCHISON assigned to NODAWAY. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 71–72/pp. 143–144)
13 Feb 1849
U.S. Supreme Court settled boundary dispute between Missouri and Iowa, dating from 11 February 1839, by rejecting both states' claims, choosing instead the Indian boundary line run and marked by John C. Sullivan in 1816 (the commonly accepted boundary before the dispute arose and the present boundary between the two states). The decision ended NODAWAY's claim to territory in the state of Iowa [no change]. (Landers, 647–648; Thomas, 269–270)
05 Nov 1857
NODAWAY gained from ATCHISON. (Mo. Laws 1857, adj. sess., loc., pp. 386–387)
16 Jan 1860
NODAWAY lost to ATCHISON. (Mo. Laws 1859–1860, adj. sess., p. 464)
25 Jan 1861
NODAWAY gained from ATCHISON. (Mo. Laws 1860–1861, loc., p. 382)
25 Feb 1863
NODAWAY lost to WORTH. (Mo. Laws 1862–1863, p. 57; Mo. Laws 1870, adj. sess., pp. 193–194)

Non-County Area 1

07 Dec 1812
Non-County Area 1 created from CAPE GIRARDEAU, NEW MADRID, ST. LOUIS, and STE. GENEVIEVE, when their western boundaries were redefined as the boundary of the "Osage Purchase". (Royce, 676–677, pls. 112, 144; Terr. Papers U.S., 14:599–601)
31 Dec 1813
Non-County Area 1 lost to creation of ARKANSAS (Ark.). (Mo. Terr. Laws 1813–1814, ch. 99, sec. 1/pp. 293–295)
22 Feb 1819
Non-County Area 1 exchanged with Spain as a result of the Adams-Onis Treaty with Spain on 22 February 1819. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1813-1814, ch. 99, sec. 1/pp. 293-295)
01 Jun 1819
Non-County Area 1 gained from ARKANSAS (Ark.), and lost to creation of CLARK (Ark.), HEMPSTEAD (Ark.), and PULASKI (Ark.). (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 232a/secs. 1–3, 5/pp. 589–591)
04 Jul 1819
Non-County Area 1 lost when the United States created Arkansas Territory from Missouri Territory. (U.S. Stat., vol. 3, ch. 49[1819]/pp. 493–496)
01 Jan 1821
Non-County Area 1 lost to creation of LILLARD (extinct). (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 10, secs. 1, 6/pp. 13–15)
10 Aug 1821
Non-County Area 1 lost to unorganized federal territory when the state of Missouri was created from Missouri Territory. (Terr. Papers U.S., 15:742–744; U.S. Stat., vol. 3, ch. 22[1820]/pp. 545–548)
16 Feb 1825
Non-County Area 1 lost to WAYNE and to Non-County Area 8; Non-County Area 1 eliminated. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, sec. 10/pp. 234–235)

Non-County Area 2

31 Dec 1813
Non-County Area 2 created from ST. CHARLES. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1813–1814, ch. 99, sec. 1/pp. 293–295)
09 Mar 1815
Non-County Area 2 lost to ST. CHARLES. (Terr. Papers U.S., 15: 40–41)
20 Oct 1818
Non-County Area 2 exchanged with British North America when a Convention of Commerce between Great Britain and the United States established 49 degrees north latitude, from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains, as the northern boundary of the United States, and the southern boundary of the British possessions. (Parry, 69: 294–297)
01 Jan 1821
Non-County Area 2 gained from HOWARD and PIKE. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 14, secs. 1–5/pp. 21–26)
10 Aug 1821
Non-County Area 2 eliminated when the state of Missouri was created from Missouri Territory. (Terr. Papers U.S., 15:742–744; U.S. Stat., vol. 3, ch. 22[1820]/pp. 545–548)

Non-County Area 3

01 Jan 1819
Non-County Area 3 created from ST. CHARLES and attached to MONTGOMERY "for judicial, probate, administration and county purposes." (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 230, secs. 1, 8/pp. 580–584)
01 Jan 1821
Non-County Area 3 lost to creation of CALLAWAY; remainder of Non-County Area 3 detached from MONTGOMERY and attached to CALLAWAY for administrative and judicial purposes. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 29, secs. 1, 8/pp. 52–55)
16 Feb 1825
Non-County Area 3 gained all of Non-County Area 9, lost to BOONE. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, secs. 18, 25/pp. 237–238, 240–241)
12 Jan 1831
Non-County Area 3 lost to creation of AUDRAIN. (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 13, secs. 1–2/p. 20)
28 Mar 1845
Non-County Area 3 lost to BOONE; Non-County Area 3 eliminated. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, sec. 40/p. 138)

Non-County Area 4

01 Feb 1819
Unattached Non-County Area 4 created from strip of land remaining from former western boundary of CAPE GIRARDEAU. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 226, secs. 1, 10/pp. 567–571)
16 Feb 1825
Non-County Area 4 lost to WAYNE; Non-County Area 4 eliminated. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, sec. 10/pp. 234–235)

Non-County Area 5

01 Jan 1821
Non-County Area 5 created from HOWARD and attached to BOONE "for all legislative, judicial, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 14, secs. 1–5/pp. 21–26)
02 Jan 1822
Non-County Area 5 lost to BOONE; Non-County Area 5 eliminated. (Mo Laws 1821–1822, ch. 36, sec. 1/p. 58)

Non-County Area 6

01 Jan 1821
Non-County Area 6 created from HOWARD and PIKE, attached to CHARITON "for all civil, military, and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 14, secs. 1–5/pp. 21–26)
16 Feb 1825
Non-County Area 6 gained from CHARITON and Non-County Area 7. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, sec. 19/p. 238)
22 Jan 1829
Non-County Area 6 lost to creation of RANDOLPH, and lost to CHARITON; Non-County Area 6 detached from CHARITON and attached to RANDOLPH "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 29, secs. 1–2, 7/pp. 42–44, and ch. 30, sec. 1/p. 44)
06 Jan 1837
Non-County Area 6 lost to creation of LINN, LIVINGSTON, MACON, Non-County Area 23, and Non-County Area 24; lost to Non-County Area 18. Non-County Area 6 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 50–52)

Non-County Area 7

01 Jan 1821
Non-County Area 7 created from HOWARD and attached to RAY "for all legislative, judicial, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 14, secs. 1–5/pp. 21–26)
02 Jan 1822
Non-County Area 7 lost to creation of CLAY. (Mo. Laws 1821–1822, ch. 39, sec. 1/pp. 60–62)
16 Feb 1825
Non-County Area 7 gained from RAY, lost to Non-County Area 6. (Mo. Laws 1821–1822, ch. 39, sec. 1/pp. 60–62)
02 Jan 1833
Non-County Area 7 lost to creation of CARROLL and Non-County Area 18. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 24, secs. 1, 5/pp. 46–47)
29 Dec 1836
Non-County Area 7 lost to creation of CALDWELL and DAVIESS; remainder of Non-County Area 7 detached from RAY and attached to DAVIESS "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 46–47)
25 Jan 1839
Non-County Area 7 lost to RAY. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., p. 25)
22 Feb 1843
Non-County Area 7 lost to creation of HARRISON; Non County Area 7 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 37)

Non-County Area 8

01 Jan 1821
Non-County Area 8 created from FRANKLIN and attached to GASCONADE "for all civil, military, and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 28, secs. 1–2, 5/pp. 51–52)
14 Jan 1825
Non-County Area 8 lost to GASCONADE. (Mo. Laws 1824–1825, pub., ch. 11, sec. 1/pp. 13–15)
16 Feb 1825
Non-County Area 8 gained from LILLARD (extinct), WASHINGTON, and Non-County Area 1. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, sec. 6/p. 233)
23 Jan 1829
Non-County Area 8 lost to creation of CRAWFORD; Non-County Area 8 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 19, sec. 1/p. 23)

