Kansas Atlas of Historical County Boundaries
John H. Long, Editor; Peggy Tuck Sinko, Associate Editor and Historical Compiler; Emily Kelley, Research Associate; Laura Rico, GIS Compiler; Peter Siczewicz, ArcIMS Interactive Map Designer; Robert Will, Cartographic Assistant
Copyright The Newberry Library 2005
Andreas, A. T. History of the State of Kansas. See History of the State of Kansas.
Atlas of Atchison County, Kansas; Containing Maps of Townships of the County. Des Moines, Iowa: Anderson Publishing Co., 1925.
Atlas of Doniphan County, Kansas; Containing Maps of Townships of the County. Des Moines, Iowa: Anderson Publishing Co., 1927.
Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Nevada, Colorado, and Wyoming, 1540–1888. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, vol. 25. San Francisco, 1890.
Baughman, Robert W. Kansas in Maps. Topeka: Kansas State Historical Society, 1961. This volume reproduces over ninety historic maps of Kansas.
Bentley, Orsemus H., ed. History of Wichita and Sedgwick County, Kansas, Past and Present. Including an Account of the Cities, Towns and Villages of the County. 2 vols. Chicago: C. F. Cooper and Co., 1910.
Blackmar, Frank W., ed. Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History, Embracing Events, Institutions, Industries, Counties, Cities, Towns, Prominent Persons, Etc. 3 vols. in 4. Chicago: Standard Publishing Co., 1912.
Blue Skyways: A Service of the Kansas State Library, “Kansas Counties,” 23 November 2004, http://skyways.lib.ks.us/counties. Includes some information not found on the “Kansas Counties” portion of the Kansas State Historical Society Web site.
The Caldwell Messenger. History of Sumner County, Kansas. Dallas, Texas: Curtis Media Corp., 1987.
Cauthers, T. R. “Ashland the County Seat of Clark County.” Notes on Early Clark County 1 (1939–1940): 56–57.
Cheyenne County Historical Society. History of Cheyenne County, Kansas. Dallas, Texas: Curtis Media Corp., 1987.
Connelley, William E. History of Kansas: State and People. 5 vols. Chicago: American Historical Society, Inc., 1928.
Dassler, C. F. W., comp. General Statutes of Kansas, 1901, Authenticated. Being a Compilation of All the Laws of a General Nature, Including the Session Laws of 1901; Based Upon the General Statutes of 1868 and Dassler’s Compiled Laws of 1885. Topeka: Crane and Co., 1901.
Dubester, Henry J. State Censuses: An Annotated Bibliography of Censuses of Population Taken after the Year 1790 by States and Territories of the United States. 1948. Reprint. New York: Burt Franklin, 1969. The standard guide for its subject.
Duncan, L. Wallace, and Charles F. Scott, eds. and comps. History of Allen and Woodson Counties, Kansas, Illustrated. Iola, Kansas: Iola Register, 1901.
Filby, P. William, comp. American and British Genealogy and Heraldry: A Selected List of Books. 3d ed. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1983.
Filby, P. William, comp. American and British Genealogy and Heraldry: 1982–1985 Supplement. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1987.
Filby, P. William, comp. Bibliography of American County Histories. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985.
Finney County Kansas Historical Society. History of Finney County, Kansas. 2 vols. N. p.: Finney County Kansas Historical Society, 1950–1954.
“First Proceedings of the Woodson County Supervisors.” In the Beginning: Quarterly of the Woodson County Historical Society 1, no. 3 (July 1968): 3–7.
Ford, Royal E. History of Scott County, Missouri. Oak Ridge, Mo.: Royal E. Ford, 1939.
Fritz, Percy Stanley. Colorado: The Centennial State. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1941.
General Statutes of the State of Kansas. Lawrence, 1868. Chapter 24 contains county boundary descriptions.
Gill, Helen G. “Establishment of Counties in Kansas.” Transactions of the Kansas State Historical Society 8 (1903–1904): 449–472.
“Governor Denver’s Administration.” Kansas State Historical Society, Transactions 5 (1889–1896): 464–561.
Greeley County Historical Book Committee. History of Early Greeley County: A Story of Its Tracks, Trails and Tribulations. Vol. 1. Tribune, Kan.: Greeley County History Book Committee, 1981.
Harrington, W. P. History of Gove County, Kansas. Gove City, Kansas: Republican-Gazette Office, 1930.
Historical Plat Book of Doniphan County, Kansas. With Illustrations. Chicago: J. S. Bird, 1882.
Historical Records Survey, Kansas. Bourbon County (Fort Scott). Inventory of the County Archives of Kansas, no. 6. Topeka: Kansas Historical Records Survey Project, 1940. Cited as HRS Kansas, Bourbon.
Historical Records Survey, Kansas. Cherokee County (Columbus). Inventory of the County Archives of Kansas, no. 11. Topeka: Kansas Historical Records Survey Project, 1940. Cited as HRS Kansas, Cherokee.