Non-County Area 9

01 Jan 1821
Non-County Area 9 created from PIKE. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 12, secs. 1, 4/pp. 17–18)
16 Feb 1825
Non-County Area 9 eliminated when it became part of Non-County Area 3. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, sec. 25/pp. 237–238)

Non-County Area 10

14 Dec 1822
Non-County Area 10 created from RALLS and attached to RALLS "for all military, civil, and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws 1822, ch. 38, secs. 1–3/pp. 61–62)
23 Dec 1826
Non-County Area 10 detached from RALLS, attached to MARION "for all military, civil, and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws 1826–1827, ch. 31, secs. 1–2, 8/pp. 40–41)
06 Jan 1831
Non-County Area 10 lost to creation of MONROE. (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 15, secs. 1, 6/pp. 21–22)
02 Jan 1833
Non-County Area 10 lost to creation of LEWIS and Non-County Area 19. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 28, secs. 1, 6/pp. 51–52)
02 Jan 1835
Non-County Area 10 lost to creation of SHELBY. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 40)
06 Jan 1837
Non-County Area 10 lost to creation of MACON; Non-County Area 10 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 51)

Non-County Area 11

22 Jan 1825
Non-County Area 11 created from FRANKLIN and attached to FRANKLIN "for administrative and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws 1824–1825, pub., ch. 14, sec. 9/pp. 16–19)
16 Feb 1825
Non-County Area 11 gained from FRANKLIN and WASHINGTON. (Mo. Laws Rev. 1825, ch. 1, sec. 9/p. 234)
04 Jan 1831
Non-County Area 11 lost to CRAWFORD. (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 14, sec. 1/p. 21)
28 Mar 1845
Non-County Area 11 lost to CRAWFORD; Non-County Area 11 eliminated. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 79, 84/pp. 144, 147)

Non-County Area 12

16 Feb 1825
Non-County Area 12 created from CLAY and attached to CLAY "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, sec. 28/pp. 241–242)
02 Jan 1833
Non-County Area 12 lost to creation of CLINTON; remainder of Non-County Area 12 detached from CLAY and attached to CLINTON "for all civil, judicial, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 25, secs. 1, 6/pp. 47–48)
28 Mar 1837
Non-County Area 12 gained from unorganized federal territory. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 49; U.S. Stat., vol. 5, ch. 86[1836]/p. 34, and res. 2, p. 802)
31 Dec 1838
Non-County Area 12 lost to creation of BUCHANAN and PLATTE. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 23–25)
11 Feb 1839
Non-County Area 12 lost to creation of Non-County Area 31 (Territory of Neatawah). (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 21–22)
12 Feb 1841
Non-County Area 12 lost to creation of GENTRY. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 41)
05 Jan 1843
Non-County Area 12 lost to creation of DE KALB; Non-County Area 12 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 36)

Non-County Area 13

16 Feb 1825
Non-County Area 13 created from WASHINGTON, attached to WASHINGTON "for administrative and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch. 1, secs. 6, 9/pp. 233–234)
05 Jan 1833
Non-County Area 13 lost to RIPLEY; Non-County Area 13 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., secs. 1–2/pp. 55–56 and ch. 33, sec. 1/pp. 56–57)

Non-County Area 14

16 Feb 1825
Non-County Area 14 inadvertently created when WASHINGTON boundaries were reconfigured. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch. 1, secs. 6, 9/pp. 233–234)
25 Feb 1843
Non-County Area 14 lost to MADISON; Non-County Area 14 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 41)

Non-County Area 15

12 Jan 1829
Non-County Area 15 created from SALINE, attached to SALINE "for all purposes, civil and military." (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 58, sec. 102/pp. 70–71)
05 Jan 1833
Non-County Area 15 lost to creation of MORGAN. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 29, sec. 1/pp. 52–53)
16 Jan 1833
Non-County Area 15 lost to creation of ST. CLAIR. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 27, sec. 4/p. 51)
26 Jan 1833
Non-County Area 15 lost to creation of PETTIS; Non-County Area 15 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 30, sec. 1/pp. 53–54)

Non-County Area 16

04 Jan 1831
Non-County Area 16 created from CRAWFORD. (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 14, sec. 1/p. 21)
12 Jan 1831
Non-County Area 16 gained from WAYNE. (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 19, secs. 1–3/pp. 26–27)
18 Jan 1831
Non-County Area 16 attached to CRAWFORD "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, ch. 93, p. 115)
02 Jan 1833
Non-County Area 16 lost to creation of GREENE. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 26, sec. 1/p. 49)
16 Jan 1833
Non-County Area 16 lost to creation of BATES and ST. CLAIR. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 27, sec. 3/p. 50)
13 Dec 1834
Non-County Area 16 lost small portion to creation of RIVES (now HENRY). (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 37–38)
03 Jan 1835
Non-County Area 16 lost to creation of BENTON. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 41–42)
05 Jan 1835
Non-County Area 16 lost to creation of POLK. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 42–43)
26 Jan 1835
Non-County Area 16 lost to PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 15–16)
17 Feb 1835
Non-County Area 16 detached from CRAWFORD, attached to BENTON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 47)
29 Jan 1841
Non-County Area 16 lost to creation of KINDERHOOK (now CAMDEN); Non-County Area 16 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 28/pp. 35–36)

Non-County Area 17

06 Jan 1831
Non-County Area 17 created from RALLS and attached to MONROE "for all civil, judicial, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 15, secs. 1, 6/pp. 21–22)
12 Jan 1831
Non-County Area 17 lost to creation of AUDRAIN; Non-County Area 17 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 13, secs. 1–2/p. 20)

Non-County Area 18

02 Jan 1833
Non-County Area 18 created from Non-County Area 7 and attached to CARROLL "for all civil, judicial, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 24, secs. 1, 5/pp. 46–47)
06 Jan 1837
Non-County Area 18 gained from Non-County Area 6, lost to creation of LIVINGSTON; Non-County Area 18 detached from CARROLL and attached to LIVINGSTON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 50–51)
14 Jan 1837
Non-County Area 18 lost to LINN and Non-County Area 23. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 53)
12 Feb 1839
Non-County Area 18 lost to creation of GRUNDY. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., p. 22)
15 Feb 1841
Non-County Area 18 detached from LIVINGSTON, attached to GRUNDY "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 39)
22 Feb 1843
Non-County Area 18 lost to creation of MERCER; Non-County Area 18 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 37)

Non-County Area 19

02 Jan 1833
Non-County Area 19 created from Non-County Area 10; Non-County Area 19 attached to LEWIS "for all civil, judicial, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 28, secs. 1, 6/pp. 51–52)
16 Dec 1836
Non-County Area 19 lost to creation of CLARK. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 47–48)
06 Jan 1837
Non-County Area 19 lost to creation of MACON and Non-County Area 24. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 51)
06 Feb 1837
Non-County Area 19 lost to creation of Non-County Area 26 and Non-County Area 27. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 48–49)
29 Jan 1841
Non-County Area 19 lost to creation of SCOTLAND; Non-County Area 19 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 32/p. 36)

Non-County Area 20

03 Dec 1834
Non-County Area 20 created from PETTIS. (Mo. Laws 1833–1834, pub., p. 416)
03 Jan 1835
Non-County Area 20 lost to BENTON and ST. CLAIR; Non-County Area 20 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 41–42)

Non-County Area 21

26 Jan 1835
Non-County Area 21 created from PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 15–16)
17 Mar 1835
Non-County Area 21 attached to PULASKI "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 47)
06 Feb 1837
Non-County Area 21 lost to creation of MILLER, and lost to COLE; Non-County Area 21 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 53–54)