Historical Records Survey, Kansas. Franklin County (Ottawa). Inventory of the County Archives of Kansas, no. 30. Topeka: Historical Records Survey, 1939. Cited as HRS Kansas, Franklin.
Historical Records Survey, Kansas. Gove County (Gove City). Inventory of the County Archives of Kansas, no. 32. Topeka: Kansas Historical Records Survey, 1941. Cited as HRS Kansas, Gove.
Historical Records Survey, Kansas. Graham County (Hill City). Inventory of the County Archives of Kansas, no. 33. Topeka: Historical Records Survey, 1938. Cited as HRS Kansas, Graham.
Historical Records Survey, Kansas. Greenwood County (Eureka). Inventory of the County Archives of Kansas, no. 37. Topeka: Historical Records Survey, 1938. Cited as HRS Kansas, Greenwood.
Historical Records Survey, Kansas. Montgomery County (Independence). Inventory of the County Archives of Kansas, no. 63. Topeka: Historical Records Survey, 1938. Cited as HRS Kansas, Montgomery.
Historical Records Survey, Kansas. Morris County (Council Grove). Inventory of the County Archives of Kansas, no. 64. Topeka: Kansas Historical Records Survey, 1942. Cited as HRS Kansas, Morris.
Historical Records Survey, Kansas. Osage County (Lyndon). Inventory of the County Archives of Kansas, no. 70. Topeka: Kansas Historical Records Survey, 1941. Cited as HRS Kansas, Osage.
Historical Records Survey, Kansas. Phillips County (Phillipsburg). Inventory of the County Archives of Kansas, no. 74. Topeka: Kansas Historical Records Survey, 1941. Cited as HRS Kansas, Phillips.
Historical Records Survey, Kansas. Seward County (Liberal). Inventory of the County Archives of Kansas, no. 88. Topeka: Historical Records Survey, 1938. Cited as HRS Kansas, Seward.
History of the State of Kansas: Containing a Full Account of Its Growth from an Uninhabited Territory to a Wealthy and Important State; Of Its Early Settlements; Its Rapid Increase in Population; And the Marvelous Development of Its Great Natural Resources. Also, a Supplementary History and Description of Its Counties, Cities, Towns and Villages, Their Advantages, Industries, Manufactures and Commerce; To Which Are Added Biographical Sketches and Portraits of Prominent Men and Early Settlers. Chicago: A. T. Andreas, 1883. Cited as Andreas; an important source on county organization.
Kane, Joseph Nathan. American Counties: Origins of Names, Dates of Creation and Organization, Area, Population, Historical Data, and Published Sources. 3d ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1972.
Kansas. General Laws of the State of Kansas. Lawrence [et al.], 1861–. Title varies. The session laws of the state of Kansas. Cited as Kans. Laws.
“Kansas Counties,” Kansas State Historical Society, 20 October 2004, http://www.kshs.org/genealogists/places/counties.htm. Useful overview on the history and development of Kansas counties, including extinct counties. Includes many helpful links.
Kansas Statutes Annotated 1995. Vol 2. Topeka: Kansas Division of Printing–Department of Administration, 1995. The most current official collection of Kansas statutes in force, as of 2005. Volume 2 (chapter 18) contains county boundary descriptions.
Kansas Supreme Court. Kansas Reports. 1858–. Reports of cases heard before the Supreme Court of Kansas. Cited as Kansas Rpts.
Kansas Territory. Statutes of the Territory of Kansas. Shawnee Mission [et al.], 1855–1861. Title varies. The session laws of Kansas Territory. Cited as Kans. Terr. Laws.
Lainhart, Ann S. State Census Records. [Baltimore]: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992.
MacDonald, Grace E., comp. Check-List of Session Laws. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1936. Complemented by Pollack (below), this guide lists all state session laws through 1935.
MacDonald, Grace E., comp. Check-List of Statutes of States of the United States of America, Including Revisions, Compilations, Digests, Codes and Indexes. Providence: Oxford Press, 1937. The most complete guide to state codes through 1937.
Malin, James C., ed. “J. A. Walker’s Early History of Edwards County.” Kansas Historical Quarterly 9 (1940): 259–284.
Millbrook, Minnie Dubbs. “Dr. Samuel Grant Rodgers, Gentleman from Ness.” Kansas Historical Quarterly 20 (February 1953): 305–349. Explains the widespread incidence of the fraudulent organization of counties in Western Kansas, with special attention to Pawnee and Ness Counties.
Millbrook, Minnie Dubbs. Ness: Western County, Kansas. Detroit: Millbrook Printing Co., 1955.
Missouri.Laws of Missouri. St. Louis, 1820–. Cited as Mo. Laws.
Mooney, Vol. P. History of Butler County, Kansas. Lawrence: Standard Publishing Co., 1916.
New Handbook of Texas. 6 vols. Ron Tyler et al., eds. Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1996.
Official State Atlas of Kansas. Compiled from Government Surveys, County Records and Personal Investigations. Philadelphia: L. H. Everts and Co., 1887. Contains detailed, large-scale maps of Kansas counties and towns.
Parry, Clive, ed. Consolidated Treaty Series. 231 vols. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.: Oceana Publications, 1969–1981.
Paullin, Charles O. Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States. Edited by John K. Wright. Washington, D.C., and New York: Carnegie Institution of Washington and American Geographical Society of New York, 1932. Excellent section on international and interstate boundary disputes.
Pioneers of the Bluestem Prairie; Kansas Counties: Clay, Geary, Marshall, Pottawatomie, Riley, Wabaunsee, Washington. Manhattan, Kan.: Riley County Genealogical Society, 1976.
Pollack, Ervin H., comp. Supplement with Bibliographical Notes, Emendations, and Additions to the Check List of Session Laws, Complied by Grace E. MacDonald. Preliminary ed. Boston: National Association of State Libraries, 1941. Fills gap in MacDonald’s 1936 compilation (above) to produce the most complete list of state session laws through 1935.
Rabenhorst, Thomas D., and Carville V. Earle, eds. Historical U.S. County Outline Map Collection, 1840–1980. Baltimore: Department of Geography, University of Maryland (Baltimore County), 1984. A portfolio of redrawn federal maps; no supporting text or documentation.
Rath, Ida Ellen. Early Ford County. North Newton, Kansas: Mennonite Press, 1964.
Republic of Texas. Laws of the Republic of Texas. Houston [et al.], 1838–1845. Title varies. Session laws of the Republic of Texas. Cited as Texas Repub. Laws.
Rohrbough, Malcolm J. Land Office Business: Settlement and Administration of American Public Lands, 1789–1837. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968.
Royce, Charles C., comp. “Indian Land Cessions in the United States.” Part 2 of Eighteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1896–1897. Washington, D.C., 1899. The standard authority in its field; state maps detail all Indian land-cession treaties with the federal government.
Rydjord, John. Kansas Place-Names. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1972.
Sanders, Gwendoline, and Paul Sanders. Harper County Story. North Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Press, 1968.
Scott County Centennial Commission. Scott County, Kansas: Celebrating 100 Years! 1886–1986. N.p.: Scott County Centennial Commission, 1986.
Sealock, Richard B., Margaret M. Sealock, and Margaret S. Powell. Bibliography of Place-Name Literature: United States and Canada. 3d ed. Chicago: American Library Association, 1982.
Sinko, Peggy Tuck. Guide to Local and Family History at the Newberry Library. Salt Lake City: Ancestry Publishing, 1987.
Socolofsky, Homer E., and Huber Self. Historical Atlas of Kansas. 2d ed. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1988.
Stanley, Ellen May. Early Lane County History:12,000 B.C.–A.D. 1884. Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Press, 1993.
Stewart, Lowell O. Public Land Survey: History, Instructions, Methods. 1935. Reprint. Minneapolis: Meyers Printing Co., 1976.
Swindler, William F., ed. Sources and Documents of United States Constitutions. 10 vols. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.: Oceana Publications, 1973–1979. The most complete and up-to-date compilation for the states.
Territorial Papers of the United States. Vols. 1–26 edited by Clarence E. Carter; vols. 27–28 edited by John P. Bloom. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1934–1975. Cited as Terr. Papers U.S.
Texas. Laws of the State of Texas. Austin [et al.], 1846–. Title varies. The session laws of the state of Texas. Cited as Texas Laws.
Texas Repub. Laws. See Republic of Texas.
Thorndale, William, and William Dollarhide. Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses, 1790–1920. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1987. An atlas of well-designed county outline maps for each state, accompanied by a bibliography and an explanation of methodology.
United States. Statutes at Large of the United States of America, 1789–1873. 17 vols. Boston: Little, Brown, 1845–1874. Vols. 18–. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1875–. Cited as U.S. Stat.
Van Meter, Sondra. Marion County, Kansas: Past and Present. Hillsboro, Kan.: Marion County Historical Society, 1972.
Van Zandt, Franklin K. Boundaries of the United States and the Several States. Geological Survey Professional Paper 909. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1976. The standard compilation for its subject.
Wallace County History: With Sketches of Its Towns and Townships, Educational, Religious, Civil, Military and Political History; Portraits and Biographies of Prominent Citizens and Family Stories. A Story of Grass, Grit and Chips. Sharon Springs, Kan.: Wallace County Historians, 1979.
Wichita County History Association. History of Wichita County, Kansas. Vol. 1. Leoti, Kan.: Wichita County History Association, 1980.
Winter, Maureen, ed. Indians to Industry: A History of Hays and Ellis County Prepared for the Celebration of the 1967 Centennial. N.p.: Ellis County Star, 1967.
Wynkoop, Edward E. “Edward Wanshear Wynkoop.” Kansas State Historical Society, Collections 13 (1913–1914): 71–79.
Zornow, William Frank. Kansas: History of the Jayhawk State. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1957.