Non-County Area 22

26 Jan 1835
Non-County Area 22 created from PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 15–16)
19 Mar 1835
Non-County Area 22 gained from GREENE. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 46)
29 Jan 1841
Non-County Area 22 lost to creation of OZARK. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 22/p. 35)
17 Feb 1843
Non-County Area 22 attached to WRIGHT "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 48)
28 Mar 1845
Non-County Area 22 lost to WRIGHT; Non-County Area 22 eliminated. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, sec. 23/p. 136)

Non-County Area 23

06 Jan 1837
Non-County Area 23 created from Non-County Area 6; Non-County Area 23 attached to LINN "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 52)
14 Jan 1837
Non-County Area 23 gained from Non-County Area 18. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 53)
17 Feb 1843
Non-County Area 23 lost to creation of HIGHLAND (now SULLIVAN). (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 37–38)
22 Feb 1843
Non-County Area 23 lost to creation of PUTNAM. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 44–45)
15 Mar 1845
Non-County Area 23 detached from LINN and attached to SULLIVAN "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 47)
18 Dec 1846
Non-County Area 23 lost to creation of DODGE (extinct); Non-County Area 23 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., p. 16)

Non-County Area 24

06 Jan 1837
Non-County Area 24 created from Non-County Area 6 and Non-County Area 19; Non-County Area 24 attached to MACON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, p. 52)
29 Jan 1841
Non-County Area 24 lost to creation of ADAIR. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 37/pp. 36–37)
15 Feb 1841
Non-County Area 24 detached from MACON, attached to ADAIR "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 40)
17 Feb 1843
Non-County Area 24 lost to creation of SCHUYLER. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 46)
22 Feb 1843
Non-County Area 24 lost to creation of PUTNAM; Non-County Area 24 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 44–45)

Non-County Area 25

06 Jan 1837
Non-County Area 25 created from WHITE (extinct) and attached to TANEY "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 51–52)
25 Jan 1839
Non-County Area 25 lost to TANEY. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., p. 27)
29 Jan 1841
Non-County Area 25 lost to creation of OZARK; Non-County Area 25 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 22/p. 35)

Non-County Area 26

06 Feb 1837
Non-County Area 26 created from Non-County Area 19, attached to CLARK "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 48–49)
29 Jan 1841
Non-County Area 26 lost to creation of SCOTLAND; Non-County Area 26 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 32/p. 36)

Non-County Area 27

06 Feb 1837
Non-County Area 27 created from Non-County Area 19, attached to SHELBY "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 48–49)
29 Jan 1841
Non-County Area 27 lost to creation of SCOTLAND; Non-County Area 27 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 32/p. 36)

Non-County Area 28

28 Mar 1837
Non-County Area 28 created from unorganized federal territory, and attached to CLAY "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 49; U.S. Stat., vol. 5, ch. 86[1836]/p. 34, and res. 2, p. 802)
31 Dec 1838
Non-County Area 28 lost to creation of PLATTE; Non-County Area 28 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 23–25)

Non-County Area 29

31 Dec 1838
Non-County Area 29 created from BARRY, and attached to BARRY "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 19–20)
29 Jan 1841
Non-County Area 29 lost to creation of DADE; Non-County Area 29 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 10/pp. 33–34)

Non-County Area 30

31 Dec 1838
Non-County Area 30 created from BARRY, and attached to NEWTON "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 19–20)
27 Jan 1841
Non-County Area 30 gained from NEWTON. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 42)
29 Jan 1841
Non-County Area 30 lost to BATES and to creation of JASPER; Non-County Area 30 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., secs. 34–36/p. 36)

Non-County Area 31

11 Feb 1839
Non-County Area 31 (Territory of Neatawah) created from Non-County Area 12, and attached to BUCHANAN "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 21–22)
29 Jan 1841
Non-County area 31 (Territory of Neatawah) lost to creation of ANDREW and NODAWAY (original) [now HOLT]. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., secs. 1, 4/pp. 32–33)
12 Feb 1841
Non-County Area 31 (Territory of Neatawah) detached from BUCHANAN, attached to ANDREW "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 40)
02 Jan 1843
Non-County Area 31 (Territory of Neatawah) lost to creation of NODAWAY (original, now HOLT). Non-County Area 31 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 43)

Non-County Area 32

12 Jan 1841
Non-County Area 32 created from POLK, attached to POLK "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1848–1841, pub., pp. 42–43)
29 Jan 1841
Non-County Area 32 lost to creation of DADE and NIANGUA (now DALLAS), and lost to ST. CLAIR; Non-County Area 32 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., secs. 16, 25–27/pp. 34–35)

Non-County Area 33

11 Feb 1841
Non-County Area 33 created from WRIGHT, attached to WRIGHT "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., pp. 46–47)
17 Feb 1843
Non-County Area 33 lost to creation of ASHLEY (now TEXAS); Non-County Area 33 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 35)

Non-County Area 34

14 Feb 1845
Non-County Area 34 created from GENTRY. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 4–6/p. 31)
28 Feb 1845
Non-County Area 34 attached to GENTRY "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 44)
25 Feb 1861
Non-County Area 34 lost to creation of WORTH; Non-County Area 34 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1860–1861, loc., pp. 470–473)

Non-County Area 35

14 Feb 1845
Non-County Area 35 created from HARRISON and attached to HARRISON" for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 10–11, 46/pp. 33, 46)
01 Mar 1851
Non-County Area 35 lost to HARRISON; Non-County Area 35 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., p. 63)

Non-County Area 36

28 Feb 1845
Non-County Area 36 created from PUTNAM. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., pp. 43–44)
15 Mar 1845
Non-County Area 36 attached to SULLIVAN "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 47)
18 Dec 1846
Non-County Area 36 lost to creation of DODGE (extinct); Non-County Area 36 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., p. 16)

Non-County Area 37

24 Mar 1845
Non-County Area 37 created from WRIGHT, attached to WRIGHT "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 50)
24 Feb 1849
Non-County Area 37 lost to creation of LACLEDE; Non-County Area 37 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 28–29)


15 Feb 1841
OREGON created from RIPLEY; OREGON not fully organized, attached to RIPLEY "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 43)
14 Feb 1845
OREGON fully organized, detached from RIPLEY. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 35–37/p. 35)
02 Mar 1857
OREGON lost to creation of HOWELL. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, gen., pp. 51–52)
12 Mar 1859
OREGON lost to SHANNON. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, p. 413)
24 Mar 1868
OREGON exchanged with RIPLEY. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)


29 Jan 1841
OSAGE created from GASCONADE. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 40/p. 37)
01 Mar 1855
OSAGE gained from PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., p. 12)
02 Mar 1855
OSAGE lost to creation of MARIES. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., pp. 13–15)
04 Dec 1855
OSAGE lost to COLE. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., p. 32)

Overlap Area 1

14 Feb 1845
Overlap area created between NODAWAY and ATCHISON when NODAWAY’s boundaries were redefined. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 1–3/pp. 30–31)
28 Mar 1845
Overlap area between NODAWAY and ATCHISON assigned to NODAWAY. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 71–72/pp. 143–144)

Overlap Area 2

13 Dec 1855
CAMDEN boundaries redefined, creating an overlap with MILLER. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1854–1855, ch. 41, secs. 49,75 /pp. 471–472, 483)
24 Mar 1868
Overlap area between CAMDEN and MILLER awarded to MILLER. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)

Overlap Area 3

31 Dec 1838
Overlap area created between BARRY and NEWTON. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 19–20)
24 Feb 1843
Overlap area between BARRY and NEWTON lost to creation of LAWRENCE. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 39)
28 Mar 1845
Overlap area between BARRY and NEWTON assigned to BARRY. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 29–30/p.137)


29 Jan 1841
OZARK created from RIPLEY, Non-County Area 22, and Non-County Area 25; Non-County Area 25 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 22/p. 35)
22 Feb 1843
OZARK renamed DECATUR; DECATUR boundaries defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 43–44)
24 Mar 1845
DECATUR renamed OZARK. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., pp. 51–52)
28 Feb 1855
OZARK lost to GREENE. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., p. 15)
07 Dec 1855
OZARK boundaries defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., pp. 40–42)
29 Oct 1857
OZARK lost to creation of DOUGLAS. (Mo. Laws 1857, adj. sess., loc., pp. 288–289)
31 May 1879
OZARK lost to HOWELL. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1879, pp. 1015–1044)


19 Feb 1851
PEMISCOT created from NEW MADRID. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., pp. 190–192)


01 Jan 1821
PERRY created from STE. GENEVIEVE. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 15, secs. 1, 10/pp. 27–31)
16 Feb 1825
PERRY gained from STE. GENEVIEVE. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch.1, sec. 21/p. 239)
15 Feb 1847
PERRY exchanged with CAPE GIRARDEAU. (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., p. 18)
05 Mar 1849
PERRY exchanged with CAPE GIRARDEAU. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 33)


26 Jan 1833
PETTIS created from COOPER, MORGAN, ST. CLAIR, SALINE, and Non-County Area 15. Non-County Area 15 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 30, sec. 1/pp. 53–54)
03 Dec 1834
PETTIS lost to creation of Non-County Area 20. (Mo. Laws 1833–1834, pub., p. 416)
26 Feb 1845
PETTIS gained from BENTON. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 42)


13 Nov 1857
PHELPS created from CRAWFORD and MARIES. (Mo. Laws 1857, adj. sess., loc., pp. 397–398)
04 Mar 1859
PHELPS exchanged with MARIES. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, pp. 371–372)
12 Mar 1859
PHELPS gained from PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, p. 393)
27 Feb 1868
PHELPS gained from MARIES. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 23–24)


01 Feb 1819
PIKE created from ST. CHARLES. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 231, secs. 1, 8/pp. 585–588)
01 Jan 1821
PIKE lost to creation of RALLS, CHARITON, and Non-County Area 9, and lost to Non-County Area 2. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 12, secs. 1, 4/pp. 17–18 and ch. 14, secs. 1–5/pp. 21–26)
16 Jan 1829
PIKE lost to RALLS. (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 60, sec. 1/p. 72)


31 Dec 1838
PLATTE created from Non-County Area 28 and Non-County Area 12; Non-County Area 28 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 23–25)


05 Jan 1835
POLK created from GREENE, PULASKI, ST. CLAIR, and Non-County Area 16. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 42–43)
14 Mar 1835
POLK gained from BARRY, GREENE, and ST. CLAIR. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 44)
12 Jan 1841
POLK lost to creation of Non-County Area 32; Non-County Area 32 attached to POLK "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1848–1841, pub., pp. 42–43)
29 Jan 1841
POLK lost attached Non-County Area 32 to creation of DADE and NIANGUA (now DALLAS), and lost to ST. CLAIR; Non-County Area 32 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., secs. 16, 25–27/pp. 34–35)
14 Feb 1845
POLK lost to creation of HICKORY. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 16–18/pp. 32–33)
17 Mar 1845
POLK lost to ST. CLAIR. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 47)


01 Jun 1819
PULASKI (Ark.) created from ARKANSAS (Ark.) and Non-County Area 1; included territory in present Arkansas and Oklahoma. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 232a/secs. 1–3, 5/pp. 589–591)
04 Jul 1819
PULASKI (Ark.) became an Arkansas Territory county when the United States created Arkansas Territory from Missouri Territory. (U.S. Stat., vol. 3, ch. 49[1819]/pp. 493–496)


19 Jan 1833
PULASKI created from CRAWFORD and MORGAN. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 31, sec. 1/pp. 54–55)
05 Jan 1835
PULASKI lost to creation of POLK. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 42–43)
26 Jan 1835
PULASKI gained from GREENE and Non-County Area 16, exchanged with RIPLEY, lost to MORGAN, and lost to creation of Non-County Area 21 and Non-County Area 22. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 15–16)
17 Mar 1835
Non-County Area 21 attached to PULASKI "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 47)
06 Feb 1837
PULASKI gained from CRAWFORD, lost to creation of MILLER, and lost attached Non-County Area 21 to creation of MILLER and to COLE; Non-County Area 21 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 53–54, 48–49)
29 Jan 1841
PULASKI lost to creation of KINDERHOOK (now CAMDEN) and WRIGHT. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 19, 28/pp. 34–36)
23 Feb 1843
PULASKI lost to CRAWFORD. (Mo. Laws 1842–1842, pub., p. 44)
24 Feb 1849
PULASKI lost to creation of LACLEDE. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 28–29)
01 Mar 1855
PULASKI lost to OSAGE. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., p. 12)
04 Nov 1857
PULASKI lost to CRAWFORD. (Mo. Laws 1857, adj. sess., loc., pp. 406–407)
12 Mar 1859
PULASKI lost to PHELPS. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, p. 393)
17 May 1899
PULASKI's boundaries clarified [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1899, pp. 145–146)


22 Feb 1843
PUTNAM created from Non-County Area 23 and Non-County Area 24; PUTNAM not fully organized, attached to ADAIR "for all civil and military purposes." Non-County Area 24 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 44–45)
28 Feb 1845
PUTNAM lost to creation of Non-County Area 36; PUTNAM fully organized, detached from ADAIR. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., pp. 43–44)
18 Dec 1846
PUTNAM lost to creation of DODGE (extinct); DODGE not fully organized, attached to PUTNAM "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., p. 16)
13 Feb 1849
U.S. Supreme Court settled boundary dispute between Missouri and Iowa, dating from 11 February 1839, by rejecting both states' claims, choosing instead the Indian boundary line run and marked by John C. Sullivan in 1816 (the commonly accepted boundary before the dispute arose and the present boundary between the two states). The decision ended PUTNAM's claim to territory in the state of Iowa [no change]. (Landers, 647–648; Thomas, 269–270)
27 Feb 1849
DODGE (extinct) fully organized, detached from PUTNAM. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 27–28)
16 Mar 1853
PUTNAM gained all of DODGE; DODGE eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1852–1853, pub., pp. 72–74)

Quapaw Indian Reservation

01 Jun 1819
Quapaw Indian Reservation not included within any county jurisdiction. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 232a/secs. 1–3, 5/pp. 589–591)
04 Jul 1819
Quapaw Indian Reservation became part of Arkansas Territory when the United States created Arkansas Territory from Missouri Territory. (U.S. Stat., vol. 3, ch. 49[1819]/pp. 493–496)


01 Jan 1821
RALLS created from PIKE. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 12, secs. 1, 4/pp. 17–18)
14 Dec 1822
RALLS lost to creation of MARION and Non-County Area 10; MARION not fully organized, attached to RALLS "for all military, civil, and judicial purposes"; Non-County Area 10 attached to RALLS "for all military, civil, and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws 1822, ch. 38, secs. 1–3/pp. 61–62)
23 Dec 1826
RALLS gained from MARION; MARION fully organized, detached from RALLS; Non-County Area 10 detached from RALLS, attached to MARION "for all military, civil, and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws 1826–1827, ch. 31, secs. 1–2, 8/pp. 40–41)
16 Jan 1829
RALLS gained from PIKE. (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 60, sec. 1/p. 72)
22 Jan 1829
RALLS lost to creation of RANDOLPH. (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 29, secs. 1–2, 7/pp. 42–44, and ch. 30, sec. 1/p. 44)
06 Jan 1831
RALLS lost to creation of MONROE and Non-County Area 16. (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 15, secs. 1, 6/pp. 21–22)
12 Jan 1831
RALLS lost to creation of AUDRAIN. AUDRAIN not fully organized, part attached to RALLS "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 13, secs. 1–2/p. 20)
17 Dec 1836
AUDRAIN fully organized, detached from RALLS. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 44–45)
06 Jan 1837
RALLS lost to creation of MACON. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 51)


22 Jan 1829
RANDOLPH created from RALLS and Non-County Area 6. Non-County Area 6 detached from CHARITON and attached to RANDOLPH "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 29, secs. 1–2, 7/pp. 42–44 and ch. 30, sec. 1/p. 44)
06 Jan 1837
RANDOLPH lost attached Non-County Area 6 to creation of LINN, LIVINGSTON, MACON, Non-County Area 23, and Non-County Area 24; Non-County Area 6 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 51)


01 Jan 1821
RAY created from HOWARD; Non-County Area 7 attached to RAY "for all legislative, judicial, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 14, secs. 1–5/pp. 21–26)
02 Jan 1822
RAY lost to creation of CLAY and lost part of attached Non-County Area 7 to creation of CLAY. (Mo. Laws 1821–1822, ch. 39, sec. 1/pp. 60–62)
16 Feb 1825
RAY lost to Non-County Area 7 and lost part of attached Non-County Area 7 to Non-County Area 6. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch. 1, sec. 20/pp. 238–239)
02 Jan 1833
RAY lost part of attached Non-County Area 7 to creation of CARROLL and Non-County Area 18. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 24, secs. 1, 5/pp. 46–47)
29 Dec 1836
RAY lost part of Non-County Area 7 to creation of CALDWELL and DAVIESS; remainder of Non-County Area 7 detached from RAY and attached to DAVIESS "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 46–47)
25 Jan 1839
RAY gained from Non-County Area 7. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., p. 25)


25 Feb 1845
REYNOLDS created from SHANNON and WAYNE. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 41)
15 Mar 1845
REYNOLDS exchanged with WAYNE. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 47)
05 Feb 1849
REYNOLDS gained from MADISON and WAYNE. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 34–35)
17 Feb 1857
REYNOLDS lost to creation of IRON. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, gen., pp. 52–55)
24 Mar 1868
REYNOLDS exchanged with DENT and SHANNON. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp.16–23)
25 Mar 1868
REYNOLDS gained from IRON and SHANNON, and lost to DENT. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 24–25)
09 Mar 1872
REYNOLDS gained from CARTER, DENT, and SHANNON, exchanged with WAYNE, lost to IRON. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 25–26)


12 Jan 1831
RIPLEY created from WAYNE; RIPLEY not fully organized, attached to WAYNE "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 19, secs. 1–3/pp. 26–27)
05 Jan 1833
RIPLEY gained from Non-County Area 13; Non-County Area 13 eliminated. RIPLEY fully organized, detached from WAYNE. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., secs. 1–2/pp. 55–56 and ch. 33. sec. 1/pp. 56–57)
26 Jan 1835
RIPLEY exchanged with PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 15–16)
14 Jan 1837
RIPLEY lost to creation of SHANNON; SHANNON attached to RIPLEY and WASHINGTON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 54–55)
29 Jan 1841
RIPLEY lost to creation of OZARK; SHANNON fully organized, detached from RIPLEY. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., secs. 22, 43–45/pp. 35, 37)
15 Feb 1841
RIPLEY lost to creation of OREGON; OREGON not fully organized, attached to RIPLEY "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 43)
14 Feb 1845
OREGON fully organized, detached from RIPLEY. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 35–37/p. 35)
02 Mar 1849
RIPLEY's boundaries defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 35–36)
10 Mar 1859
RIPLEY lost to creation of CARTER, and lost to SHANNON. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, pp. 314–316)
18 Mar 1863
RIPLEY gained from BUTLER. (Mo. Laws 1862–1863, loc., p. 56)
21 Jan 1864
RIPLEY lost to BUTLER. (Mo. Laws 1863–1864, adj. sess., spec., p. 409)
24 Mar 1868
RIPLEY exchanged with OREGON. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)
01 Apr 1872
RIPLEY exchanged with BUTLER. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 21–22; Mo. Laws 1874, adj. sess., gen., p. 28)


St. Charles District (see ST. CHARLES)


01 Oct 1804
St. Charles District (now ST. CHARLES) created within the District of Louisiana. (Terr. Papers U.S., 13: 51–52; U.S. Stat., vol. 2, ch. 38 [1804]/pp. 283–289; Violette, 46–47)
07 Dec 1812
St. Charles District became ST. CHARLES County. (Terr. Papers U.S., 14:599–601; U.S. Stat., vol. 2, ch. 95[1812]/pp. 743–747)
31 Dec 1813
ST. CHARLES lost to creation of Non-County Area 2. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1813–1814, ch. 99, sec. 1/pp. 293–295)
09 Mar 1815
ST. CHARLES gained from Non-County Area 2. (Terr. Papers U.S., 15: 40–41)
01 Mar 1816
ST. CHARLES lost to creation of HOWARD. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1815–1816, ch. 162, secs. 1, 8/pp. 460–464)
01 Jan 1819
ST. CHARLES lost to creation of LINCOLN, MONTGOMERY, and Non-County Area 3. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 228, secs. 1, 8/pp. 572–576 and ch. 230, secs. 1, 8/pp. 580–584)
01 Feb 1819
ST. CHARLES lost to creation of PIKE. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 231, secs. 1, 8/pp. 585–588)


16 Jan 1833
ST. CLAIR created from LAFAYETTE, Non-County Area 15, and Non-County Area 16; ST. CLAIR not fully organized, attached to GREENE "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 27, sec. 4/p. 51)
26 Jan 1833
ST. CLAIR lost to creation of PETTIS. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 30, sec. 1/pp. 53–54)
03 Jan 1835
ST. CLAIR gained from Non-County Area 20, lost to creation of BENTON. Non-County Area 20 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 41–42)
05 Jan 1835
ST. CLAIR lost to creation of POLK. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 42–43)
11 Feb 1835
ST. CLAIR detached from GREENE, attached to RIVES (now HENRY) "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1843–1835, priv. and loc., p. 47)
14 Mar 1835
ST. CLAIR lost to POLK. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 44)
29 Jan 1841
ST. CLAIR gained from Non-County Area 32; Non-County Area 32 eliminated. ST. CLAIR fully organized, detached from RIVES (now HENRY). (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., secs. 25–27/p. 35)
14 Feb 1845
ST CLAIR lost to creation of CEDAR. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 49–51/p. 37)
17 Mar 1845
ST CLAIR gained from POLK. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 47)
12 Mar 1859
ST. CLAIR gained from HENRY. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, p. 425)
31 May 1879
ST. CLAIR gained from BENTON (the area gained by ST. CLAIR was incorrectly included as part of BENTON in the state's Revised Statutes until 1939). (Mo. Laws 1889, p. 66; Mo. Laws 1939, pp. 635–636, 653–654; Mo. Vernon's 1949, pp. 13–14)


19 Dec 1821
ST. FRANCOIS created from JEFFERSON, STE. GENEVIEVE, and WASHINGTON. (Mo. Laws 1821–1822, ch. 26, sec. 1/pp. 28–30)
16 Jan 1833
ST. FRANCOIS gained from WASHINGTON. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 34, sec. 1/p. 57)
02 Jan 1843
ST. FRANCOIS lost to STE. GENEVIEVE. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 45)
17 Feb 1857
ST. FRANCOIS lost to creation of IRON and gained from WASHINGTON. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, gen., pp. 52–55)
20 Mar 1875
ST. FRANCOIS's boundaries defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1875, gen., pp. 32–33)

St. Louis District (see ST. LOUIS)


01 Oct 1804
St. Louis District (now ST. LOUIS) created within the District of Louisiana. (Terr. Papers U.S., 13: 51–52; U.S. Stat., vol. 2, ch. 38 [1804]/pp. 283–289; Violette, 46–47)
07 Dec 1812
St. Louis District became ST. LOUIS County; ST. LOUIS gained from STE. GENEVIEVE and lost to creation of Non-County Area 1 when its western boundary was redefined as the boundary of the "Osage Purchase." (Terr. Papers U.S., 14:599–601; U.S. Stat., vol. 2, ch. 95[1812]/pp. 743–747; Royce, 676–677, pls. 112, 144)
01 Nov 1813
ST. LOUIS lost to creation of WASHINGTON. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1813–1814, ch. 95, secs. 1,11/pp. 285–290; Violette, 78)
31 Dec 1813
ST. LOUIS exchanged with WASHINGTON, lost to STE. GENEVIEVE. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1813–1814, ch. 99, sec. 1/pp. 293–295)
01 Mar 1816
ST. LOUIS lost to creation of HOWARD. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1815–1816, ch. 162, secs. 1, 8/pp. 460–464)
01 Jan 1819
ST. LOUIS lost to creation of FRANKLIN and JEFFERSON. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, chs. 220, 225, pp. 554–558, 562–566)
22 Oct 1876
ST. LOUIS lost to creation of ST. LOUIS CITY. (Hyde and Conard, 4: 1993–1996)


22 Oct 1876
ST. LOUIS CITY created from ST. LOUIS county. (Hyde and Conard, 4: 1993–1996)

Ste. Genevieve District (see STE. GENEVIEVE)


01 Oct 1804
Ste. Genevieve District (now STE. GENEVIEVE) created within the District of Louisiana. (Terr. Papers U.S., 13: 51–52; U.S. Stat., vol. 2, ch. 38 [1804]/pp. 283–289; Violette, 46–47)
07 Dec 1812
Ste. Genevieve District became STE. GENEVIEVE County; STE. GENEVIEVE lost to ST. LOUIS, and lost to creation of Non-County Area 1 when its western boundary was redefined as the boundary of the "Osage Purchase." (Terr. Papers U.S., 14:599–601; U.S. Stat., vol. 2, ch. 95[1812]/pp. 743–747; Royce, 676–677, pls. 112, 144)
01 Nov 1813
STE. GENEVIEVE lost to creation of WASHINGTON. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1813–1814, ch. 95, secs. 1,11/pp. 285–290; Violette, 78)
31 Dec 1813
STE. GENEVIEVE gained from CAPE GIRARDEAU and ST. LOUIS, lost to WASHINGTON. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1813–1814, ch. 99, sec. 1/pp. 293–295)
01 Jan 1819
STE. GENEVIEVE lost to creation of JEFFERSON and MADISON. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, chs. 220, 229, pp. 554–558, 576–580)
01 Jan 1821
STE. GENEVIEVE lost to creation of PERRY. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 15, secs. 1, 10/pp. 27–31)
19 Dec 1821
STE. GENEVIEVE lost to creation of ST. FRANCOIS. (Mo. Laws 1821–1822, ch. 26, sec. 1/pp. 28–30)
16 Feb 1825
STE. GENEVIEVE lost to JEFFERSON and PERRY. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch. 1, sec. 3/pp. 231–232)
01 Feb 1831
Boundary between STE. GENEVIEVE and JEFFERSON clarified [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 17, sec. 3/pp. 24–25; Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 34, sec. 2/p. 57)
02 Jan 1843
STE. GENEVIEVE gained from ST. FRANCOIS. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 45)
07 Mar 1849
STE. GENEVIEVE gained from JEFFERSON. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 32–33)
10 Mar 1859
Boundary between STE. GENEVIEVE and JEFFERSON defined [no discernible change]. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, p. 361)
11 Jan 1870
STE. GENEVIEVE's and JEFFERSON's boundaries defined [no discernible change]. (Mo. Laws 1870, adj. sess., gen., pp. 32–33)


01 Jan 1821
SALINE created from COOPER. (Mo. Laws 1820–1821, ch. 27, secs. 1, 11/pp. 48–51)
12 Jan 1829
SALINE lost to creation of Non-County Area 15; Non-County Area 15 attached to SALINE "for all purposes, civil and military." (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 58, sec. 102/pp. 70–71)
05 Jan 1833
SALINE lost part of attached Non-County Area 15 to creation of MORGAN. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 29, sec. 1/pp. 52–53)
16 Jan 1833
SALINE lost part of attached Non-County Area 15 to creation of ST. CLAIR. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 27, sec. 4/p. 51)
26 Jan 1833
SALINE lost to creation of PETTIS and lost all of attached Non-County Area 15 to creation of PETTIS; Non-County Area 15 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 30, sec. 1/pp. 53–54)
28 Mar 1845
SALINE gained from COOPER. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 9, 69/pp. 134,143)


17 Feb 1843
SCHUYLER created from Non-County Area 24; SCHUYLER not fully organized, attached to ADAIR "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 46)
14 Feb 1845
SCHUYLER fully organized, detached from ADAIR. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 19, 43/pp. 33, 36)
13 Feb 1849
U.S. Supreme Court settled boundary dispute between Missouri and Iowa, dating from 11 February 1839, by rejecting both states' claims, choosing instead the Indian boundary line run and marked by John C. Sullivan in 1816 (the commonly accepted boundary before the dispute arose and the present boundary between the two states). The decision ended SCHUYLER's claim to territory in the state of Iowa [no change]. (Landers, 647–648; Thomas, 269–270)


29 Jan 1841
SCOTLAND created from Non-County Area 19, Non-County Area 26, and Non-County Area 27. Non-County Area 19, Non-County Area 26, and Non-County Area 27 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 32/p. 36)
06 Jan 1843
SCOTLAND lost to creation of KNOX; KNOX not fully organized, attached to SCOTLAND "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 46–47)
14 Feb 1845
KNOX fully organized, detached from SCOTLAND. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 26–28/p. 34)
13 Feb 1849
U.S. Supreme Court settled boundary dispute between Missouri and Iowa, dating from 11 February 1839, by rejecting both states' claims, choosing instead the Indian boundary line run and marked by John C. Sullivan in 1816 (the commonly accepted boundary before the dispute arose and the present boundary between the two states). The decision ended SCOTLAND's claim to territory in the state of Iowa [no change]. (Landers, 647–648; Thomas, 269–270)


01 Mar 1822
SCOTT created from NEW MADRID. (Mo. Laws 1821–1822, ch. 28, secs. 1, 8/pp. 32–36)
28 Nov 1822
Boundary between SCOTT and NEW MADRID redefined [no discernible change]. (Mo. Laws 1822, ch. 9, secs. 1–2/p. 15)
30 Dec 1824
SCOTT gained from CAPE GIRARDEAU. (Mo. Laws 1824–1825, pub., ch. 9, secs. 1–2/p. 11)
16 Feb 1825
SCOTT gained from WAYNE, lost to CAPE GIRARDEAU. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch. 1, sec. 27/p. 241)
16 Jan 1829
SCOTT lost to creation of STODDARD. (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 59, secs. 1–3/pp. 71–72)
12 Feb 1839
Boundary between SCOTT and NEW MADRID defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., pp. 25–26)
19 Dec 1842
SCOTT lost to creation of MISSISSIPPI; MISSISSIPPI not fully organized, attached to SCOTT "for all civil, criminal, and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 42)
14 Feb 1845
MISSISSIPPI fully organized, detached from SCOTT. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 21, 41/pp. 33–34, 36)
28 Mar 1845
SCOTT gained from CAPE GIRARDEAU. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, secs. 28, 84/pp. 137, 145–146)
10 Mar 1849
SCOTT gained from MISSISSIPPI. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 33)
10 Feb 1851
SCOTT lost to MISSISSIPPI. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., p. 63)
30 Jan 1857
Boundaries between SCOTT and MISSISSIPPI and between SCOTT and NEW MADRID defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, loc., pp. 273, 439–440)
10 Mar 1859
SCOTT exchanged with MISSISSIPPI. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, p. 411)
10 Feb 1865
SCOTT exchanged with CAPE GIRARDEAU. (Mo. Laws 1864–1865, adj. sess., spec., pp. 310–311)
14 Mar 1872
SCOTT's boundaries defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 23–24)



14 Jan 1837
SHANNON created from CRAWFORD and RIPLEY; SHANNON attached to RIPLEY and WASHINGTON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 54–55)
29 Jan 1841
SHANNON fully organized, detached from RIPLEY and WASHINGTON; SHANNON boundaries defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., secs. 43–45/p. 37)
17 Feb 1843
SHANNON lost to creation of ASHLEY (now TEXAS); ASHLEY not fully organized, part attached to SHANNON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 35)
25 Feb 1843
SHANNON exchanged with MADISON. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 41)
14 Feb 1845
TEXAS fully organized, detached from SHANNON. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 12–14/p. 32)
25 Feb 1845
SHANNON lost to WAYNE, and lost to creation of REYNOLDS. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 41)
20 Mar 1845
SHANNON gained from TEXAS. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 49)
10 Feb 1851
SHANNON lost to creation of DENT. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., pp. 183–186)
13 Dec 1855
SHANNON lost to DENT. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1854–1855, ch. 41, secs. 58, 93/pp. 476–477, 490)
10 Mar 1859
SHANNON gained from RIPLEY and lost to creation of CARTER. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, pp. 314–316)
12 Mar 1859
SHANNON gained from OREGON. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, p. 413)
24 Mar 1868
SHANNON exchanged with REYNOLDS, lost to CARTER. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)
25 Mar 1868
SHANNON lost to REYNOLDS. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 24–25)
09 Mar 1872
SHANNON lost to REYNOLDS. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 25–26)


02 Jan 1835
SHELBY created from Non-County Area 10. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 40)
06 Feb 1837
Non-County Area 27 created from Non-County Area 19, attached to SHELBY "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 48–49)
29 Jan 1841
SHELBY lost attached Non-County Area 27 to creation of SCOTLAND; Non-County Area 27 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 32/p. 36)
13 Feb 1843
SHELBY gained from MONROE. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 47)


16 Jan 1829
STODDARD created from CAPE GIRARDEAU, NEW MADRID, SCOTT, and WAYNE; STODDARD not fully organized, attached to CAPE GIRARDEAU "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 59, secs. 1–3/pp. 71–72)
02 Jan 1835
STODDARD exchanged with CAPE GIRARDEAU, NEW MADRID, and WAYNE; STODDARD fully organized, detached from CAPE GIRARDEAU. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 39–40)
11 Jan 1841
STODDARD gained from NEW MADRID. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., p. 44)
27 Feb 1843
STODDARD lost to creation of DUNKLIN; DUNKLIN not fully organized, attached to STODDARD "for all civil, military, and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 36)
14 Feb 1845
DUNKLIN fully organized, detached from STODDARD. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 20, 48/pp. 33, 36)
01 Mar 1851
STODDARD lost to creation of BOLLINGER. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., pp. 193–194)
18 Feb 1853
STODDARD lost to CAPE GIRARDEAU and DUNKLIN. (Mo. Laws 1852–1853, pub., p. 72; Mo. Laws 1856–1857, loc., pp. 329–330)
13 Dec 1855
STODDARD gained from NEW MADRID; STODDARD boundary with DUNKLIN incorrectly defined as that existing prior to 18 February 1853; definition corrected on 4 March 1857 [no change]. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1854–1855, ch. 41, secs. 59, 79, 94/pp. 477, 484–485, 490–491)
04 Mar 1857
STODDARD / DUNKLIN boundary change of 18 February 1853 "revived and reenacted" (repealing DUNKLIN's boundary description in Revised Statutes, enacted 13 December 1855) [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, loc., pp. 329–330)
14 Mar 1859
STODDARD lost to BOLLINGER. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, p. 304; Vernon's Annotated Missouri Statutes 1949, 4:15)
24 Mar 1868
STODDARD exchanged with WAYNE. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)
14 Mar 1872
STODDARD exchanged with NEW MADRID and WAYNE. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 23–24)
27 Mar 1883
Boundaries of STODDARD, BUTLER and WAYNE clarified [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1883, pp. 55–57)


10 Feb 1851
STONE created from TANEY. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., pp. 186–188; Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., pp. 15–16)


17 Feb 1843
HIGHLAND (now SULLIVAN) created from part of Non-County Area 23; HIGHLAND (now SULLIVAN) not fully organized, attached to LINN "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 37–38)
14 Feb 1845
HIGHLAND renamed SULLIVAN; SULLIVAN fully organized, detached from LINN. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 19, 43/pp. 33, 36)
15 Mar 1845
Non-County Area 23 detached from LINN and attached to SULLIVAN "for civil and military purposes." Non-County Area 36 attached to SULLIVAN "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 47)
18 Dec 1846
SULLIVAN lost attached Non-County Area 23 and Non-County Area 36 to creation of DODGE (extinct); Non-County Area 23 and Non-County Area 36 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1846–1847, pub., p. 16)


19 Mar 1835
TANEY created from GREENE; TANEY not fully organized, attached to GREENE "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1843–1835, priv. and loc., p. 46)
06 Jan 1837
TANEY fully organized, detached from GREENE; TANEY's boundaries defined [no change]; Non-County Area 25 attached to TANEY "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 51–52)
25 Jan 1839
TANEY gained from Non-County Area 25. (Mo. Laws 1838–1839, pub., p. 27)
29 Jan 1841
TANEY lost attached Non-County Area 25 to creation of OZARK; Non-County Area 25 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 22/p. 35)
02 Mar 1849
TANEY lost to GREENE. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., p. 36)
10 Feb 1851
TANEY lost to creation of STONE. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., pp. 186–188; Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., pp. 15–16)
28 Feb 1855
TANEY gained from GREENE. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., p. 15)
08 Mar 1859
TANEY lost to creation of CHRISTIAN. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, pp. 321–323)
20 Nov 1864
TANEY lost to DOUGLAS. (Mo. Laws 1863–1864, adj. sess., spec., p. 280)


17 Feb 1843
ASHLEY (now TEXAS) created from SHANNON, WRIGHT, and Non-County Area 33; ASHLEY not fully organized, parts attached to SHANNON and WRIGHT "for all civil and military purposes." Non-County Area 33 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 35)
14 Feb 1845
ASHLEY renamed TEXAS; TEXAS fully organized, detached from SHANNON and WRIGHT. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 12–14/p. 32)
20 Mar 1845
TEXAS lost to SHANNON. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 49)
05 Dec 1855
TEXAS lost to DENT. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., pp. 44–45)
14 Jan 1860
TEXAS lost to DENT. (Mo. Laws 1859–1860, adj. sess., p. 474)
08 Feb 1870
TEXAS gained from DOUGLAS. (Mo. Laws 1870, adj. sess., gen., pp. 33–34)
11 Jan 1872
TEXAS lost to DOUGLAS. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 22–23)

Unorganized Federal Territory

10 Aug 1821
Non-County Area 2 and most of Non-County Area 1 became unorganized federal territory when the state of Missouri was created from Missouri Territory. The northwestern corner of present Missouri was part of the unorganized federal territory. (Terr. Papers U.S., 15:742–744; U.S. Stat., vol. 3, ch. 22[1820]/pp. 545–548)
26 May 1824
The unorganized federal territory gained from Arkansas Territory. (U.S. Stat., vol. 4, ch. 155 [1824]/pp. 40–41)
06 May 1828
The unorganized federal territory gained when the western boundary of Arkansas Territory was redefined in a treaty with the Cherokee. (U.S. Stat., vol. 7 [1828]/pp. 311–315; Van Zandt, 119)
28 Jun 1834
Unorganized federal territory lost to Michigan Territory. (Terr. Papers U.S., 12:778–779; U.S. Stat., vol. 4, ch. 98 [1834]/p. 701)
28 Mar 1837
Unorganized federal territory lost to Non-County area 12 and lost to creation of Non-County Area 28, when the northwestern boundary of the State of Missouri was extended to the Missouri River. Unorganized federal territory eliminated from Missouri. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., p. 49; U.S. Stat., vol. 5, ch. 86[1836]/p. 34, and res. 2, p. 802)


VERNON (original, extinct)

04 Aug 1851
VERNON (original, extinct) created from BATES and CASS. (Atcheson, 133–134; History of Vernon Co., 192–193; Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., pp. 188–189; Mo. Reports 17: 521–529)
01 Jan 1853
Creation of VERNON (original, extinct) ruled unconstitutional by state supreme court; parts reverted to BATES and CASS. VERNON (original) eliminated. (Mo. Reports 17: 521–529)


27 Feb 1855
VERNON created from BATES. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., pp. 17–18)


05 Jan 1833
WARREN created from MONTGOMERY. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 95, sec. 1/pp. 126–128)
26 Jan 1843
WARREN exchanged with LINCOLN. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 30–40)
24 Feb 1843
WARREN exchanged with LINCOLN. (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., pp. 40–41)


01 Nov 1813
WASHINGTON created from ST. LOUIS and STE. GENEVIEVE. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1813–1814, ch. 95, secs. 1,11/pp. 285–290; Violette, 78)
31 Dec 1813
WASHINGTON gained from CAPE GIRARDEAU and STE. GENEVIEVE, exchanged with ST. LOUIS. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1813–1814, ch. 99, sec. 1/pp. 293–295)
19 Dec 1821
WASHINGTON lost to creation of ST. FRANCOIS. (Mo. Laws 1821–1822, ch. 26, sec. 1/pp. 28–30)
16 Feb 1825
WASHINGTON gained from FRANKLIN and JEFFERSON, lost to WAYNE, Non-County Area 8, Non-County Area 11, and Non-County Area 13; inadvertently lost to creation of Non-County Area 14. Non-County Area 13 attached to WASHINGTON "for administrative and judicial purposes." (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch. 1. secs. 6, 9/p. 233–234)
05 Jan 1833
WASHINGTON lost attached Non-County Area 13 to RIPLEY; Non-County Area 13 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., secs. 1–2/pp. 55–56, and ch. 33, sec. 1/pp. 56–57)
16 Jan 1833
WASHINGTON lost to ST. FRANCOIS. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., ch. 34, sec. 1/p. 57)
14 Jan 1837
SHANNON attached to RIPLEY and WASHINGTON "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 54–55)
29 Jan 1841
SHANNON fully organized, detached from WASHINGTON. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., secs. 43–45/p. 37)
17 Feb 1857
WASHINGTON lost to creation of IRON, and lost to ST. FRANCOIS. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, gen., pp. 52–55)
03 Mar 1857
WASHINGTON lost to IRON. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, gen., p. 55)


01 Feb 1819
WAYNE created from CAPE GIRARDEAU, LAWRENCE (original), and NEW MADRID. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818–1819, ch. 226, secs. 1, 10/pp. 567–571)
16 Feb 1825
WAYNE gained all of LAWRENCE (original), LAWRENCE (original) eliminated. WAYNE gained from Non-County Area 1 and Non-County Area 4. (Mo. Laws Rev., 1825, ch. 1, sec. 10/pp. 234–235)
16 Jan 1829
WAYNE lost to creation of STODDARD. (Mo. Laws 1828–1829, ch. 59, secs. 1–3/pp. 71–72)
04 Jan 1831
WAYNE lost to CRAWFORD. (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 14, sec. 1/p. 21)
12 Jan 1831
WAYNE lost to creation of RIPLEY, and lost to Non-County Area 16. RIPLEY not fully organized, attached to WAYNE "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1830–1831, pub., ch. 19, secs. 1–3/pp. 26–27)
05 Jan 1833
RIPLEY fully organized, detached from WAYNE. (Mo. Laws 1832–1833, pub., secs. 1–2/pp. 55–56 and ch. 33, sec. 1/pp. 56–57)
02 Jan 1835
WAYNE exchanged with STODDARD. (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., pp. 39–40)
25 Feb 1845
WAYNE gained from SHANNON, lost to creation of REYNOLDS. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 41)
15 Mar 1845
WAYNE exchanged with REYNOLDS. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 47)
05 Feb 1849
WAYNE gained from MADISON, lost to REYNOLDS. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 34–35)
27 Feb 1849
WAYNE lost to creation of BUTLER. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 25–27)
01 Mar 1851
WAYNE lost to creation of BOLLINGER. (Mo. Laws 1850–1851, pub., pp. 193–194)
17 Feb 1857
WAYNE lost to creation of IRON. (Mo. Laws 1856–1857, gen., pp. 52–55)
24 Mar 1868
WAYNE exchanged with STODDARD. (Mo. Laws 1868, adj. sess., gen., pp. 16–23)
09 Mar 1872
WAYNE exchanged with BOLLINGER, CARTER, and REYNOLDS. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 25–26)
14 Mar 1872
WAYNE exchanged with STODDARD. (Mo. Laws 1871–1872, adj. sess., gen., pp. 23–24)
27 Mar 1883
Boundaries of WAYNE, BUTLER and STODDARD clarified [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1883, pp. 55–57)


03 Mar 1855
WEBSTER created from GREENE. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., p. 16)
07 Dec 1855
WEBSTER gained from DALLAS and GREENE. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., pp. 40–42)
08 Mar 1859
WEBSTER lost to creation of CHRISTIAN. (Mo. Laws 1858–1859, pp. 321–323)
31 Dec 1859
WEBSTER boundaries defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1859–1860, adj. sess., p. 536)
05 Feb 1864
WEBSTER lost to DOUGLAS. (Mo. Laws 1863–1864, adj. sess., spec., p. 280)

WHITE (extinct)

19 Mar 1835
WHITE (extinct) created from GREENE; WHITE (extinct) not fully organized, attached to GREENE "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1834–1835, priv. and loc., p. 46)
06 Jan 1837
WHITE (extinct) lost to creation of Non-County Area 25; WHITE eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1836–1837, pub., pp. 51–52)


25 Feb 1861
WORTH created from Non-County Area 34; Non-County Area 34 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1860–1861, loc., pp. 470–473)
25 Feb 1863
WORTH gained from NODAWAY. (Mo. Laws 1862–1863, p. 57; Mo. Laws 1870, adj. sess., pp. 193–194)


29 Jan 1841
WRIGHT created from PULASKI. (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., sec. 19/p. 34)
11 Feb 1841
WRIGHT lost to creation of Non-County Area 33; Non-County Area 33 attached to WRIGHT "for civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1840–1841, pub., pp. 46–47)
17 Feb 1843
WRIGHT lost to creation of ASHLEY (now TEXAS) and lost Non-County Area 33 to creation of ASHLEY; Non-County Area 33 eliminated. ASHLEY not fully organized, part attached to WRIGHT "for all civil and military purposes." Non-County Area 22 attached to WRIGHT "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1842–1843, pub., p. 35)
14 Feb 1845
TEXAS fully organized, detached from WRIGHT. (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, secs. 12–14/p. 32)
24 Mar 1845
WRIGHT lost to creation of Non-County Area 37; Non-County Area 37 attached to WRIGHT "for all civil and military purposes." (Mo. Laws 1844–1845, loc. and priv., p. 50)
28 Mar 1845
WRIGHT gained from Non-County Area 22; Non-County Area 22 eliminated. (Mo. Rev. Stat. 1845, sec. 23/p. 136)
24 Feb 1849
WRIGHT lost attached Non-County Area 37 to creation of LACLEDE; Non-County Area 37 eliminated. (Mo. Laws 1848–1849, pub., pp. 28–29)
28 Feb 1855
WRIGHT lost to GREENE. (Mo. Laws 1854–1855, pub., p. 15)
07 Dec 1855
WRIGHT boundaries defined [no change]. (Mo. Laws 1855, adj. sess., loc. and priv., pp. 40–42)